Now when I think about tomorrow, I can feel possibilities [OPEN]

Nov 24, 2008 22:06

WHO: Yuuko Ichihara (whatisyourwish), Mokona Modoki (white_manju_bun), her employees, and the customers.
WHAT: The grand opening of the White Bun Cafe!
WHERE: The White Bun Cafe!
WHEN: Day 242

I can try any crazy schemes that excites me )

Ω konishi mitsuki, Ω riku, yuuko ichihara, Ω lex, Ω kobato, Ω kairi, Ω mokona modoki, kasandra jill warlock, lockon stratos, place - white bun cafe, Ω tieria erde, !open, Ω the medicine seller

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Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 07:33:39 UTC
Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 26 2008, 14:16:27 UTC
Kairi was still fussing around with dishes and setting tables. She came out from behind the bar too fast with an armful of silverware and napkins and almost ran smack into the redhead who just walked in the door.

"Oops, sorry!" Kairi blushed a little as she skidded to a stop, an embarrassed smile on her face.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 November 26 2008, 17:21:08 UTC
Lockon wasn't paying attention, but he did see the girl before she accidentally bumped into him. He made sure he held her by the shoulders just in time so that she wouldn't fall and hurt herself.

He smiled down at her. "Not a problem, little lady." Lockon took notice of all the items she was fumbling with. "Need help?"


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 26 2008, 21:18:36 UTC
Kairi blushed a little more before she managed to actually say anything useful. "O-oh, well, Miss Yuuko asked me to set the tables, so I was just going to put the silverware out. I-I guess you can help me if you want!"

It was hard for Kairi not to smile back at anyone, so that's what she did. "I guess you work here too! What's your name?"


Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 November 26 2008, 22:51:48 UTC
What a sweet girl, Lockon thought to himself.
"That's right, I just began working here today." He chuckled at her.

"My name?" That's right, there was no use for codenames in this place. However, not many knew him by his real name, not even his comrades. Will it be ok?

It was a time of peace, why not enjoy it a bit more? "My name is Neil Dylandy, but you can just call me Neil." He said as he took the excess silverware from her hands. "A pleasure, miss-?"


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 26 2008, 23:37:26 UTC
"Me too! It's my first day. I never had a job before, so I hope I do okay!" Kairi started setting down the napkins in the center of the plate, humming the 'fork on the left, knife on the right' song quietly to herself before she turned to look over her shoulder with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Neil! I'm Kairi!" She skipped over to the next table, still humming, setting out more napkins.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 November 26 2008, 23:53:06 UTC
He chuckled. "That's a nice name, Kairi. I've had a job before, but I've never worked as a waiter. So let's do our best, alright?" He said as he helped her set the tables, move the chairs, make sure the floors were clean and--

"Have you seen Miss Ichihara? I haven't introduced myself yet."


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 27 2008, 00:39:47 UTC
"What other kinds of things have you done? There wasn't much to do on the island, so I just went to school. Thank you for the help!" Kairi went back to working on the tables and looking for other things to do until the cafe opened.

"Miss Yuuko should be around here somewhere! I think I saw her over by the kitchen."


Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 November 27 2008, 03:46:08 UTC
"Oh, school, huh? Good for you, kids your age shouldn't worry about anything else." He finished arranging the tables.

"Not a lot. My former job was- how to say it? It involved moving a lot of heavy machinery." He smiled. "Things like that don't exist in Rivelata." And I'm very thankful for that. He didn't say.

"In that case, I don't think she'll mind if I helped around with the opening, after all that's part of the job. Once everything's done, I'll see where she needs me."


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 27 2008, 07:48:35 UTC
"W-well, it wasn't as simple as that," Kairi fidgeted with a napkin, making sure it was straight. "But I liked school. I miss it a little."

She paused and listen to his story, smiling a little at the end. "Things like that don't exist on my island either. We- um, Sora, Riku and I, made boats once, but we didn't really get to use them." She was quiet for a moment, then went back to straightening an already straightened tablecloth.

"Yes, she asked me to set the tables, but I'm not sure what else there is to do. Maybe we should go ask!"


Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 December 2 2008, 01:47:58 UTC
Lockon felt like Kairi was touching on a bad or sad memory, judging by the way she continuously straightened the same napkin over and over. "Maybe you will sometime." he tried to reassure her.

"Well, I'm going to the kitchen and make sure we have all the fresh ingredients ready for use. You can come and help, if you want." He smiled brightly.


FFFF I FAIL AT TAGGING AUGH cluelessangel November 27 2008, 07:08:59 UTC
Time was a rather foreign concept to Kobato, so it was no surprise the young girl scrambled into the cafe, her hair a bit mussed and her eyes wide. She near skidded into the establishment, and took a moment to catch her breath. She had dressed in the colors of the cafe as she was told by Yuuko, though it was a different color palette than she normally wore. One hand held on her little black bonnet, the other held down her fluttering black skirt to keep her red petticoat from showing.

"Yuuko-sama," she chirruped eagerly, "Yuuko-sama, Kobato is here to work!"

She balled her little hands into fists. She would help support Lockon-papa and Tieria-mama no matter what! And even better, being in contact with the people of the city gave her a better chance to heal broken hearts...


Re: FFFF I FAIL AT TAGGING AUGH whatisyourwish November 28 2008, 09:09:40 UTC
"Hello, Kobato-chan," she said, turning around to greet her, "You look charming."

She held out the apron prepared for Kobato.

"This is for you. You can consider it your uniform."


Sorry for the lateness white_manju_bun November 28 2008, 11:13:49 UTC
Mokona adjusted the apron that Yuuko gave for it to wear in the newly-opened cafe. It reminded the white manjuu bun of the time it became a waiter at the cafe that Fay opened in Outo Country.

Giving the dress a last tug, it hopped over to the Dimensional Witch. "Yuuko-san!!! Mokona is ready to go!"


whatisyourwish November 28 2008, 11:35:11 UTC
Yuuko smiled down at Mokona. Soel's enthusiasm was heartwarming.

"Excellent, Mokona. You'll be helping assist our new employees, since you've already had experience working in a place like this."


hey, look, i fail mostest /so late aaa ;_; walktodawn November 30 2008, 20:24:06 UTC
Riku made sure Kairi was first before he ever was. Mostly because he really disliked the idea of being without his vest, jeans and... shirt. Being in actual pants didn't make him feel good at all, and the white dress shirt made him fidget like you wouldn't believe. Not only that, but his long hair was tied back. Chefs couldn't have hair in food, after all.

But really. Riku didn't like this idea. He wasn't excellent at cooking, after all. He had taken a few classes when he was already home, but not enough to... oh god, oh god. He took his time to get up to the door, knocking on it lightly.


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