How You Remind Me- Smallville Fic

Sep 28, 2012 00:44

Title: How You Remind Me
Rating: PG-13 (for some adult situations)
Pairings: Chloe/Conner, mentions of Clois and past Chlark and Chlollie.
Spoilers: Season 10, I suppose?
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: While vacationing with her young son, Chloe meets someone who reminds her of ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

Excellent chapter! sephiruto October 2 2012, 18:41:50 UTC
I'm usually a MASSIVE Chlarker, but I have to admit; I loved this story! Well written and the ending was fantastic. And I agree with Conner's opinion of Clark. Thanks for writing a great story. :)


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