Is it still a bandwagon if you missed it?

Jan 09, 2005 23:35

Ask me four questions. Any four. I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all. In return you have to post this in your journal and answer all the questions that are asked of you.


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Comments 10

the_sky_cries January 10 2005, 19:31:40 UTC
1. Why do you take such pride in pooing? Is it a boy thing, or just a James thing?

2. If the world was going to explode tomorrow and you had to pack to live the rest of your life in a bomb shelter, what 3 movies, 3 books, 3 albums and 3 video games would you put in your satchel?

3. Can you join forces with Jess to help me get a job at Public Outreach this summer?

4. Who's your favorite AmeriCanadian?


roaringfraser January 13 2005, 03:04:24 UTC
1. This is actually a very good question. I don't know that I'd call it pride, but I definitely do have a certain fascination with the act of defecation, on a humourous level. I dunno... I've maintained for a while that nothing unites people like the shared appreciation of a really good shit, and it's kinda true. No matter your gender, age, religion, creed, politics, orientation or what-have-you... everybody poops. And I'm pretty sure everyone knows what it's like to grunt and strain and launch a little personal torpedo. There's a level of relief and satisfaction there that everyone can identify with. It's a crass, earthy and humble function that unites us as human beings, and as mammals ( ... )


pelagicboreas January 10 2005, 22:42:43 UTC
1) What inspires the idea of God, anyway? Like, is it a feeling of isolation in the universe, of trying to come to terms with seemingly random and terrible events, or is it a genuine sense of the interconnectedness of nature that's otherwise unexplained?

2) If you could choose one moment since you came to York that moves you every time you think of it, what would it be?

3) What's your dream?

4) When Luke burned Vader's armour at the end of ROTJ, was Anakin even in there or had he disappeared like Obi-Wan and Yoda?


roaringfraser January 13 2005, 03:23:23 UTC
1. I would have to say both. I mean, in the original stirrings of human spirituality and religion, I think we created the idea of beings larger than ourselves in order to explain the world, to give order and reason to why rain falls and steam rises, why children quicken in women's wombs and every last person ends up in the ground... and in that sense, Science is simply the latest in a long line of gods ( ... )


Shouting at you from my perch on the bandwagon... paradox35 January 11 2005, 04:14:33 UTC
1) What has been your greatest achievement in life this far?
2) List and describe (if necessary) three things you want to do with your life. (Now promise me you will actually get off your butt and do them.)
3) Personal philosophy of life - what is it (Be as succinct as possible but answer the question completely.)
4) Look way back in the depths of your memory (gah it's murky in there!) and recall for me - What was your favourite memory of highschool?
5) Have I used enough brackets to make even William Goldman proud? (DAMN! That's five questions. Oh well, I suck at math anyway.)


Re: Shouting at you from my perch on the bandwagon... roaringfraser January 13 2005, 03:29:12 UTC
1. Continuing to breathe. I got this far. That's more than a lot of people. So, props to me! Other than that, Frosh Week x3, yo.

2. Create something of lasting importance.
Father a daughter and a son.
Learn to draw.

3. Endure. Adapt. Inspire.

4. Oh jeezus... it's a toss-up between getting into the Sears Festival for the first time, and accepting my Platinum Award for Extracurricular Involvement. I think. *shrug*


jessimocha January 13 2005, 08:56:49 UTC
1. when you fly, what's your happy thought?

2. if you could have any physical thing with you always and forever, something that would never perish or fall apart, maybe something you have now, what would it be?

3. if you could choose one thing to happen to your consciousness/your soul/whatever when you die, what would you choose? reincarnation? living in the next life? nothing? somethign else?

4. what's your favourite memory of me? (so it's a selfish question... *shrug*)

ps. you've already fathered a daughter. for reals, yo


jessimocha January 21 2005, 05:19:06 UTC
1. why won't you answer my questions?

2. why don't you do it now?

3. or now?

4. or now, even?


roaringfraser January 22 2005, 01:24:44 UTC
1. They are very hard, especially the first one.

2. I wanted to think about it for a while.

3. Then I forgot.

4. Ok, ok!


roaringfraser January 22 2005, 01:30:49 UTC
1. I really don't know. I've been wracking my brain for my happy thought this past week, and I don't know. I mean, I can come up with happy memories, but there's not really anything in my brain that I know is guaranteed to make me happy anytime I think of it.

Although "Porcelin-Cracking Prana" comes close.

2. My body.

3. An actual, honest-to-jeebus afterlife where I keep all my memories and am still really me would be kickass. And along those lines, I would opt for Valhalla.

Come on! Battle and glory all day, feasting and drinking all night... then you get up and do it again!! The Norse have the best fucking Heaven EVER.

4. This is the other really hard one. I don't know, Lil' Petal. I have so many wonderful memories of you. The first time you called me "Dad" and meant it. Paris. The first time we got you stoned. Chicago. Naruto. Kenshin. It goes on and on...


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