LOTS Matching Avatar & Banner Challenge at The Confessor & The Seeker Society

Mar 01, 2009 16:32

Hi! I've got an art challenge currently running over at The Confessor and the Seeker Society. To participate you have to be a forum member. Click banner to join!

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icon, fan challenge, banner, legend of the seeker, avatar

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Comments 2

missladyvenus March 2 2009, 16:05:48 UTC
Going to take a few of these to work on. Eventhough I have yet to watch the show, these shots are just too fabulous NOT to work on. :)


rkc_erika March 2 2009, 18:51:58 UTC
The eps are all up on Hulu.com - be sure to watch the 2 hour pilot - you'll be totally hooked!

Can't wait to see what you can make w/ the promos!


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