Because every Disney story needs a dash of magic. [semi-closed/ongoing]

Sep 30, 2008 21:08

WHO: Sabriel (shewalksindeath) and Ryan Evans (yayashton) - and the Disreputable Dog (walker_dog) is more than welcome! ♥
WHAT: The birth of a Charter mage, perhaps?
WHERE: Sabriel's house
WHEN: Day... 187?

She fiddled with the pendant around her neck, surveying their workspace. )

place - housing district, Ω the disreputable dog, Ω ryan evans, Ω sabriel

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Comments 14

yayashton October 1 2008, 23:41:38 UTC
Ryan liked magic. Not necessarily the kind of magic Sabriel was going to teach him, but magic of the stage sort. Even though he lived in a musical already, he liked singing and dancing in general. Was it really any big wonder that he'd turned out gay? Probably not.

That wasn't to say he couldn't be civil and pleasant to girls. In fact, he rather liked most girls. He just didn't want to date them. Living with his sister certainly hadn't helped matters any. Honestly, he didn't need any more crazy, histrionic women in his life. Not that all women were that way, but Ryan was willing to bet girls and their dramatics in general would get a little tiresome. He could throw a better hissy fit anyways.

And just where was this house anyways? Ryan looked down at the map again. He looked up at his surroundings. Ah. It was that way.

Ryan made his way towards what he thought was the correct house and knocked lightly. No sense in bruising his knuckles.


Sabriel has awesome gaydar. Why? 'Cause straight guys creep her out a lot of the time. XD shewalksindeath October 2 2008, 00:10:52 UTC
A knock.

Sabriel was at the door rather quickly, nervous, but instantly comfortable as soon as she opened it. This might be new for her, but it was for him, too, and there was no pressure here to perform well.

"Hello, Ryan," she said, in a trained-polite sort of way, but not a faked one. "It's nice to finally meet you. Come on in." She stepped back to let him in, gesturing to the living room.

"I'm sorry I'm ridiculously inept at map-drawing - did you find your way okay?"


Ryan is glad of this gaydar. yayashton October 2 2008, 01:54:56 UTC
"Sharpay fails at directions more than you do, it wasn't too much of a problem."

Ryan entered the house and looked around. It was normal, not filled with any of the things he'd imagined a person would need to do magic. But, then again most of the things he knew as magic weren't much related to what Sabriel had been talking about.

"It's nice to meet you too, Sabriel."


Sabriel couldn't find a good man for her if he painted himself blue and drew a target on his head. shewalksindeath October 2 2008, 03:16:09 UTC
She sat down at her end of the couch with a thwump that the teachers at Wyverley would have sternly disapproved of.

"I'm glad," she said, and gave a smile. There was an awkward moment - something Sabriel seemed fairly good at achieving - and she turned abruptly to her little setup in front of her.

"Please, have a seat," she said politely. "And I guess we'll go straight into it. I know you're probably just here out of mild curiosity, but I hope that someday the Charter will be useful to you."


Ryan could help her with that. :D yayashton October 2 2008, 03:49:34 UTC
Ryan nodded before sitting down. He wasn't here out of just curiosity, but more of a fascination with things and the way they worked. But mostly, though, he was curious. And curiosity might've killed the cat, but Ryan liked to believe he was a bit stronger than that.

"What is the Charter, exactly?"


lol, matchmaker Ryan? :DD shewalksindeath October 2 2008, 04:45:23 UTC
Sabriel took a big breath in and out.

"The Charter... in my world, it's the source of magic," she began awkwardly. "Or the source of the magic that most Mages use. It's made up of symbols, millions of them, billions, we call Charter Marks." Okay, so she'd proven she wasn't completely terrible at explaining this. At least she formed coherent sentences.

"The Charter, in my world, existed everywhere, all around, all at once. It was an endless stream of Marks, from which your drew the ones you wanted to create your spell. Here, though... I guess it's a little different."

Her mind had wandered there for a moment, focusing on memory, but she called herself back. "Does that make any sense?"


He could be. :D yayashton October 2 2008, 05:27:51 UTC
"Kind of. A little."

Ryan shrugged delicately, something he'd picked up from his sister, and looked at Sabriel. He wasn't much of an auditory learner, he was more visual, kinesthetic even. Great dancers weren't made from textbooks, but from hard work and practice practice practice.

It's just the way it was. He had always learned by doing and it was a hard habit to break.

"I think I'd understand more if you showed me."


shewalksindeath October 2 2008, 14:51:51 UTC
[ooc: I dunno if you were waiting for am email reply or not, but now since we have the whole three-way business going, the Dog and I have replied to the log itself. Sorry! ^^ Just a heads-up. :) ]


Late entrance of fail! walker_dog October 2 2008, 14:31:13 UTC
There was probably a great deal of blame to be placed on the Dog for that first unprompted peal (it was her bell which had stirred, after all, and that was hard to blame on coincidence) - she'd been lying beside the couch, just beneath the bells, trying very hard to still her body from visibly quivering.

Because it was, in turn, both fitting and alarming that the Abhorsen should make the offer to teach Charter Magic to one who was - in effect - a total stranger. The Charter - by virtue of its very existence - was, after all, meant to be universally accessible. The learning of Charter Magic was not something one had to be priveleged to - schools all over the Old Kingdom (and some in Ancelstierre, closest to the Wall) taught it out of both necessity and tradition. But still, in the wrong hands, it could be exceptionally dangerous. The Dog - though not, perhaps, the Abhorsen in her current state - knew that all too well ( ... )


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