Because every Disney story needs a dash of magic. [semi-closed/ongoing]

Sep 30, 2008 21:08

WHO: Sabriel (shewalksindeath) and Ryan Evans (yayashton) - and the Disreputable Dog (walker_dog) is more than welcome! ♥
WHAT: The birth of a Charter mage, perhaps?
WHERE: Sabriel's house
WHEN: Day... 187?

She fiddled with the pendant around her neck, surveying their workspace. )

place - housing district, Ω the disreputable dog, Ω ryan evans, Ω sabriel

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Late entrance of fail! walker_dog October 2 2008, 14:31:13 UTC
There was probably a great deal of blame to be placed on the Dog for that first unprompted peal (it was her bell which had stirred, after all, and that was hard to blame on coincidence) - she'd been lying beside the couch, just beneath the bells, trying very hard to still her body from visibly quivering.

Because it was, in turn, both fitting and alarming that the Abhorsen should make the offer to teach Charter Magic to one who was - in effect - a total stranger. The Charter - by virtue of its very existence - was, after all, meant to be universally accessible. The learning of Charter Magic was not something one had to be priveleged to - schools all over the Old Kingdom (and some in Ancelstierre, closest to the Wall) taught it out of both necessity and tradition. But still, in the wrong hands, it could be exceptionally dangerous. The Dog - though not, perhaps, the Abhorsen in her current state - knew that all too well.

Still, she supposed she would have to trust the Abhorsen's instincts in this matter. She would not teach one she did not trust, the Dog believed that, and should anything happen, the Dog would leap in immediately to protect her - as she had before. Her old Mistress now was safe, the Dog knew that, and in this strange new world, she had taken Sabriel as a new Mistress - one she would protect just as loyally as the old.

She had stilled herself from leaping directly at the newcomer - who seemed perfectly safe thus far - but couldn't quite stop herself from inching forward slowly, body low to the ground and her tail wagging, until she was in a very good position for either of them to reach down and scratch her behind the ears.

Besides, the Abhorsen might soon require use of her collar - and could definitely scratch in the meantime.


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