and you can dance with the queen if you need [closed/quicklog]

Jul 05, 2010 02:33

WHO: Fou [fairydeity] and Kanda Yuu [kuro_hasu].
WHAT: Tormenting children. ♥ In other words, teaching Kanda the finer ways of waking up at the crack of dawn for lessons.
WHERE: Starts at the house.
WHEN: Sunrise, Monday.

[ Damn kids. She couldn’t do anything without one or the other butting in. Teaching them how to fight, though... Fou couldn’t decide if this was a good idea, or if it would just end badly. She knew that they knew how to fight. With little skill, lots of screaming and horribly formed punches. But they did.

For now, Fou decided, she would see how Kanda did. All worries aside of a repeat of a horrible war, they’d already been attacked once. And she couldn’t follow them 24/7.

The sun was just beginning to rise when Fou opened the door to Kanda’s room with little regard to the fact that he was sleeping. In mere seconds, she’d ripped the blanket off him to unleash the cool morning air on the sleeping brat.]

Oi! Get up! Now!

!quicklog, kanda yu, fou

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