Jul 05, 2010 14:57

WHO: Marcus and whoever happens to join him.
WHAT: Marcus feels like drinking some troubles away.
WHERE: Bar Hades
WHEN: Tonight

This is another one of those logs where you can drop your characters in any time in a new post, threadjack, threadhop, etc. Also go ahead and respond in regular or quicklog fashion. Whatever you want.

With his shift over and the next day off, this seemed like as good a time as ever to get completely wasted. He'd lost a lot of people he cared about with all the disappearances, and the one guy who he could release his frustrations on was now gone as well. Losing those kids on the boat didn't help things either. For a while things on Rivelata hadn't seemed just tolerable, he had actually started to like it here. Then everything collapsed. He wasn't sure which was worse anymore: his old world or this island. It was almost a toss-up.

Normally he would take all this out on Roy, but as just stated, the man was gone now. And since Marcus didn't have anyone else to try to hit who could take it and give it equally back, drinking seemed like the only option right now. So that's what he was going to do.

"Give me the strongest shot you've got and keep it coming," he told the barkeeper, not paying too much attention who was on tonight.

jan valentine, marcus wright, war, place - bar hades

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