Googling for something else, I found this. It's like something out of a Monty Python skit, yet sadder and scarier. (I was particularly interested in why handwriting analysis was grouped with witchcraft.)
If you answer yes to any of the following, please leave now:
__ Have you read any Harry Potter Books? __ Have you been involved with Pokemon material? __ Do you play video games? __ Have you had a blood transfusion?
They ask about the Masons and DeMolay and Job's Daughters, but they missed the Eastern Star and the Order of the Rainbow for Girls? Speaking as a quondam Rainbow Girl, I'm insulted.
Comments 14
> Do you have difficulty with using curse words or is there a curse word that regularly comes to your mind?
Um, no, not at all; and yes, especially when reading this quiz.
If you answer yes to any of the following, please leave now:
__ Have you read any Harry Potter Books?
__ Have you been involved with Pokemon material?
__ Do you play video games?
__ Have you had a blood transfusion?
Um, yeah...scary indeed.
Maybe, like Dekker in Blade Runner, they're trying to find out if you're an android.
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