A reunion, of sorts [closed]

Mar 10, 2010 08:27

WHO: Van Hohenheim, Alphonse Elric
WHAT: A reunion of father and son, but not really what either of them expected.
WHERE: The docks
WHEN: The evening of Hohenheim's arrival.

How I missed you when I was gone // hurt me so to leave you. )

Ω van hohenheim, alphonse elric

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Comments 13

armored_alchemy March 10 2010, 16:36:05 UTC
[Al's not really sure what he's going to say, either: 'Hey, Dad, glad to see you're not still dead, murdered by your illegitimate son, who was somehow a dragon at the time? Oh, and by the way, I know that brought me to Ed, and that you were taking care of him, but I'm still sort of upset about the whole human transmutation/creating the homunculi thing?'

Something tells him that might be a little too much for a first meeting. Or...ever. So when he does finally find Hoenheim under the tree, he stops some distance away and gives a confused, crooked little smile.]


[[OOC: Don't even worry about it - it's all good!]]


papa_hoho March 10 2010, 23:15:37 UTC
[It takes Hohenheim a moment to notice the young mans greeting, wrapped up in his thoughts as he is. When he does look up, he relaxes and smiles. This is plainly not his antique armor, so he can relax for now, and he is almost glad for the distraction.]



armored_alchemy March 11 2010, 00:10:13 UTC
[Well, that was hardly the expected reaction - and then it strikes Al that Hoenheim probably doesn't know he's human again. Ed didn't, after all, when he came back: he wasn't even from Al's world.]

It's...me, sir. Alphonse.


papa_hoho March 11 2010, 00:27:31 UTC
[Hohenheim freezes, staring in open-faced shock at the young man in front of him. Alphonse? He can see the resemblance, though it's been years since he's seen Al's human face. But how? He'd just seen Al recently, sealed him in a dome of dirt with Pride, how did he get here? Shaking his head free of such questions, he stands to face his...son.]

Alphonse, you got your body back so...quickly! How?


armored_alchemy March 11 2010, 16:06:03 UTC
[Another odd response, and Al's head tips slightly to one side, his brow furrowing ever so slightly.]

Brother. He...found a way to give me my body back.

[A rather simplistic response, given what actually happened, but it will have to do for now.]

Shall we go?


papa_hoho March 15 2010, 01:57:28 UTC
[Brows furrowed deeply, Hohenheim looks over the young man once more. With a slight shrug, he steps forward and holds out a hand]

Well, congratulations are in order then, I believe? Er...perhaps this isn't the best place for that, though...

[Not that he's really sure what WOULD be a good place to celebrate anything around here, but at this point that seems a relatively minor detail]


armored_alchemy March 21 2010, 19:08:44 UTC
[Al relaxes a little - maybe against his better judgment, but he's never been very good at being suspicious (not to mention that Ed will probably have plenty of suspicion for the both of them).]

As good a place as any, I suppose.

[He offers both his hand and a small smile.]


papa_hoho March 21 2010, 20:21:14 UTC
[After a firm but brief shake, Hohenheim pulls back and cleans his already curiously sparkling glasses, a slight shudder along his shoulders betraying the look on his downturned face.]

...shall we go, then, Alphonse?


armored_alchemy March 21 2010, 20:44:52 UTC
[That was unexpected, and it puts Al's hackles up again, more than just a little bit, but politeness has been hammered into him by his mother, so he hides it behind another smile.]

Of course.

[He turns, perhaps a little abruptly, and starts down the street, talking over his shoulder.]

There's an inn within the city that's quite nice - and you received a bit of money on your arrival, I think? That should be enough to hold you over until you can find somewhere a little more permanent to live.


papa_hoho March 22 2010, 00:22:49 UTC
[No time for dwelling on his failures as a parent, after his son he goes. He smiles weakly at his sons back, knowing full well what that sharp turn meant.]

Ah, yes, I suppose that's what that was. Thank you, Alphonse...

[Awkward much, Hohenheim?]


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