All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You- AU Smallville fanfic

Jul 16, 2006 20:20

Title: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Chlark; brief references to Clois and Clana
Spoilers: General season five, up through Fade. Also, a small reference to Whisper (season 3).
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, Clark and Chloe would have gotten together a freaking long time ago. So, yeah, whatever.
Summary: Five years after an unforgettable night, Clark Kent discovers something he never would've dreamed was possible.
Warnings: READ: This is for mature audiences only. To be blunt, it's smutty, people. If you're not into that, then don't read. Other than that, there's a bit of strong language. You have been warned.
Notes: This story is set up in an AU where Brainiac never returned in Hypnotic, and the events of Oracle and Vessel never happened. In fact, parts of this story happened in place of the events in Oracle and Vessel. Just trying to be clear.
On another note, I have been very uninspired lately story-wise, which is why I had a poll in my journal to pick what I was going to write next. I'd like to thank the five people who voted for this one, because it ended up with the most votes. I always loved this idea (I came up with it a few months back), but I guess I never had the heart to write it. Once I started, though, I couldn't stop, and I grew overly passionate about the story. I think it's one of my best to date now, so again, I must thank the five that voted for this.

So we found this hotel
It was a place I knew well
We made magic that night
Oh, he did everything right
He brought the woman out of me
So many times, easily
And in the morning when he woke all I left him was a note

Don't try to find me, please don't you dare
Just live in my memory, you'll always be there

All I wanna do is make love to you
One night of love was all we knew
All I wanna do is make love to you
I've got lovin' arms to hold on to

~All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You- Heart~

Five years.

It had been five long years since he had last seen her, and very little had changed about her. She was still that impish little blonde spitfire she had been since they first met.

She was so much the same, but so different. She was more womanly, more mature. She'd filled out in places he'd never thought she would.

And as he stood there, he couldn't help but be stunned at the sight before him. It was unbelievable. It seemed impossible. There was no way that it could be real, and yet it was. It was so much more real than anything he'd seen, felt, or experienced in the last five years. He really couldn't believe it. He was really...

~~Five Years Earlier~~

Chloe sighed as she drove down the road in the pouring rain.

Sadness was etched across her face. Things were going to be so different the next day. She would be leaving not just Kansas, but the United States, for five whole years.

As it turned out, the Daily Planet had a paper in England as well, and Editor Kahn was becoming so impressed with Chloe's work that she suggested she spend some time there. She said that the British edition of the Planet was short of good reporters.

So working with Met U, it was arranged that Chloe would stay in England for five years, four of which would be spent finishing college on a special scholarship.

Chloe had told no one but her father about it, because she knew he was the only one who wouldn't try to convince her to stay.

It was arranged for her to leave the following day. She was leaving a full three weeks before her freshman year ended, but it was only to get her an early start. She'd driven to Smallville to say goodbye to everyone she loved, and then it was back to Metropolis to finish cleaning out her dorm room.

She bit her lip, then frowned.

Things hadn't gone exactly as she'd planned them to.

She'd said goodbye to her father, and then had stopped by the Talon to bid her cousin farewell. Then it was out to the Kent farm.

Martha was shocked, but handled the sudden announcement quite well. Clark, on the other hand, had been so upset he'd stormed out at lightening-speed. He believed her reason for leaving was his fault. He felt she was leaving because she could not handle knowing his secret, just as Pete had. It wasn't anywhere near Clark's fault, but he truly wasn't understanding that.

She sighed again, shaking her head, and tried to calm herself as she continued to drive.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, she saw someone standing out in the rain at the side of the road, waving their arms frantically.

She moved the car toward that side of the road, and cautiously slowed the car. She lowered the window a crack, and her eyes widened when she saw that it was Clark.

"Clark!" Her brows furrowed. "What's going on?"

He looked pale. Almost deathly pale.

"I... I ran... about fifty miles." He was stuttering, shivering from the cold rain. "I... I started back, and I... I started to feel sick."

"Do you think you ran into some Kryptonite?" she wondered, and he nodded quickly, looking sicker by the minute. She motioned. "Get in. God..." She bit her lip again, looking worried.

He opened the car door, and slumped inside, shivering uncontrollably.

"It's too late to drive back into Smallville, and it's raining too hard to really keep going." she said. "There's a hotel about three miles from here. I was gonna check in for the night. Would you mind staying with me? Just so I can keep an eye on you?"

He nodded. "Yeah... I... I think I need to lay down."

She nodded, and then started down the road again, stealing glances at him every now and then.

Chloe helped Clark stumble into their room only fifteen minutes later, and he promptly fell flat across the big bed on his back.

He groaned as she locked the door. "God, I'm away from it. Why's it still bothering me?"

"I'm not sure." she whispered, starting to worry even more now. "But... since you're sick, you get the bed. I'll sleep in the chair." She pointed to a chair that sit in a corner of the room, and he immediately shook his head, sitting up.

"I can't let you do that, Chloe." he muttered, and she rolled her eyes. Here he was, sick as a dog, and still wanting to do the gentlemanly thing by giving her the bed. "Hey... why don't we just share it?" The idea suddenly formed, and he just blurted it out, causing her to blush.

"Are you sure?" she wondered, and he nodded. She eyed him, and then shook her head. "You're still trembling. We need to get you warm." She kneeled in front of the bed, grabbing one of his feet, untying and pulling off his shoe.

As she pulled off the second shoe and tossed it over her shoulder, she didn't notice the small chunk of meteor rock wedged between the cleats on the bottom of his thick boot.

Though the meteor rock was no longer on him, it was still close to the bed, and therefore still effected him a bit.

She urged him to get under the covers, and after kicking off her heels, joined him there.

She put her arms around him, and he seemed to tense up a bit. "I know I'm little, and you're big, and my body warmth probably isn't going to be much, but it's worth a try, right?" She managed a small smile, and he nodded, easing up a little.

They lay in silence for quite a while, until he finally spoke, breaking the tension between them.

"Chloe, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For... getting so upset with you." He sighed softly. "I just... you're... you're my best friend. You mean... the world to me. I don't know what I'll do without you."

Tears met her eyes, and she looked up at his face. He was still pale, and, to her surprise, he was crying.

"God, Clark, I..." Her chin quivered, and she fought her tears, but they fell anyway. "I'll miss you... so much. You mean the world to me, too."

"You're... you're not leaving for the same reason Pete did?" His voice fell to a whisper. "Because of my secret?"

She shook her head. "It's for my career. I'm moving to advance myself. You know how important journalism is to me. This is my chance to show everyone what I'm made of."

He nodded slowly. "Promise me something."

"What?" She studied his face, trying to read his emotions.

"That you won't forget me." he whispered, sniffling.

"Oh, Clark..." She touched his cheek, sobbing softly. "I could never forget you. I'd never want to forget you."

She pulled him closer, hugging him, holding him tightly, not wanting to let him go.

He held onto her just as tightly, and buried his face in her shoulder, crying softly.

She couldn't help but hurt for him, and partially regret her decision. He'd lost so much this year. He'd lost his innocence, he'd lost Lana (in more ways than one), and he'd lost his father. Now he was losing his best friend to her career, and to another country.

As she moved back from him, she placed a tender kiss on his forehead. When she gazed into his face again, their eyes automatically locked, and suddenly, something passed between them that she'd never felt before. It was an emotion, but she wasn't clearly positive as to which one.

Before she realized what was happening, his face had neared hers, his lips less than half an inch away from her own. She could feel his breath on her lips, and suddenly shivered. His lips very gently brushed over hers, and she shivered again.

"Clark..." she managed to whisper, wanting to say more, but feeling it wouldn't come out.

He stared into her eyes, lifting his hand to her face, and tenderly pressed his lips back to hers.

She whimpered softly as his tongue swiped over her bottom lip, and then slowly parted her lips.

She felt a pang of desire go through her as his tongue touched hers, and held back a moan.

His mouth explored hers, and finally, she gave in, moaning softly into his mouth.

He suddenly broke the kiss, pulling back to look at her.


"Yes, Clark?"

"Do you trust me?"

It was a dumb question, but she answered anyway.

"With my life."

He swallowed hard. "This may be the last time we see each other... at least for a while."

She nodded slowly, her hand moving to lay on his chest. "Don't ask, Clark. Just do it. Just make love to me." Her voice was shaking. "I don't wanna talk anymore. It hurts to much. All I wanna do is make love to you."

He swallowed again, and she could suddenly feel his heart pounding wildly in that big chest of his.

She kissed him this time, trying to convey everything she'd ever felt for him in just one kiss.

He moved closer to her, returning the kiss with nearly as much emotion, and gently moved her until she was laying on her back.

As he deepened their kiss, her small hands began to work over the buttons of his blue and red plaid shirt. It was fully open within a few seconds, and he pulled away long enough to shrug it off his shoulders.

She stared at his muscular form, biting her lip as he opened the single button on her blazer, then gently worked it off her.

Her blouse came next as her gaze shifted to his face. She sat up as he pushed it off her shoulders and down her arms.

He started to get off the bed, presumably to remove his jeans, but he still seemed weak to her, and she caught his arm.

"You're still sick. Lay down and I'll do it." she whispered, and he only waited a moment before doing as she asked.

She slowly finished undressing him, and once he was fully naked before her, she noticed his cheeks turn a vibrant red.

She smiled sweetly at him as she admired his body. "You have the body of a Greek god... actually, better than a Greek god."

She leaned over him to kiss him, and then moved off the bed to unzip her skirt. It fell, puddling at her feet, and she stood still as she removed her bra and panties.

Her own cheeks burned as she stepped out of the pile of clothes, and his greenish-blue eyes slid over her soft feminine form.

She moved back onto the bed, and he gave her a tiny grin. "You have a beautiful body... like a goddess." His words mimicked what she'd said only moments before, and he blushed again as she turned redder.

She leaned down to kiss him again, and then laid down, pulling him toward her, urging him over her.

Their skin made contact, and he inhaled sharply, while she shivered, a moan forming in her throat.

He pressed his lips to hers as one of her legs lifted, her knee touching his hipbone.

"Clark, I need you." she whispered against his lips, her arms slowly moving around his shoulders. "I need you so very bad."

He said nothing as he gently began to enter her. He slowly slipped into her waiting heat, inch by inch, trying to be as delicate as he could with her. He knew she was no virgin, but he was still scared of hurting her.

She gasped sharply as he began to fill her, but it wasn't a gasp of pain, and she made sure he knew that by letting out a small moan. It was more out of her surprise at his size. He definitely wasn't a small guy, and yet he seemed to fit her so perfectly. She felt like he was what she'd been missing all her life, as if he were a part of her.

Once he'd filled her completely, he laid still, unmoving, giving her time to fully adjust.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, and he looked into her eyes, silently asking if she was ready.

"Make love to me." she whispered in response.

His hips began to move against hers then, creating a slow and steady pace.

He kissed over her jaw, and down her neck. She moaned softly, tilting her head back, giving him better access. He gently sucked at a spot on the side of her neck, and her hands moved upward to thread into his hair.

His mouth moved lower, his hips starting to move slightly faster.

When his lips lightly touched over one breast, she moaned his name softly. He suddenly let out a groan, and the mere sound of it turned her on even more.

Her muscles tensed lightly, not enough for it to be a climax, but enough to gently squeeze him, making him moan her name back at her.

He wasn't thinking of anyone else. He was only thinking of her. That knowledge alone nearly made her cry, along with the mind-blowing pleasure that was starting to build.

He turned his attention back to her chest, his lips grazing one nipple. She whimpered softly as he teased it with the tip of his tongue, and then practically yelped when his lips curled around it, lightly sucking at it.

As his mouth continued to work over her, she felt her muscles start to tense.

She leaned her head further back, her back arching, shoving her hardened little peak even further into his mouth.

She cried out, spasming around him, and he slowed to a stop, wanting to wait until she'd relaxed.

"Don't stop." she whispered, her voice shaking. "Please don't stop." She raised her head slightly to look at him, and he moved his lips back to hers. He kissed her softly as he thrusted through her orgasm, making her whimper again.

A minute or so passed, and suddenly she was pushing at his shoulders, making him roll onto his back. She sat up on him, immediately starting to work herself over him.

She was amazed at how much stamina he seemed to have, and secretly wondered if it was some kind of Kryptonian trait.

She moaned loudly, a shiver erupting up her spine as his hands touched her lower back.

He sat up then, his lips slamming against hers. She wound her arms around his neck, moaning loudly into his mouth.

Their hips worked together for several minutes, his groans and her cries starting to blend together. They finally both lost control all at once, her thighs trembling violently around him.

He kissed her forehead before falling back against the bed, and fell limply against his chest.

She struggled to breathe, pressing tiny kisses to his chest.

The words "I love you" caught on her lips, but she couldn't dare say it. She felt if she did, she'd end up convincing herself to stay.

As she lay there, she suddenly felt different, and as she lay tried to sleep that night, she found herself wishing for something that could potentially never happen. But it didn't really matter; a wish was just a wish.

The next morning, she awoke before he did, and when she noticed the color had returned to his cheeks, she knew that he'd be alright.

In her heart, she knew it'd be better if she left before he awoke. She might've not been able to leave if she'd had to look into those beautiful eyes of his again.

She dressed quickly, and sighed as she cast a look on the sleeping beauty.

She decided to write him a note. She at least owed him that.

She cried as she wrote it, and cried as she tucked it under his hand. She cried herself out the room, and into her car. She cried all the way back to Metropolis.

When Clark finally awoke, the first thing he saw was the pink piece of paper. It'd been folded in half, and his name was written in Chloe's familiar cursive.

He opened it as he realized she was nowhere in the room.

He spoke the words as he read them, a lump forming in his throat.

"'This is the hardest thing I've had to do, but it's something I must do. Our paths will most likely cross again, but if they don't, I want you to let you in on a secret. I love you. I love you, Clark. I always have, and I always will. There will never be anyone else.

"'That said, don't try to find me. Please don't. Because it'll do nothing but hurt both of us. If we meet gain, and we're both single and free... I'm yours, if you want me. I love you more than words can say, but for now, I must tell you goodbye. Sincerely yours, Chloe.'"

Tears were in Clark's eyes as he finished, and he nearly wanted to scream at his own stupidity.

He loved her... he knew that much from the night before. But he'd realized too late.

He went to Metropolis, to her dorm room, but it was cleared out and she was gone by the time he got there.

He went to the airport, but her flight had already taken off.

And as he stood outside the airport, crying, he wished, for the first time, that he could fly.


Much had happened in the five years that Chloe was in England.

Clark's mother had retired from the senate after a three-year tenure, deciding that it was something she longer wanted to do.

Clark got a job at the Daily Planet as a reporter. The new editor was none other than Perry White, and he immediately took Clark under his wing to show him the ropes. After a year at the job, Clark was labeled as the Planet's top reporter. The job had started out being a way to feel close to Chloe, but he'd actually grown to love it.

Another change was that since he'd worked at the Planet, he'd been wearing glasses. He claimed to have terrible vision problems, which, to some, was highly believable, since he'd had a few problems during his junior year, but, in truth, he had a plan. He had a reason for the glasses. And it wasn't just because they made him look smarter.

The most shocking change of all was that Lois worked at the Daily Planet now.

Sort of.

Lois had become "The All-American Girl". That was her nickname for the advice column she now wrote. She was witty, and funny, and straight-to-the-point, which readers loved. It was a job, and she liked it. And it didn't really have anything to do with journalism, which pleased her to no end. That had to be the grossest subject in the world to her.

One subject that wasn't as gross to Lois anymore was Clark. She had a slight crush on him, but would never admit it.

The two had gone out on a single date, one that she'd asked for, but it just hadn't felt right to Clark, and he'd made sure she knew it. She now left him alone, and the only time they spoke was when she stopped in on Thursdays to deliver her column.

It happened to be a Thursday afternoon when Perry suddenly walked over to Clark as he was making pleasantries with Lois.

"Kent, have I got a surprise for you." The older man said with a smirk.

"What is it, sir?" Clark asked, turning slightly.

"A familiar face." Perry said, and then suddenly motioned to someone in his office.

A vision of white slowly came out of the editor's office and walked toward them, and Clark's eyes widened. He almost felt as though he was looking at an angel.

Five years.

It had been five long years since he had last seen her, and very little had changed about her. She was still that impish little blonde spitfire she had been since they first met.

She was so much the same, but so different. She was more womanly, more mature. As he eyed her in the beautiful white empire dress she wore, he noted that she'd filled out in places he'd never thought she would.

She smiled sweetly at them, and as she tilted her head, her long blonde hair hit one of her elbows.

"Chloe." Clark's voice was hushed.

Lois elbowed him. "Hey, you big lug, aren't you gonna hug your best friend?"

He snapped out of his trance, and felt his cheeks pinken. "Oh uh... yeah."

He took a step toward her, and embraced her tightly.

When he moved away, she touched his glasses. "Nice glasses. Since when are you blind?" she wondered, speaking for the first time.

"I have been for a long time." he said softly, and hoped she got his double meaning.

Lois stepped around him to give her little cousin a bear hug. "God, Chlo, I've missed you!" She grinned as the hug ended. "So... are you back for good, or is this just a pit stop?"

"I am... back for good." Chloe beamed, and Clark felt his heart start to melt.

"I'll give you kids a chance to catch up." Perry said. "I have something in my office I should be keeping an eye on anyway." He started back to his office.

"So... Clark Kent, investigative reporter. Who'd have thunk it?" Chloe mused.

"Yeah... sudden decision." he admitted.

"Oh, really?" she said, tilting her head a little more. "What made you make the decision?"

"You." he said. "You inspired me."

Something about her expression turned soft, and Lois could clearly see the spark of love still in her cousin's eyes. What surprised Lois was that she saw the same in Clark's eyes.

"Glad I could." Chloe said, studying his face.

Suddenly, out of Perry's office, a little girl came running out.

She ran right for Chloe, and Chloe's brow furrowed as she looked down at the child clinging to her legs.

"Whoa... what happened, sweetie?" she asked, bending down.

"You left me alone with that big smelly old man!" she exclaimed in the smallest, most gentle voice Clark had ever heard.

"Aww, sweetie, I'm sorry." Chloe frowned. "Mr. White's a nice man. I promise." She gave the little girl a hug. "Now, why don't you turn around so I can introduce you?"

The little girl shyly turned to face Clark and Lois, and almost immediately, they both looked shocked.

The little girl had long, curly black hair, big, wide eyes that were a greenish blue in color, fair skin, and a tiny dimple in her little chin.

She stared up at the two, blinking at how far she had to look up to see Clark's face. "Hi..." she said timidly.

"Claire, honey, I'd like you to meet my cousin and my best friend." Chloe slowly stood. "Lois... Clark... this Claire Joanne Sullivan... my daughter."

Clark and Lois both blinked.

"Chlo... in the few emails you sent me, you never mentioned having a daughter." Lois said.

"I was always too busy with her to really say much." Chloe beamed proudly. "She turned four in February."

Clark was completely silent.

And as he stood there, he couldn't help but be stunned at the sight before him. It was unbelievable. It seemed impossible. There was no way that it could be real, and yet it was. It was so much more real than anything he'd seen, felt, or experienced in the last five years. He really couldn't believe it. He was really... a father.

It was completely obvious to him that this beautiful little girl was his daughter. He'd long thought having children was not possible, but he'd beaten the odds. He and Chloe had a daughter.

"Can I be Aunt Lois?" Lois asked, and Chloe nodded. Lois took Claire's hand. "Come on, sweetie, why don't we go get acquainted while your mom and Clark have a talk?"

"Okay..." Claire said softly, and pouted up at her mother, looking just like her father.

Chloe bent down and kissed the little girl's forehead, then stood as Lois walked out of the main area with her.

Chloe turned back to look at Clark, and a slight feeling of awkwardness passed between them.



Clark sighed, leaning against his desk. "Why didn't you tell me, Chloe?"

She looked down. "I didn't wanna mess anything up for you."

"Chloe... I'm a father. That's a miracle."

"I'm sorry... I just thought it'd be best to not say anything."

"Just like you thought it was for the best to make love with me and then abandon me in a hotel room?" He looked hurt.

She looked close to tears. "We were like two strangers in the night. It was raining, you weren't feeling well, and I picked you up. Tried to make you feel better. And then we had a one-night-stand. I didn't think what happened would matter to you in the morning."

"Well, it did." he said softly. "Chloe... I realized I was in love with you that night."

She blinked. "You... you were in love with me?"

"Not were... am. I never stopped, Chloe." He straightened up, and stepped toward her. "I love you... and I want to raise our little girl with you."

Tears sprang to her eyes, and were quick to fall. "Oh, Clark... I still love you, too. I told you there would never be anyone else... and there hasn't been."

He took one step closer, and leaned down, kissing her tenderly.

They suddenly heard a loud "AHEM" and turned to see Lois standing next to them... with Claire in tow.

Chloe and Clark jumped away from each other, both of them turning red, and Claire giggled.

"Mommy!" she exclaimed. "You just kissed a boy!"

"I did." Chloe laughed.

"Little Miss Claire needs to go potty, and won't let Auntie Lois take her." Lois said.

"That's cause she doesn't know you." Clark said, giving her a look.

"I'll take her." Chloe shot a smile in Clark's direction and grabbed Claire's hand.

"Wait..." he murmured, and Chloe stopped. He kneeled next to Claire, and gave her a tight hug.

The little girl automatically hugged him back, then giggled. "Mommy, I like him!"

Chloe beamed again. "Good... you have every reason to." She stared at Clark for a minute or so, then started for the restroom with their daughter.

As soon as they were out of sight, Lois chirped, "So... you and my cousin, Smallville?"

He blushed, and looked down. "Yeah."

She laughed. "All I gotta say is... you better marry her now, or I'll beat your ass."

He laughed, shaking his head, and looked up at her. "Trust me... I plan on it."
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