OC Applications

May 10, 2009 14:32

An extension of the Applications page, this is the OC (Original Character) Applications page. Please be sure to read everything in the Important Information box before applying for your OC! As with the normal applications, sometimes we ask for revisions, please don't be offended! The four types of responses (Accepted, Clarification, Re-Application ( Read more... )

~page: oc applications

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Comments 32

OC Application for Chataya fox_shuuichi July 8 2009, 10:07:45 UTC
NAME: Amanda
PERSONAL LJ: lady_flamewing
OOC COMM?: Should already be there.
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): AIM: KuramaMama / EMAIL: fencer.yamasaki@yahoo.com
TIMEZONE: PST from June to September, EST the rest of the year

NAME(S): Chataya
PB: Song Hye Kyo
OCCUPATION: One of the Madam's girls.

BACKGROUND HISTORY: Chataya doesn't remember much of anything. Not even her real name. The very first thing she can remember is being handed a stale heel of bread from the backdoor of a bakery. She remembers the dirt covering her hands, from scrounging and digging. She remembers how the cobblestones of the roads were cold and hard against her bare feet. She remembers how she used to watch the nobility go by, and wonder at how they had so much, while she had so little ( ... )


Re: OC Application for Chataya fox_shuuichi July 8 2009, 10:08:20 UTC
So she can't remember how it happened. How one night, she found herself in a dark alley, cold and hungry - but not alone. How she didn't notice the men creeping closer to her in the dark, not until they were almost on top of her, close enough to catch her when she tried to run. What she does remember, though, are the hands ripping at her hair, her clothes. The smell of alcohol in the air. Heavy breathing and harsh voices - and then, suddenly, nothing at all.

She wakes up somewhere warm, soft. Somewhere that smells nice. And when she opens her eyes, she sees the most beautiful woman in the world. She won't learn until later just who this woman is and what she can do, but for now it's enough that the woman asks her name, and when she says she doesn't know, the woman just smiles and offers to give her one. Chataya, the woman says, and Chataya knows it's right. It's hers ( ... )


Re: OC Application for Chataya fox_shuuichi July 8 2009, 10:09:02 UTC
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Chataya is strong-willed, stubborn, and an accomplished liar - she has to be, really, with her profession. It is nearly impossible to determine a lie from the truth with her. However, because of her past, she forms almost no human attachments - she doesn't trust anyone enough. She goes through life perpetually lonely, but too afraid to really open herself up to anyone. She has some knowledge of self-defense, and a particular penchant for throwing knives, but is really not capable of doing much to defend herself in more than a scuffle on the street.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Nothing magical at all - she's about as ordinary as they come. The only thing worth noting about her is that she's managed to get pretty good with throwing knives, which she keeps strapped to her thigh in just about every occasion. Her aim's good, and she could probably manage to injure someone pretty badly, but it's unlikely she could kill. Not without a particularly lucky shot.

THIRD PERSON: Chataya woke to a shaft of soft morning ( ... )


Accepted! rivelatamods July 8 2009, 22:05:35 UTC
Congratulations, you've been accepted. Now what?

• Create your character's journal. Reply to this comment with it so we know you've been accepted when you join the communities listed below.
• With it, join rivelata, rivelatalogs, and rivelataooc.
• If you are so inclined, you are free to join the crack/meme comm crackelata and the R-related log comm pornelata.
• If you requested membership to the OOC community with your personal journal, you will need to visit this LJ page to accept the moderator account's invitation to that community.

Thanks for applying to Rivelata, and welcome to the game!


Jam bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 03:34:53 UTC
PERSONAL LJ: rizumcbutt
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): AIM = the p0rn nun

NAME(S): Jam [Tomlin Stuart]
PB: n/a

BACKGROUND HISTORY:Jam doesn't care to remember his parents. It doesn't matter to him that the two of them wielded powerful abilities -- his father with the ability to change, warp, effect, even enter dreams, and his mother a prophet. The two of them weren't around long enough to take notice of, and he likewise doesn't care to remember how they exited his life. He was, after all, too young to remember the wary tolerance of their neighbors building, rising into suspicion and hatred, and peaking in a sort of witchhunt. Too young to remember that, when it was too late for anything else, his father knocked his mother unconscious and sent their two sons into her dreams to hide them. These aren't important issues ( ... )


Jam bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 03:35:52 UTC
To this day it's Jam's opinion that Kaid meant to kill him. Something went wrong though: Tomlin proved too hardy, or the previous damage he'd done to his brother's subconscious had kicked in, or perhaps just simple luck on his part and miscalculation on Kaid's. Whatever the reason, when Tomlin awoke he was alive and Kaid had departed. The next few months seemed to confirm that Kaid had departed Rivelata all together. It was the last he saw of him, and as far as Jam's concerned all he's ever needed to see of him. Tomlin found a new name for himself (one he insists was picked at random, though is oddly fond of), a task that proved easy enough, as neither of the brothers had gotten close enough to anyone to give names, a job that wouldn't ask his age, and a small room that didn't care who paid for the housing as long as someone did. It was Jam that began his life without his brother, and lived it successfully enough. His experience with Kaid had taught him both how to look out for himself and that it was important to keep himself and his ( ... )


Jam bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 03:37:05 UTC
Jam has done away with his old name. He gives no reason for the obvious alias, no serious explanation to any that ask. However, both the change and the reluctance to give a reason for the change are likely the most telling features of his personality. Above all else, Jam enjoys being unknown. He likes personal mystery, he likes lies. Not for the theatrics that they bring him, but for the distance. Knowledge is power, as he believes, and his greatest discomfort is that someone else should have power over him -- the best way that he can see to avoid this is to regulate the knowledge others are allowed to have of him. Jam is perfectly happy when he knows more than anyone else in the room, when he himself is nothing more than a dark, tall presence commanding unease, who's exact power and status remain unknown. This makes him, as one would expect, a man of few words. The impression this creates, combined with his aloofness and knowing smiles, tends to be an unnerving, even creepy one, which Jam is all too happy to encourage ( ... )


Jam bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 03:39:20 UTC
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES:Most of Jam's strengths are also, it could be said, his weaknesses. His ability to read people, while useful and typically accurate, leads him to believe that he's the only one with the talent. It's utterly unexpected when someone turns around and uses the same skill on him, and is usually met with shocked anger and, if possible, immediate withdrawal. Also counted as a strength, by Jam himself, is his levelheadedness, the ability to be absolutely unaffected by whatever happens. It's true, to an extent. But when people aren't phased by his own coolness, Jam isn't sure what other route to take. He invests so much time practicing the form of interaction that tends to work best for him that he has no backup plans. For all his knowledge of the human psyche, for all his typically accurate predictions of reactions and responses, he really doesn't know people at all. When they fail to react the way he'd planned, when they don't respond in the desired way, it's puzzling. When they begin to get the upper hand of an ( ... )


Application for Adam clueless_bliss September 21 2009, 04:29:56 UTC
NAME: Tiger
PERSONAL LJ: malikmaniac
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): AIM = chappi fan

NAME(S): Adam Johnson
PB: Matt Lanter
OCCUPATION: Silversmith

BACKGROUND HISTORY: Adam was born to a warm, loving family. They were upper-middle class in terms of wealth, and were easily known to many as kind and hospitable people. It was a terrible tragedy when both of Adam’s parents were killed in a terrible house fire, when Adam was only 12 years of age. Investigating the ruins, it was concluded his parents had been tied to the bedposts somehow, making the accident a cruel murder. A man living two houses down the road was found to be guilty, having the community’s suspicions for some time ( ... )


Application for Adam clueless_bliss September 21 2009, 04:30:36 UTC
PERSONALITY: Adam holds an optimistic view, one somewhat surprising considering his past. He’s a sociable person who tends to be open with those around him, cheerful, and easy going. He is also something of a charmer with the ladies, though careful to be a gentleman. He’s quick to crack a smile or to tell a joke, and takes an interest in the happiness of those around him. Adam is, much like his parents, a respected member of the community, seemingly undeterred by his past ( ... )


Application for Adam clueless_bliss September 21 2009, 04:34:26 UTC
THIRD PERSON: The gentle crackling of the furnace was dying, slowly, bit by bit. It was running low on wood, most likely. Adam rose from his stool to throw log into the amber flames, then prodded the fire along with a stick. It burned with intensity and fought against the brick sides that contained it, eager to escape and destroy. What a destructive force, fire was ( ... )


Clarifications rivelatamods October 2 2009, 06:23:23 UTC
First of all, the mods (mostly me) want to deeply apologize for the long wait! :c

Secondly, however, while the application seems alright overall, we would like to ask that you elaborate on the Background section, as it falls short of the 500 word minimum.


LAKSHA || The White Lady enchantedimsure May 10 2010, 00:56:22 UTC
NAME: Lilly
PERSONAL LJ: umiyuko
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): AIM = DollWearsPink / MSN = i_am_little_flower_2u[at]hotmail[dot]com


NAME(S): Laksha
PB: Jessica Stam [picture]
OCCUPATION: Sorceress to King Alastair


LAKSHA || The White Lady enchantedimsure May 10 2010, 00:56:41 UTC
BACKGROUND HISTORY:Laksha was born in Mkweli, a promising child in the realm of magic. A quarter Gryp, she had a set of crane wings on her back, but they were too small to do much good with the line so diluted. Naturally talented with Simplistic magic, Laksha soon mastered the abilities as a child, and delved into becoming a Ritualist. At her birth, a beloved guardian was assigned to her, who was at her side from infancy. They grew up together as a pair, and she loved him deeply as a friend, and as a young girl with blooming romantic feelings ( ... )


LAKSHA || The White Lady enchantedimsure May 10 2010, 00:57:35 UTC
At first, Laksha was fearful the gods would soon finish the job they started and kill her. She spent many months lying still, awaiting death to come and strike her down. However, soon she felt as if she had outrun the gods, or perhaps, outlived their wrath. Disillusioned against Mkweli and its people, she soon forsook all of the culture she had come from, embracing the northern, more refined culture as her own. Instead of leather and feathers, Laksha clothed herself in silks, chiffon and delicate lace. As a lady of the court, she could easily get what she wished, and what was unreachable, she conjured ( ... )


LAKSHA || The White Lady enchantedimsure May 10 2010, 00:57:52 UTC
Her heritage as a Mkweli now seems shameful to her- considering their native culture only a few notches above savages, even though they are quite advanced. She seeks to distance herself from her own birthright, going so far as to pick the feathers from the delicate rounds of her ears. She even attempts to disguise the birdlike feathers in her hair with more fashionable plumes and baubles instead. While she does not outright condemn the Mkweli, she no longer identifies with them, blaming them for abandoning her to die.

This conflict leaves her identity confused. She no longer identifies as Mkweli, but she is still an exotic trinket to most from the northern isles. Rivelata offers a fresh start where he can be herself. Or so she thinks.

STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES:Laksha's most powerful strength is her magic- however, her magical prowess is weighted by the physical disability of her lack of sight. She was still quite young when her sight was stolen from her, so she is aware of what things look like, however, this awareness has convinced ( ... )


Ba'astkioni Ijaba piratebaast August 10 2010, 06:45:11 UTC
PERSONAL LJ: gimme_cat
EMAIL/MESSENGER(S): AIM = effect expires

NAME(S): Ba'astkioni Ijaba
PB: Original Artwork
OCCUPATION: Witch/Bard/Cook


Ba'astkioni Ijaba piratebaast August 10 2010, 06:46:09 UTC
BACKGROUND HISTORY:Ba'astkioni, to put it short, is a mutt. Her father is Azizan, and her mother a short-tempered, headstrong Mkwelian-Gryp skilled in the art of magic. While unable to call a specific country her home, she grew up with a strong sense of who she was and took pride in her heritage. She regarded the knowledge and skills passed down to her through her parents as incredibly important, and studied the ways of her people diligently while fostering her own interests and beliefs ( ... )


Ba'astkioni Ijaba piratebaast August 10 2010, 06:48:20 UTC
PERSONALITY:This and the next section are a little HURR REDUNDANT sorry. This personality part is slightly outdated, so I counted on strengths and weaknesses to build it up a little more ( ... )


FIN: Ba'astkioni Ijaba piratebaast August 10 2010, 06:49:16 UTC
MAGIC. Oooh, nifty. Ba'ast was born to a Mkwelian woman, and magic courses through their veins as thick as honey in some places. Her mother was a powerful witch, and Ba'ast inherited the gift. With her mother's help, she honed her magic and became an incredibly powerful witch.

A thread between Al and Ba'ast.

Her tags in the Rivelata comm.

Let me know if there is anything else you guys need. Ask and I shall provide. No AC -- was hiatused for two months and lost everyone, so I'm trying to get the important ones back. Ba'ast is at the top of the list.


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