Blind as a Bat [Closed]

Apr 21, 2008 18:19

WHO: Batman, characters who responded to Renamon's inquiry about restoring his sight, including, but not limited to: Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, and Larsa Solidor
WHAT: Trying to restore Batman's sight
WHERE: Batman's decoy house
WHEN: Day 33

Still, helpless as he was, what else could he do? He had waited, and perhaps that worried Peter and perhaps not. The arrival of one "Hiro Nakamura" seemed to have upset the relations between Peter and his friends and even his niece, and the discussion about the purported serial killer Sylar between Peter's niece and a woman who clearly loved Sylar likely only created more chaos for the pair. He would help Peter, if he could, but in his state, he couldn't.

But, even blind, he had other things to take care of, too. Monitoring the journals, he shifted through masses of information.

The blood was perhaps the most worrying development, and its effects. A small group was starting to be formed by someone to try to find and rescue those who had been turned feral... but they were much smaller than either his group or Cross' group, from his perspective, and would be hard-pressed to succeed at a venture into the jungle. Zexion, thankfully, had recovered, and methods seemed to have been developed to counteract the effects of the scent... but, as he sat in darkness, he tried to find a solution to the disappearances. If only he could do something...

Luki's return was unexpected, but did little to assuage the guilt on his soul. She had, from what he could tell, merely been pulled from another point in time, but she had most definitely been killed, not unlike "Axel". She had been killed, on a mission he had sent her on. Perhaps she would have gone, had he not required his services, perhaps not. Either way, he knew that Cross' group would be in danger due to the recklessness of their leader, and, despite Rika's testament to the girl's aptitude in taking care of herself... she was still a little girl. And he had let her die. Another failure. He prayed he'd actually learn from it this time.

However, on the practical side of things, there was much more he could do. Obtaining black-tinted glasses and a cane wasn't hard. What was more difficult was learning to use the cane in conjunction with his keen, trained hearing. Of course, he had always relied more on his sight than his hearing-- most did-- but, as a creature of the night, he had never neglected his hearing, knowing it could sense things . Adapting to being reduced to four senses, however, was still a challenge. Rather than merely registering sounds and identifying them, he had to rely on them. He was getting used to it, and now knew both of his houses' well enough to navigate them blind without his cane, but he still felt frustrated that he was still undeniably crippled.

Thankfully, in the days before they had left on the rescue mission, he had spent some time between strategizing for the rescue mission, and staking out a pair of houses-- one to live in, one to invite visitors to meet him in so they wouldn't actually know where he stayed when he was vulnerable and asleep-- learning the byways of the city, to the point where, even blind, he could begin to navigate the city. He wasn't always completely sure about where he was, and the disappearances of some and the influx of even more made it hard, sometimes, to tell whether he would be in proximity to an enemy... but what he had learned before was better than nothing.

Still, just to be sure, the day before, he had staked out all three places-- the Winchesters', Peter's, and Larsa's houses-- and ensured that Claire, Peter, and Larsa all did occupy them. That done, in the dead of night, he attached letters, depended on strings, from the knobs of the inside of their doors-- after all, it wasn't hard to simply unlock the door with his skills, and he didn't have to take more than half a minute inside the sleeping houses to leave his notes.

The notes were, naturally, addressed to each individual, and the only thing they offered were directions to his secondary house, signed at the bottom only with "CK".

Now, he thought to himself as the sun rose over Rivelata unseen, ending the dominion of night, there was only to wait.

! main plot, Ω batman, Ω peter petrelli, Ω claire bennet, larsa ferrinas solidor

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