{in progress, open(?)}

Apr 29, 2008 15:25

WHO: Guy Cecil, Sohma Kisa
WHAT: After seeing an entry by Kisa, Guy decides he can't stand by and watch innocent children suffer.
WHERE: The house where Kisa is staying?
WHEN: Day 40

He had to get there. He had to. )

place - housing district, Ω yuki sohma, Ω guy cecil, kisa sohma

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Comments 20

kaiwaia_prince May 1 2008, 00:45:10 UTC
As Kisa transformed, Yuki sighed and narrowed his eyes in sadness. If Hiro or Hatsuharu had been here, things might have been made much easier. As it was, Kisa was here without the people she was closest to and while Yuki had a connection with her, he wasn't positive it was strong enough to bring her back.

"Kisa...." He reached out to her, more than prepared for what he assumed would be coming-- If he'd learned anything from the past, is was that when Kisa was upset and vulnerable, she tended to bite. Regardless, she needed him.

She needed them.

"We're here for you, Kisa. It's okay. You don't have to be afraid. Everything will be okay."


little_tigress May 1 2008, 00:46:05 UTC
Guy smelled odd to her. A smell she wasn't familiar with, unlike Yuki who was automatically categorized under 'family'. But Guy did not smell threate-

As his hand reached for her head, she was all reflexes and no human thought. She bit him.

Since she was only a cub, her teeth did not pierce too deeply- more of a stinging pain like needles than the full brunt of an adult tiger's jaws. At the taste of blood however, she reeled back and coughed, paw wiping at her tongue desperately.

It disgusted her, utterly disgusted her. Kisa remembered she didn't want to turn into a monster. The cub lay down, head buried in her paws as she trembled in anxiety.


little_tigress May 1 2008, 00:56:32 UTC
{{Just a note- she bit Guy, not Yuki}}


guy_fears_women May 1 2008, 00:56:53 UTC
Guy gasped slightly. What a day for him to not where his gloves. He was also suddenly reminded of why he was afraid of women, although thankfully his fear was lessened now that Kisa was in her tiger form.

As she pulled back, Guy saw the she had drawn blood, and he was hit with the sudden fear that she might be affected by it someone, might become addicted, like all of the other cats had. But her reaction was enough to stop that fear from now; it was apparent that she didn't like the taste.

Still, he didn't put his hand back out there. "I guess she's more familiar with you, so it's probably best for you to stay in contact with her. To make her know that we care about her. That we don't think she's going to turn into a monster."


kaiwaia_prince May 1 2008, 03:55:52 UTC
When she bit Guy, Yuki frowned and pulled his own hand away, resting it on his lap. "Kisa!" He quickly examined the bite, careful not to keep his attention away from Kisa for too long, and finally turned back to the cub as Guy began to speak. Curious, it was that even after being bitten, Guy was still determined to help Kisa. ...He was beginning to remind him of Tohru.

So selfless.

"...He was trying to help you, Kisa." He reached out to her once more, smiling softly. "Won't you let us help you, Kisa? ...He's right. We really do care for you. I love you very much, and I know you're going to be okay. You're not a monster. You're Sohma, Kisa."


little_tigress May 1 2008, 08:03:09 UTC
We really do care for you.

Tohru nee-san had said that too, hadn't she? She had even said she loved her. Kisa mewled. She wanted to be a little girl again, not a tiger cub trying to ignore the calling in her mind. That calling that coaxed her to run from these young men and into the jungle to be watched over by others like her. Other large cats who would protect her like a cub of their own.

You're going to be okay.

Would she really? Tentatively she crept forward, nosing against Guy's knee before settling her head back on her paws, body now wedged between the two young men.

That's right. They'd keep her safe, away from those bloodthirsty servants of the Jaguar King. She wasn't a baby monster. She was Sohma Kisa. The little cub began to purr.


guy_fears_women May 1 2008, 23:10:21 UTC
She seemed calmer now, purring even, and Guy allowed his hand to drift back down to her head, petting her softly. "See? Everything's fine, Kisa," he murmured.

He wasn't sure if he should be saying that, because in all honestly he didn't really know. But he had faith in the little girl, and it seemed to him that Yuki did too. Not everyone had to fall victim to the blood's call. "You're fine," he echoed, pulling his hand away again.


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