OC Applications

May 10, 2009 14:32

An extension of the Applications page, this is the OC (Original Character) Applications page. Please be sure to read everything in the Important Information box before applying for your OC! As with the normal applications, sometimes we ask for revisions, please don't be offended! The four types of responses (Accepted, Clarification, Re-Application ( Read more... )

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Application for Adam clueless_bliss September 21 2009, 04:34:26 UTC
THIRD PERSON: The gentle crackling of the furnace was dying, slowly, bit by bit. It was running low on wood, most likely. Adam rose from his stool to throw log into the amber flames, then prodded the fire along with a stick. It burned with intensity and fought against the brick sides that contained it, eager to escape and destroy. What a destructive force, fire was.

He only watched it for a second longer, his face emotionless, before returning to his work. On the table lay a small necklace, silver in color. Expert hands lifted it by the chain to let it dangle delicately in the air. The colors of the fire reflected in the intricate designs- it had belonged to a young girl, but a day ago. What an innocent and utterly clueless child she had been, so easy to lure with his calls for help. The wild dog that had lived just in the alley beyond hadn’t wasted time in defending its claimed territory. That girl, of course, had never stood a chance.

How disappointing it had turned out to be. It was only a quick show that held his amusement only briefly afterwards. The necklace had remained untarnished, remarkably, and lacked the blood that cloaked the rest of the body. Turning back towards the furnace, the slightest frown barely came to his face. A book sat innocently on his stool. He obviously hadn’t put it there, and had no reason to do so. His fingers quickly combed through the many filled pages, his eyes skimming them over in slight interest.

He’d heard the idle chatter of some of his customers and the occasional passer-by speak of books that could communicate with others, using magic that remained unknown. How interesting to find one in his very shop. Intended for him, perhaps?

Turning back to the furnace, he cast a cold look at the necklace. Dropping it into a bowl, he used the long handle to push the necklace closer to the inferno. The crippling heat soon caused the intricate design to wither away, the details fading, its beauty lost. The color of the dancing flames reflected against his face in the darkness of his shop, as the faintest smile spread across his face.

Rivelata was an interesting place, indeed.


Hello there, Rivelata! I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting all of you. It’s a pretty big city, isn’t it?

In that respect, I’m thankful for the opportunity to change that. It can be hard to socialize when you’re stuck in the shop all day, you know. Gets a bit lonesome when Uncle has to take to his rest.

An introduction wouldn’t hurt, would it? I’m Adam Johnson, for all your silver-working needs. Is anyone in the market for a fine teakettle?

NOTES: I’m fine with any other OCs having heard of the fire that killed his parents, or anyone associated with the upper-class knowing of him and his shop. Also, activity check is here.


Clarifications rivelatamods October 2 2009, 06:23:23 UTC
First of all, the mods (mostly me) want to deeply apologize for the long wait! :c

Secondly, however, while the application seems alright overall, we would like to ask that you elaborate on the Background section, as it falls short of the 500 word minimum.


Re: Clarifications clueless_bliss October 6 2009, 02:24:54 UTC
Adam was born to a warm, loving family. They were upper-middle class in terms of wealth, and were easily known to many as kind and hospitable people. Growing up, Adam encountered certain difficulties. He soon realized he was different from other people. Children his age would cry and express sorrow when a toy was broken. Adam, however, would only stare. It drew the attention of his parents, who began to worry when he didn’t react properly emotionally. Adam learned that by showing the responses expected of him, it did not cause problems with the adults around him. When something broke, he was to show sadness or frustration. If another was being mean or raising their voice to him, he was to cry and act emotionally wounded. Animals such as dogs and cats he was to show happiness towards when around others. He was to act happy when seeing his parents or family, and express joy when receiving a material gift. When there was a threat, he was to act frightened and cling to the adults for support.

He perfected his techniques over the years, building onto what he learned based on what those around him seemed to deem acceptable. Nonetheless, it was a point of concern for his parents. Despite his perceived emotional awkwardness, his parents never suspected him of harboring ill-intentions toward anyone. Thus, when various dead animals were found over the years within their neighborhood, suspecting Adam was the farthest thing from their minds.

It was a terrible tragedy when both of Adam’s parents were killed in a terrible house fire, when Adam was only 12 years of age. Investigating the ruins, it was concluded his parents had been tied to the bedposts somehow, making the accident a cruel murder. A man living two houses down the road was found to be guilty, having the community’s suspicions for some time. The man was sentenced to hang due to his atrocious crime, though the matter was not entirely forgotten in the minds of those who knew the Johnsons.

Adam was sent to live with his uncle, a quiet fairly young man. Although Adam had inherited his parent’s fortune, which had been stored elsewhere at the time of the fire, he was taken as an apprentice by his uncle to be a silversmith. Over the years, he’s taken a more active role in running the trade and crafting works for sale. His Uncle’s health had started to decline rapidly over the years, of something the doctors could not identify. Adam took up the role of caring for his uncle.

Meanwhile, Adam honed the use of a particular ability inherited from his Father and his family. He’s taken pains to keep it secret over the years, practicing and making sure no others are to know of it. The ability of illusion (making oneself invisible, only for a short time,) is passed through each member of the Johnson family. However, it has been kept a family secret from the community. His grandparents have since died, and his Uncle does not know of it.


Accepted! rivelatamods October 6 2009, 15:34:10 UTC
Congratulations, you've been accepted. Now what?

• Create your character's journal. Reply to this comment with it so we know you've been accepted when you join the communities listed below.
• With it, join rivelata, rivelatalogs, and rivelataooc.
• If you are so inclined, you are free to join the crack/meme comm crackelata and the R-related log comm pornelata.
• You may also join rivelataooc and/or crackelata with your personal journal, if you so choose.

Thanks for applying to Rivelata, and welcome to the game!


Re: Accepted! fidespunica October 6 2009, 15:50:28 UTC
Journal is here~


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