It's like a throbbing toothache of the mind [OPEN]

Sep 27, 2009 01:03

WHO: Leonard McCoy adoctornotamuseand anyone willing to help him.
WHAT: Bones' second nightmare. 8(
WHERE: McCoy's home
WHEN: Today, Evening

I can't take this feeling anymore )

Ω leonard mccoy

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Comments 18

nothing_human September 27 2009, 06:47:55 UTC
Seven ran, as fast as she could, the hastily drawn map that Doctor McCoy had been able to provide burned into her mind--if it even occurred to her to do so, Seven would be grateful for her photographic memory and sense of direction. Even blinded in one eye, as she had been since her dream, she still managed to rush to the doctor's home.

If he didn't live alone, help might have been there before now. If he was telling her to hurry--it had to be bad. He was a Starfleet trained doctor, even if he was years behind where she recalled Starfleet medical knowledge to be. It had to be bad. Worse, Seven had no idea what kind of help she could provide. If she had access to sufficient technology and time to reprogram some of her nanoprobes, they could be used to treat a myriad of symptoms. Somehow she doubted she'd have that time--and she certainly didn't have the technological resources. At best, she would be able to provide triage. If he was in any condition to be moved, she could transport him to the clinic. There wouldn't be much else that ( ... )


adoctornotamuse September 27 2009, 07:00:50 UTC
Leonard rocked back and forth slowly. It hurt to write in the journals. McCoy had never felt such a pain in his hand. It wasn't like if he had broken his wrists or anything. It felt as though ever nerve in his body was being affected.

He heard a short and tried to roll to face the door to see who was here. "Se-" McCoy's coughing started again. He hurt all over. McCoy couldn't even move. Any movement caused him extreme pain. Every word caused him to go into a fit of coughing. There was nothing he could do. He was a useless doctor. "Seven." He tried crying out but it came out as a soft low call.


nothing_human September 27 2009, 07:52:11 UTC
She heard it anyway, her Borg-enhanced senses able to pick up at least the direction and tone of his voice, if not exactly what he said--though she could guess ( ... )


adoctornotamuse September 27 2009, 19:13:15 UTC
He turned to get a better look at his visitor. Of course, he could barely open his eyes or even see clearly. McCoy wished there was something he could do to help her. This was supposed to be his job, helping the injured. From the small amount of thoughts that actually registered, he could tell that there were some kinds of internal hemmoraging and organ failures.

"Moved?" He asked softly, glancing at Seven. Suddenly, he bit his bottom lip, trying to hold in the fit of coughing. "I have to get help somehow, don't I?" Leonard tried to smile but his mouth barely curled. A drop of sweat fell down his forehead. "The clinic... They should be able to help... until we can find better healing..."


shiny_side September 27 2009, 22:41:30 UTC
Her middle was throbbing, but still she hobble-jogged along the road, hoping and praying she could find the right house from the shakily scribbled map in the journals. If only she'd gone to see him, maybe she coulda woken him up an--

No. Why would she be at Mr. McCoy's house botherin' him when he finally got to get some shut-eye? She honestly couldn't find a reason, so she quit with the useless what-if's and focused again through the gorram'd aching of her stomach on the street before her. There. There was a light on in the house just up ahead.

Moments later, but what seemed like forever on account a' her slowed pace, Kaylee burst into the room to find that other Starfleet lady already with Mr. McCoy, some kinda fancy tech hooked up to him...

"Oh lord..." she managed in a small voice. Was that coming out of her hand? Then she got a good look at the disfiguring pain on Bones' face and her knees quit working, sending her sliding down to the floor.


adoctornotamuse September 27 2009, 23:42:56 UTC
McCoy heard something, or someone, at the door and turned his head slightly to get a look. "Kaylee?" He asked weakly in a whispering voice. "Should be... resting." Leonard tried to tell her but he doubted the younger girl could even hear him.


shiny_side September 28 2009, 00:00:44 UTC
Whatever he was mumbling didn't reach her ears, but she could read his face pretty good by now. Reflexively a hand went over her bandaged area, and she felt a small wet spot soaked through her nightshirt. Kaylee hoped Mr. McCoy hadn't caught sight of it.

A bit of stubbornness forced its way into her voice, past the cold panic. "'M fine... Can't say th' same fer you."

She wanted to scramble over the floorboards to him, but a small, frightened part of her didn't wanna get anywhere near Seven. Rooted to the spot for now, she glanced furtively at the other woman. "What... What're you doin'?"


nothing_human September 28 2009, 03:43:07 UTC
Seven pulled her hand back before glancing at the girl, the metal arch above one eye raising in question. "I am using what resources I have available in an attempt to stabilize Doctor McCoy's condition." As if it were obvious. She didn't really want to get into an in-depth explanation of it at the moment. It might cause the doctor undue duress, even if he wasn't informed of the Borg. Some people didn't take well to the idea of thousands of tiny machines inside their bodies, whether or not they were repairing damaged tissues and organs. "Rest assured, it is a method my ship's EMH has used to great success in the past."

Of course, that had always been as a last resort. But there weren't many other options to be had.


potionsandcharm September 28 2009, 00:11:29 UTC
And just as she's said, she'd arrived in a flash, and her broomstick ticked hard against the wood of the door frame as she set it aside. She'd thrown a grab-bag together in preparation for these occasions. Merlin knew Rems and Sirius were about as prone to accidents as children playing in a field of glass shards. They really couldn't be kept to their own devices-- and neither could anyone else in this city, it seemed. "Though, they can't be to blame," she mumbled as she hurried through the house, following the sound of voices off in the short distance.

She wasn't entirely sure what she had to deal with, here, and she absolutely hated the thought of leaving Roy behind. For the moment, she--

Well, that certainly wasn't true. She had a choice. She made her choice. She couldn't allow others to remain in these situations when she had the means to help ( ... )


nothing_human September 28 2009, 04:08:53 UTC
"Internal damage of an undetermined extent. I have begun treating that to the best of my ability...though there isn't much else to do aside from waiting on that. The nanites should be working on the areas of most damage first, and they are very...efficient. However, they will cease functioning and break down within twelve minutes at most."

So she had the bedside manner of a Vulcan, at least it was something. She wished she could get the tricorder to work again, but it had taken enough out of her powering it with her own bioelectric power sources that she was fairly sure she'd pass out before getting a decent reading to see how the nanites were functioning at best, and cause damage to her own systems at worst--damage that would not be easily repaired, if it were possible at all.


shiny_side September 28 2009, 06:12:22 UTC
The new person squeezing by her to get into the room barely registered. Kaylee was still trying to process half the stuff Seven had said. Her mind was racing but not finding a clear track - EMH? Nanites?? People with circuits in their skin! - until she heard Seven telling the other woman a time frame ( ... )


potionsandcharm September 28 2009, 21:34:30 UTC
The news was certainly not good. Nothing internal was ever good.

Lily fished through her satchel and procured a bottle of potion, uncorked it, and held it out toward him. "Nanites," she repeated to herself, unable to quell her curiosity. "Drink this. It's vile and putrid, not at all your mum's lemonade, but it will help."

Damn it, Sirius. Call her to a situation she wasn't sure she'd be any help at resolving. She had yet to test her healing potions so widely. The past few days, she'd gone so through so much she wound up setting another brew up in her potions pantry.

"...Waiting is about all any of us can do," Lily replied to the girl, offering a weak smile. "With our help, he'll be fine, but he'll need your support, too. You'd be amazed what all forms love can do. It's a very powerful thing."


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