Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Size Doesn't Matter
Pairing: Centon..with a few mentions of Codiasi here and there I guess:)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat non-con, there might be some blood spilled, some know, the usual;)
Disclaimers: No beta, yada yada...all these mistakes are mine and mine only. And of course it is AU, as always. I
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I love your sick, twisted Randal, and your just as sick and twisted John. And your sick and twisted mind for coming up with all this. Yup, love it all.
Another thing I like is how in so many of your fics you include the senses, and you make a point to mention them. It's become like a running theme throughout them, so to point out how John was down two, yeah, it was a nice touch.
Have any more of these unfinished fics lying around?
guilty conscience....
STOP IT!!!! i have to leave for work and i cannot. stop. laughing.
"not up my ass" she says... hahahsahahdakjh SURE SURE
i'm SERIOUS, damn it! now you've got me laughing about it, though but still....i said NOT up my ass! nothing. ever. everevereverever. oh god, this is so gross. but i'm still filing that bit away for future use, so expect to see it sometime not soon lol jeff will prob use it on matt...
hahahha!! my dad had like 5 of those. oh god, ew. yeah...i think jeff had like a box because he had that sautering iron in it that he used to engrave the word "MINE" into matt's head with. *reads back last sentence to self* O____O i need to be committed, fo real.
lmfaoooo i LOVE those apples, tyvm! matter of fact, i think i'll take one of those apples and use it to inflict copius amounts of pain onto Cody somehow. maybe have teddy try to knock it off of his head with a stream of hot cum. after it's been used to gag him with first, of course.
awwww, but i love that series...i wish i had that kind of angst still in me. ugh, whatever happened to that???
i do?? hahhaaa..i had no idea. hmmm...maybe i should get a new schtick then. and i actually had to count them to make sure i was using the right ones shhhhh!!! *hangs head*
ummmm....why yes, yes i do!! gonna start on one of them tonight, so that means you should see the finished product sometime around christmas:P
thank youuuuu! love me some double s, yes i do!!
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