[open] ► just for a minute/the silver-forked sky

Apr 30, 2009 11:13

WHO: Lulu blackmagiccynic and OPEN
WHAT: Lulu's at the beach, practicing magic. Observers welcome. :3
WHERE: The beach!
WHEN: Uhhh....today? Afternoon.

lit you up like a star/that I will follow )

jan valentine, Ω zelos wilder, place - beach, kuja, Ω gray fullbuster, Ω clare, !open, Ω lulu

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Comments 12

crimsoncasanova May 1 2009, 03:19:55 UTC
Despite the poor weather, Zelos had taken the afternoon off from his job at the Eagle's Splendour for some fresh air. Using a parasol he'd bought from the marketplace - perhaps a bit too feminine for his tastes, but it served its purpose - he strolled out to the beach, hoping to get a good view of the tumultuous waves.

And what a view he had.

A tall, voluptuous figure stood at the water's edge, manipulating the element surrounding her in a fascinating manner. Although she was soaked to the skin from the rain, nothing could detract from her beauty, visible even from afar. Zelos was struck with awe for a moment, his mouth hanging slightly open.

"If love were a drop of water, I'd be in the ocean itself," he said aloud with an unabashed grin.


bitchin_beanie May 1 2009, 03:24:09 UTC
Jan knew he should probably go and find himself somewhere to sleep after his ordeal with Tieria. Somewhere out of the rain, maybe. But not just yet. He tried to justify it, tried to tell himself that he liked trudging grumpily through the rain, liked being soaked and cold and tired.

It didn't work very well.

He sighed, shoved his hands into his pockets, and happened to glance up. The first observation was that he had managed to find his way onto the beach, the second was that there was an interesting display going on not too far away.

Jan's first instinct was to tense, ready himself. All odd, decidedly supernatural things he'd seen before had mostly been of the lethal persuasion, each of them an experiment in better ways to kill. But this... didn't seem to be the case. Something graceful rather than bloody. Something Jan wasn't used to ( ... )


blackmagiccynic May 1 2009, 03:41:03 UTC
The intrusion had been surprising and unwelcome. The water shimmered once more, trying to retain the shape she'd created for a moment, then fell out of place. Lulu frowned and concentrated again, giving the man who'd called out the almost painfully trite pickup line a quick, dismissive once-over before returning to her art. The water changed, became a pillar of solid ice that sculpted itself into a flock of birds, poised as if in mid flight ( ... )


de_novo_xiii May 1 2009, 04:44:40 UTC
Kuja was another who did not mind the rain, in fact he relished in the respite from the heat. The rain so dearly reminded him of Burmecia and the first meeting with his brother in over a decade. The raindrops had blessed his victory then, perhaps here they heralded another?

A soft laugh as he tugged his fur-trimmed hood to hide his face better, stopping a little away so he could observe without being observed. A Sorceress wielding her powers in a playful display of water.

Then ice. Then a very familiar form.
Shiva. Kuja nodded, impressed. Another from my world? Or a world similar to it?

No doubt she had not been here as long as he had, judging from the loose strings of magic keeping her spells together. Not a Canary, per se, but still a fledgling. She would grow stronger, he could feel it.

The air thrummed around her as something fought her control. Her Lady of Ice moved, shaking free and flexing her limbs as though they ached after being stationary. She nodded respectfully to Lulu. One Ice Queen greeting another.


Don't worry about post order gaiz. Since I'm like, screwing it up. XD blackmagiccynic May 2 2009, 21:27:10 UTC
She'd been just ready to change Shiva into another Aeon--Valefor, perhaps--when something strange happened to the magic holding the sculpture together. An outside force, perhaps? Shiva acknowledged her with a nod, and Lulu, half baffled and half impressed, nodded back. She turned away from her statue and to the new individual. He--or she?--had a curious, regal bearing. An almost otherworldly elegance.

"Impressive." For a moment, her gaze turned back to her sculpture, still moving as if it were a living, breathing thing. "I did not expect to meet another mage today."


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