Location: North Weyr Time: Evening on Day 22, Month 2, Turn 4 Players: Roa and Penny Scene: Penny alerts the Weyrwoman to the current state of the Headmaster.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 4, Month 2, Turn 4 Players: Penny and Roa Scene: Penny goes to visit Roa, but things that happen before she visited Roa make that visit an unhappy one.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 22, Month 6, Turn 3 (backdated) Players: Roa, Penny, Tialith Scene: As promised, Penny returns to get a bit of information on the Weyrleader. But, they never quite get that far.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 20, Month 6, Turn 3 Players: Roa and Penny Scene: The weyrwoman offers Penny an opportunity to do what she does best.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 10, Month 1, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Penny, and Tialith Scene: Penny pays an unexpected visit and tries to mend slightly damaged bridges.
Location: Room off the Crafthall Time: evening on Day 25, Month 8, Turn 2 Players: Penny and Roa Scene: Touching base, things have again shifted between the two girls.
Location: Room off the Crafthall Time: Evening on Day 10, Month 7, Turn 2 immediately after this log. Players: Penny, Roa, Vej (NPCed by Penny) Scene: Roa begins to interview victims of the mysterious attacks.
Location: Weyr Crafthall Time: Early afternoon on Day 10, Month 7, Turn 2 Players: Penny, Roa, and Vej (NPCed by Penny) Scene: Penny wants answers, and Roa won't give them.
Location: Crafthall and Bowl Time: Afternoon on Day 22, Month 6, Turn 2 Players: Roa, Penny, Vej (NPC) Scene: Roa tries to convince Penny to visit the Captain before it's too late.
Location: The Feeding Grounds and Dragon Barracks Time: backdated to Afternoon on Day 5, Month 6, Turn 2 Players: Penny and Roa Scene: Penny and Roa catch up. And by 'catch up' I mean gossip. And by 'gossip' I mean 'talk about all the boys'.