[fic] drabble "Home From War" series

Mar 05, 2008 22:58

Title: drabble from the "Home From War" series
Pairing: Angelo/Jubilee, Jono/Paige
Summary: A few days after Everett uses Jubilee's powers against her in a training session, the team heads to a summer faire, but Angelo and Jubilee don't feel quite up to staying.

Everett was missing out... )


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Comments 2

salpal March 6 2008, 05:59:00 UTC
This is so sweet. Aw, the two of them. Aw, post-OZT angst. You can always get me with that. Heh.

Did you actually write about the synching incident? Did I miss that somehow?


roadtriphome March 6 2008, 14:52:59 UTC
*BEAMS* Post-OZT angst, especially for those two is so easy to write - especially since I have the need to take it back from the shittastic way it was presented to us through Marvel. *le sigh* I have a mission. *lol* But yeah, those two, they were so affected by it, it's so easy to have them bond over it. He (despite Everett's wish dream) is the only one who thought of her at all during that time apart. She's the only person I can see understanding why he needed to be back in California at that time. They really are alike ( ... )


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