( Complete ) the meeting of two strange strangers

Mar 14, 2008 02:20

WHO: Tira and Youji Kudou.
WHAT: Tira discovers other freaks like her, and decides to meet up with one named Youji.
WHERE: Near the jungle, then to the docks.
WHEN: Just after the sun sets.

people are most beautiful right before they die )

place - docks, kudou youji, Ω tira, place - jungle

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Comments 46

smokeandwires March 14 2008, 05:01:32 UTC
Youji may have been a self-admitted ladies' man, but above all else, he was a trained assassin. He wasn't going to walk blindly into a trap just for the sake of a pretty woman (never mind the fact that he had done just that not too long ago). It was always the pretty ones that proved the most deadly, after all.

She had mentioned a cafe just before the jungle, and he managed to find it without too much difficulty. He scanned the area from over the top of his shades, almost slipping into 'cautious mission mode' when he couldn't locate her.

Then, he saw a foot waving from the tree just above his head. That must have been her, sitting way up there like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Waiting to pounce, dear?"


seeyouinpieces March 14 2008, 05:15:30 UTC
Tira was indeed a dangerous being, trained from childhood to kill and work as an assassin, but unlike Youji she didn't seem to put up defensive, cautious fronts. Instead her unstable and intense emotions just ran the show according to how it was playing out. Tira could turn absolutely vicious and cold in a matter of seconds.

The blue-haired woman laughed at that comment. "Maybe. I am a predator, you know." Tira let the ring blade slip off her ankle and she caught it in her hand as she pushed herself off the branch, landing perfectly on her feet. The raven resettled itself on her shoulder.

"Good evening, Youji." She greeted, smiling at the man. Her eyes set to work looking him over, sizing him up, thinking about all the ways in which she could kill him, or kill with him. Tira couldn't look at someone without picturing what they'd look like in death.


smokeandwires March 14 2008, 05:30:27 UTC
Youji felt a little like he was under a magnifying glass, with the way she was inspecting him. He couldn't read her, other than that her smile could be entirely an act.

That outfit wasn't exactly practical for a killer, but it served as a handy distraction. He took a few more steps towards her and smiled back, taking off his sunglasses.

"Good evening, Tira." Her name rolled off his tongue quite nicely, he thought. "Have any fun plans for us tonight?"


seeyouinpieces March 14 2008, 19:19:44 UTC
Perhaps it was rather quick to make such judgements, but Tira was finding that Youji was making a lovely first impression. She would enjoy the time she spent with him, no matter how it ended.

Giggling, she gently nudged the raven on her shoulder with her cheek. "Why don't you go see what else you can find, my love?" She asked the bird, who cawed loudly and spread its wings in response. With a flurry of black feathers, it took off and disappeared into the night.

"Oh, I'm sure between the two of us we can think of plenty of fun things to do! Besides, this pretty little prison of an island must have so many fantastic forms of entertainment." And if there wasn't, she was sure to create them. She smiled that little smile of hers; full of malice and glee.


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 18:42:29 UTC
[OOC: Starting a new thread because the other one is long.]

Youji had unknowingly drawn a cigarette out of his pocket and was flicking his lighter absently against the tip. Once the flame took, he again looked out at the ocean. "It would be a little pointless to just charge out into the ocean."

However, it was up to Tira if that would really be an option or not.


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 19:06:25 UTC
[ooc: haha okie. *has a huge screen resolution so things look smaller* XD]

Tira nodded in agreement, watching curiously as Youji lit up a cigarette. She wasn't unfamiliar to the concept of smoking, but she was nonetheless a little intrigued by the way it looked a little different from those of her own world.

"How abouttt~" She started, eyes scanning around until they spotted the docks not too far off. "We look around there? We could try to lure one in, or maybe take one of those quaint little boats out for a ride?"


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 19:29:18 UTC
The sand shifted under his feet unsteadily, and the smell of rotting water-snake wasn't doing much for him, so Youji nodded his head towards the docks. "Maybe a little cruise would do us some good."

He smiled once again at Tira, hoping that she was still happy with their little adventure. "Ladies first."


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 19:54:22 UTC
"Hm, maybe it will." She responded, a smile reappearing on her face. Tira then started off in the direction of the docks, right arm outstretched and twirling the ring blade in circles by her wrist, much like what she had been doing earlier with her foot. She liked to play with that strange weapon of hers.

"Have you ever been on a pirate ship, Youji?" She asked suddenly as they made their way closer to the docks.


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