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Comments 10

caged_canaries November 6 2009, 01:43:12 UTC
Kuja had informed her to dress her best, and so she had. There had been little need to overpower the already attention-commanding gown with hair accessories and chunky jewelry, so the Alexandrian Queen had opted for something minimalistic. Aside from a sheer black shawl and opera-length black gloves, she wore no accessories.

Even as a Princess on the dawn of her sixteenth birthday, she had not felt as overdressed and nervous as she did while she stood in front of the Estate's door. With her fidgeting fingers, she carefully adjusted the shawl over her head and raised a gloved hand to rest against the door. She could not quite yet bring herself to knock.

'Calm yourself. Enjoy the evening. Whatever he has planned, you will come to know shortly.'

She couldn't shake the almost fluttery feeling.

Her chest rose and fell with a deep sigh, and she finally knocked-- thrice.


de_novo_xiii November 6 2009, 09:02:13 UTC
"Good evening your Majesty." Molly greeted with a deep curtsy once she opened the doors. "The Master is waiting for you in the dining hall." The maid guided her through the transformed abode, clueless as to how Garnet may have reacted to such familiar surroundings.

"Ah, my Queen graces me with her presence." Kuja greeted, rising from his seat at the head of the table and striding to her with more confidence than usual. After dismissing Molly, he took Garnet's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

"You certainly heeded my request to dress your best." The Genome laughed softly, stepping back to admire her. "You look magnificent, my dear. Now come, take a seat." Of course, Kuja himself would not offer her the seat, but a servant came forward to pull the chair for her. Kuja sat back down ( ... )


Sorry. Internet died. :( caged_canaries November 10 2009, 18:18:32 UTC
It was beautiful. Beautiful. So reminiscent of her home in Alexandria. As strong as the urge was to reach out and touch-- to feel, to take everything in as thoroughly as she could manage, it was an urge she resisted as she followed the young woman through the seemingly endless halls ( ... )


I heard ;O; Better now, I hope .__. *cuddles* de_novo_xiii November 10 2009, 21:44:04 UTC
"I thought it best to give us both a sense of home because for too long we've only lived in a houses." Kuja explained, admiring his handiwork. "I do remember Alexandria well. It was where I first saw you though you wouldn't have seen me. I visited often but you can understand no one was to know of my presence during those times ( ... )


For the most part. ^^ caged_canaries November 12 2009, 00:18:34 UTC
She was silent as he spoke. Naught a sound came from her, even as she indulged herself in the spectacular feast before her. Instead, she listened quietly and rattled through her thoughts. This was all so ... nostalgic. She couldn't begin to think of why-- why, now, in any case, Kuja seemed to be catering to her memories of her homeland ( ... )


Good :3 de_novo_xiii November 12 2009, 05:55:37 UTC
"Had we met earlier..." Kuja pondered aloud, though he let the thought trail away. Had they met earlier perhaps his obsession would have intensified. He would have loved her for longer, willing to walk into the cage he had built for her.

"It isn't about power. It is about circumstance. Had we met earlier, everything would have changed." The Genome mused with a soft smile. "Perhaps we would have been closer. Perhaps we would have been even greater apart."

"The space exists, my dear, not because we have unresolved issues." Kuja leaned his elbows on the table before resting his chin on his bridged hands. "The space exists because you have yet to decide to close it."


OMG I NEVER GOT THE NOTIF I AM SO SORRY. ;-; caged_canaries November 17 2009, 15:05:54 UTC
Even greater apart.... Garnet mused on the thought for a moment, but brushed it away as Kuja continued, and her eyes widened at his declaration. Had it really rested on her shoulders? This space between them--

For all he had done for her here, there was still a part of her unwilling to let go of the past.

She had good reason.

He had planted the seeds of greed and hatred in her Mother, he had destroyed her kingdom, and he had brought grief and sadness to her people.

But there was goodness in him.

I can't move forward without letting it go.

She reached across the table, but her elegantly gloved hand could not quite reach him. The simple fact appeared not to bother her; she smiled, nonetheless. Softly. Delicately. A part of her wanted to apologize, but the better part knew there was no need. He knew her well enough by now, she assumed. Actions often spoke louder than words, especially in the Queen's case.


No no! I was swallowed up by Con last week *___*'; de_novo_xiii November 17 2009, 23:10:40 UTC
That was all he needed. Kuja closed his eyes, bowing his head slightly as he let out a soft, amused laugh. He placed a hand over his heart, graciously nodding to her.

"Come my dear, I want to show you something." The Genome took a last sip from his wine, setting the goblet down before gesturing for her to follow him. Through the magnificent house they strode, a measure of strength in Kuja's steps as he guided her to the back of the Estate.

He turned to face her and the house, making a sweeping gesture with his arms.
"All this is yours now. I wanted to make sure you would feel comfortable. That it would remind you of home and offer comfort in some way. There's even a tinkering room for the mage." The Genome smiled brightly before removing a chain from his neck and placing a key into her palm.

Something stirred. Something large and Draconian. Something crafted of gears and magic and feathers. A replica of the Silver Dragon he was so fond of back on Gaia. His fingers stroked the dragon's head as the creature bowed to them and growled ( ... )


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