LOTS Matching Avatar & Banner Challenge at The Confessor & The Seeker Society

Mar 01, 2009 16:32

Hi! I've got an art challenge currently running over at The Confessor and the Seeker Society. To participate you have to be a forum member. Click banner to join!

This challenge has a bunch of restrictions to it so pay close attention to them before you embark on participating. Any entries that I receive that do not adhere to the rules will be returned and asked to be redone if time permits.

* You can enter up to 3 Avatar/Banner sets and these requirements are needed in order to qualify:

Size: Avatars 100x100 Banners: no larger than 600x200

Images: You must opt to use ONE of the following HQ promo photos below for your entry. The same promo photo must be used in BOTH the avatar and the banner - hence why it's called a matching set challenge.

* You can use brushes, textures, font, whatever you like in your pieces, HOWEVER, you CANNOT use more than the ONE photo that you've chosen for the challenge. The single photo can be repeatedly used, but you cannot use any other LOTS photos on your piece. The only exception would be non-LOTS or other fandom stock images (pictures of roses, trees, rivers, whatever, are fine so long as they're not LOTS related.)

Deadline: March 7th. Voting will take place through March 14th and the winner will be crowned dubbed with a special title under their user name, as well as rewarded with a cool banner soon thereafter.

Please send all entries to me, ERIKA, via PM only.

icon, fan challenge, banner, legend of the seeker, avatar

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