How You Remind Me- Smallville Fic

Sep 28, 2012 00:44

Title: How You Remind Me
Rating: PG-13 (for some adult situations)
Pairings: Chloe/Conner, mentions of Clois and past Chlark and Chlollie.
Spoilers: Season 10, I suppose?
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: While vacationing with her young son, Chloe meets someone who reminds her of someone from her past.
Notes: Yes, I went there. lol :p This idea randomly came to me one night about a year ago, and I started it. It ended up taking me several months to finish it, but this is the final product and I'm pretty proud of it. There are some references to the Superboy of the comics, especially in his early days, and if you've a pretty observant person, you'll see not only a nod to one of his love interests, but also a nod to my favorite line EVER from Lois & Clark. Cause you know I have to include it every few fics. :p Enjoy, and feedback is LOVED, so please feel free to comment!

The first time she meets him, it's by complete accident.

She and her five-year-old son are vacationing in Hawaii.

They witness him rescuing a surfer, all smiles and bragging a bit about it afterward.

Chloe finds herself grinning just as her son exclaims, "Whoa, Mommy! Who's that?"

Even if she hadn't seen the big red "S" on the black tank he's wearing, she still would have recognized him.

She runs a hand over her son's ruffled blonde hair. "That's Superboy, honey."

The young man seems to have heard her, and one moment, their eyes are meeting from across the way, and the next, he's standing in front of them.

"Hel-lo, beautiful." he says, with a flirtatious grin.

She almost rolls her eyes at him, and clears her throat, nodding down at her son.

The young hero's attention turns to the earnest child, whose eyes light up in response.

"Heya, kid. What's up?"

"Nothin'... Are you really Superman's clone, like the newspapers say, Superboy?"

Her son is a smart boy, so smart, he's already reading the Planet at his age. The thought makes Chloe smile.

"Sure am... but, ya know, I'm a lot cooler. The Superdude's a little too... uptight, ya know?" Superboy says, matter-of-factly, and the little boy giggles. "So, kid, what's your name?"

"Laurie." The child responds, and Superboy makes a face.

"Geez, man, what kind of name is that for a kid?" he wonders aloud, and Laurie giggles again.

"It's short of Lawrence." Chloe interjects.

Superboy raises a brow. "Seriously?"

She laughs. "Yeah, seriously." She turns to her son. "Sweetie, why don't you see what Miss Sherri's up to?" She points at the kindly older woman sitting a few feet away. She's Laurie's nanny, whom Chloe had asked along to their little trip to paradise. "I'll be joining you in just a few minutes, okay?"

The little boy nods, and after getting a quick high-five from the hero he's just met, he takes off, giggling again.

"Nice kid." Superboy says, and then his attention returns to the blonde in front of him.

He lowers his purple John Lennon-style sunglasses down his nose. "So... have we met before, gorgeous? Cause I swear I've seen those eyes somewhere before."

She suppresses a giggle as she realizes just how much like Bart he sounds, and begins to wonder if he's spent any time with the young speedster.

"No, but you've probably seen me in a few pictures." She extends her hand. "I'm the woman formerly known as Chloe Sullivan... and I'm pretty sure you go by the name Conner."

Her voice is hushed, but it still causes him to raise a finger to his lips.

"Shh! Don't say that name around here. He's supposed to be spending his summer vacation with his Auntie Martha on the farm."

Chloe laughs, and he smiles again, looking over her.

"So you're Clark's BFF. Wow. You are... pretty damn hot. Especially for a mom."

Chloe gives him a look. "Uh... thank you?"

"You're welcome." Another flashy grin. "So how long are you gonna be hangin' around this little slice of heaven?"

"A few days, probably. Why?" she asks, tilting her head.

Conner shrugs, though it's obvious he's probably up to something. "No reason. Maybe I'll see you again, huh?"

"Maybe..." she says, eying him curiously.

And before she can say another word, he's gone.

Yep, he's definitely Clark's offspring.


The second time she meets him, it only seems to be an accident on her part.

She's walking along, heading to the little restaurant where her son and his nanny are waiting for her.

Someone bumps into her, completely catching her off guard, and when she looks up to utter an apology, she's shocked by what she sees.

It's Conner, his hair smoothed down a bit, wearing a plaid shirt, blue jean shorts, and glasses.

He looks up at her, his pretty blue eyes innocent and wide.

"I'm sorry, Miss... Excuse me, have we met someplace before?"

She raises a brow. What's with the act? "Conner... I thought you were vacationing in Smallville for the summer." She really wants to laugh, but doesn't.

"Chloe... is that you?" he asks, giving her a small smile. She doesn't respond, only smiles in return, which prompts him to answer her question. "Well, what I say? I missed my home away from home." He shrugs. "You headed in there? They're pretty awesome."

"Yeah, I am, actually." She thinks about it a moment, and then asks, "Care to join us?" Why not?

"Sure." he says with a smile, and Chloe can practically hear the "Mission Accomplished" echoing off the walls of his half-Kryptonian brain.

As they head in, she leans in close, whispering in his ear. "By the way... in public, it's Cassie."

"Gotcha." he nods, and follows her to her table.

She introduces him to her son and Sherri as Conner Kent, and she's somewhat thankful when Laurie doesn't seem to recognize him as anyone else.

Chloe herself can honestly say she barely recognizes the young man at the table with them.

As the night progresses, Chloe discovers that Conner Kent is a far different specimen than the Boy of Steel. She's puzzled that there seem to be two different young men inhabiting the same body, and she honestly can't tell which is the real Conner.

They say goodbye at the doors of the restaurant, and Chloe finds herself surprised when he kisses her hand.

She's still pondering it hours later, as Laurie and Sherri sleep.

She finds herself wandering out of the hotel, down by the beach, clad in her robe and slippers. She's surprised to discover there's practically no one around, no one bathing in the moonlight that's hitting the sand.

She's reveling in the peace and quiet of the moment, as she walks along the edge of the water.

"I had a good time tonight."

The voice comes out of nowhere, and startles her, making her jump.

She looks up to see Conner standing beside her, sandals in his hand, glasses tucked carefully in his pocket.

Her hand's over his chest, and she sighs with frustration. "God, you are related to Clark."

He chuckles. "Sorry?" he says, a sheepish look on his face, and she can't help but think that, in that moment, it reminds her of Clark.

She studies him for a moment, then finds herself blurting out her innermost thoughts.

"Who are you?"

His brows furrow. "What? Come on, Chloe... you know who I am."

Her eyes narrow. "Yeah, but... I can't figure you out."

"What do you mean?"

"You... you're the biggest puzzle I've encountered since Clark Kent." She lets out a light laugh. "One day, you're Superboy, aka Kon-El, loud and boisterous and bragging and flirting. The next, you're sweet, humble Conner Kent, the boy next door." She shakes her head. "Who are you, really?"

Conner exhales slowly, and seriousness fills his face. "You wanna know who I am, really, off the record?"

She nods, giving him a smile. "Totally off the record."

"Ya wanna sit down for a minute?" he asks, motioning down at the sandy beach.

"Sure." she says, chewing at her bottom lips as she follows his lead, and sits down beside him.

"I wanted to introduce myself to you, formally, as Conner Kent... because that's who I really am, Chloe. The boy in plaid with the goofy jokes who blushes when someone compliments him... that's me. Superboy... he's just a facade. He's just a character I created to protect my true identity. And I've learned how to act." He frowns a bit, looking down. "If you ask me, I think Clark went the stupid route. Seven years ago, Lois gave him that stupid idea to pretend to be someone he's not... for Clark Kent to be a freaking joke, and Superman to be the real thing. The powers don't make the man, Chloe... how you choose to use them does. Conner is who I am... Superboy is just what I do."

She smiles. She understands what he's saying, and she thinks he's wise for his actual and simulated age. She never could understand Clark and Lois's reasoning in that area, either, but had never chosen to say anything. "Well, I'm glad Superboy isn't the real you... because I like Conner better."

And now he's grinning like a possum. "Cool. So tell me... who's the real you- Cassie or Chloe? And who is Cassie, anyway?"

She sighs. "I guess Cassie is my version of Superboy... I created her to protect the real me."

"And what's Cassie like? What does she do?"

"Well, she started out as a reporter at the Star City Sentinel... and as the wife of Oliver Queen. After she had Laurie, the first thing came to an end almost immediately and the second ended a year later. And now Cassie has a blog. An opinion-filled blog. And she gets paid for it."

Conner makes a face. "A blog? How boring. I think I like Chloe better." She laughs, shaking her head. "Do you get to be Chloe very often anymore?"

She shakes her head sadly. "No... I haven't been Chloe in a long time."

"Well... what are you doing tomorrow night? Do you have plans?"

The question surprises her, and she glances over at him.

"No, not really."

"Well why don't we go out... just the two of us? We can have a later dinner or something." He gives her a little sideways grin, one that reminds her of the way Clark used to smile at her. For some reason, it makes her heart skip a beat. "You could leave Cassie behind for the night... and I'll leave Superboy. Sound good?"

She nods slowly, smiling back at him. "Yeah... sure."

"Alright... I'll see you tomorrow night, then." He leans toward her, lightly pressing his lips to her cheek. "Good night, Chloe."

"Good night." she says, as she watches him get up to leave.

He's only taken a few steps when she speaks up again.


He turns to look at her. "Yeah?"

"I had a good time, too."

They share a smile, and then, he's gone.


The first time they go out, he picks her up at 8:30 and takes her to an old-fashioned luau.

The conversations they share are light-hearted and fun at first, mainly comments about the food and the entertainment.

But after a while, things get serious, as topics like her failed marriage and the human part of his genetics come up.

"It's so hard for me to believe that there's any part of Lex in you." she says, as her eyes study his face. "You're nothing like him."

His face and tone are soft. "I try not to be." He looks down a moment. "I've got a hell of a bad temper, though. You hurt someone I love, and I'm totally ready to maim you."

She grins and laughs. "Trust me, that's not a Luthor thing." He glances up at her words. "Clark has a terrible temper. On several occasions, I think he was about to kill Lex over me." The smile slowly begins to drop, and her eyes lower. "At one point, he would have been willing to do anything to protect me."

"I would, too..."

She hears his faint whisper, just as she feels his hand going over hers.

A faint memory of Clark touching her hand the exact same way, years ago, as he'd asked her to the journalism conference, pops into her head. It makes her heart hurt, which is apparently in her face.

"You miss him, don't you?" he asks, his steely blue eyes directly on hers.

She realizes, in that moment, with tears threatening, that those eyes are all Clark.

"I do." she whispers. "A lot, sometimes. He was my best friend... and my hero. For so long. And all that seems to be gone. Long gone." If she would be honest with herself, Clark had been a lot more than that. That's why letting him go had been so hard to accept.

"What about Oliver? Was he ever your hero?"

"No... he probably should have been. But it just... wasn't the same." She shakes her head. "He saved me in so many ways, Conner... and not just from the bad guys. So many times, he saved me from myself." She sighs. "But, eventually, I had to learn to save myself. There wasn't a hero waiting in the wings to do it for me anymore."

There's a moment of silence then. Not an awkward one, by any means. Kind of a comfortable one, as if he's taking in what she's said.

And then he surprises her.

"Can I be your hero, Chloe?"


"Can I save you? From yourself?" She knows he's serious. His face and his tone say it all. "You can't let your memories of Clark bring you down. I won't let you do that to yourself. He served his purpose in your life. Now it's time for you to let someone else in. And a girl like you? Deserves to have a hero."

Tears slip down her cheeks uncontrollably, and she shakes her head, a smile beginning to surface.

"Conner... you're so sweet. You're... you're... special, Conner. I see so much of the old Clark in you. And yet... you are... so... you. That's only a part of who you are. And I really don't see any of Lex in you. It seems... non-existent."

He smiles. She's so cute when she's rambling. "Thanks... I think you're pretty special, too, Chloe."

She's blushing faintly, then and mouths a "thank you".

It's been a while since anyone made her blush.

It's a short time later when he starts to walk her back to her hotel room.

They take a shortcut, taking off their shoes so they can tip-toe through the sand.

She bites down on her bottom lip nervously as he reaches for her hand. She takes it slowly, and is then surprised by how right it feels.

"So... what was it like to be Chloe again?" he asks.

She smiles up at him. "It was nice... wonderful, actually. I kinda feel ten years younger."

"Well, that's great... not that you look it, by the way." He winks, and she giggles.

"Was it nice just being Conner for once?"

He's quick to answer, and his response makes her giggle again. "Oh, hell, yeah! It seems I never get to be myself around anyone. Except maybe Aunt Martha."

She nods. "Good... I think you need someone or something like that. And someone you can relate to."

"You do, too." he reminds her. "Guess you could kinda say that we're two kindred spirits."

She tilts her head. "I guess so."

They make it to the hotel within minutes, and to her room moments after that.

"Well... this is my stop, I'm afraid." She even hears the disappointment in her own voice. She also sees it in his face.

"Yeah..." he clears his throat. "So... whatcha up to tomorrow?"

"Hmm..." she pauses, pondering it. "There's nothing on the itinerary, I believe."

"Well, uh, good, cause... I'm taking you and the munchkin somewhere."

She raises a brow. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. He seems like a cool kid. I'd like to get to know him better, too."

She studies his face for a moment, then laughs. "This part of your plan to romance me? Buddy up to my kid?"

"Well... yeah." he shrugs. "Actually, yeah. You guys are a package, so..."

"You're... you're serious, aren't you?"

He chuckles. "Uh... yeah. I thought that was obvious, Chloe. I like you. A lot."

Her face softens. "I like you, too, Conner."

"Well, then... we're on for tomorrow, right?"


They both grin at her one-word response, and he laughs.



She's looking at him, and he's looking at her, and there seem to be waves of nervousness bouncing around them everywhere.

Finally, he steps forward, closing the space between then, and kisses her softly on the lips.

It's tender, and it's sweet, and it's somehow nothing like Clark. And it's all that that makes it perfect.

His breath is hot on her lips as he pulls away, and she feels herself wanting more. It feels as if it's just a tease, something to taunt her until the following day.

They say their good nights, and she slips into her room, her head spinning.

He's so much like Clark, and yet, he's not.

And she likes him.

A lot.

And it makes her wonder if it means she still has feelings for Clark.

She tries to ignore it, and swears she won't lose any sleep over it.

And she doesn't.


The first time Laurie's nanny really sees her with him, she has to say something about it.

"So, is it serious?" The kindly older woman asks.

"Excuse me?" Chloe asks, raising a brow.

"You and Conner."

She's seen him every day for the last four days, since that night they originally went out.

"Um... it's not." Chloe insists, though she's looking down when she says it.

"Cassie, please... I've seen the way he looks at you... and you, him. And you're the happiest I've ever seen you, the entire three years I've been working for you." The woman has plenty of wisdom to go with her, and she's no fool.

"Well... I... I don't know, Sherri. I... really like him." Chloe sighed.


"I'm trying to take this slow. I... I don't want to get hurt again."

"Like his cousin hurt you?" Sherri asks, rather pointedly. Chloe's jaw drops, a bit perplexed. Sherri smiles and laughs. "Oh, Cassie... I know more than you think I do. The way you talk about Clark... it's pretty obvious to me that you loved him."

Chloe nods solemnly. "Yeah... I did."

"Well.. Conner is not his cousin, Cassie. He might have blood and genes and other things in common with him, but he is not Clark. He's his own man, and who knows? He might be the right man... for you."

Chloe looks down again, taking in the nanny's words. "Maybe..."

Sherri smiled. "You'll see."


The first time she's honest with herself is when he's honest with her.

It's been two days after her conversation with Sherri, and seven since she started seeing him. She even decided to extend her vacation, just to be able to spend more time with him.

"Chloe?" he asks, his voice hushed, as they sit side-by-side in the sand, like they did the night he asked her out.

"Hmm?" She raises her head from his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something, and I hope you won't freak out?"

Her brow furrows. "I don't think you would... what is it, Conner?"

"I... I know it sounds crazy, and it might be weird, considering... who I am and where I came from and everything, but... I think I'm... I think I'm falling for you, Chloe."

Her heart falls into her stomach and she swallows hard, as she looks into his eyes.

Conner clears his throat. "And... don't think that means I expect you to feel the same way. It's soon, I know. I'm falling hard, and I'm falling fast. I've never known anyone like you, Chloe."

As he speaks, her hand raises, touching his cheek.

The truth is, Chloe knew someone like Conner a long time ago... but that man changed when he grew up, and became unrecognizable. Something tells her Conner won't be the same. He won't change, not in the way that Clark did.

And it's then that she realizes the gravity of what Sherri had said. And maybe she was right.

She smiles. "Give me time. I'll catch up."

He smiles in return and presses his lips to hers.


The first time they make love, it's filled with a passion unlike anything she's ever known.

It happens only days after his confession, in her hotel room.

And to her surprise, she initiates it.

She can tell how in-experienced he is, right from the beginning. He's bumbling and slow and so beyond careful. She'd even guess he's a virgin, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't take him long to figure out how to play her body like a harp. He quickly learns what she needs, and how she needs it, and before long, he has her trembling in his arms.

And as she lays there, holding him close, lost in his sweet whispers and tender kisses, she realizes something.

She's in love with a Kent again. And this time, that love is returned.

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