( Complete ) the meeting of two strange strangers

Mar 14, 2008 02:20

WHO: Tira and Youji Kudou.
WHAT: Tira discovers other freaks like her, and decides to meet up with one named Youji.
WHERE: Near the jungle, then to the docks.
WHEN: Just after the sun sets.

people are most beautiful right before they die )

place - docks, kudou youji, Ω tira, place - jungle

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smokeandwires March 18 2008, 18:42:29 UTC
[OOC: Starting a new thread because the other one is long.]

Youji had unknowingly drawn a cigarette out of his pocket and was flicking his lighter absently against the tip. Once the flame took, he again looked out at the ocean. "It would be a little pointless to just charge out into the ocean."

However, it was up to Tira if that would really be an option or not.


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 19:06:25 UTC
[ooc: haha okie. *has a huge screen resolution so things look smaller* XD]

Tira nodded in agreement, watching curiously as Youji lit up a cigarette. She wasn't unfamiliar to the concept of smoking, but she was nonetheless a little intrigued by the way it looked a little different from those of her own world.

"How abouttt~" She started, eyes scanning around until they spotted the docks not too far off. "We look around there? We could try to lure one in, or maybe take one of those quaint little boats out for a ride?"


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 19:29:18 UTC
The sand shifted under his feet unsteadily, and the smell of rotting water-snake wasn't doing much for him, so Youji nodded his head towards the docks. "Maybe a little cruise would do us some good."

He smiled once again at Tira, hoping that she was still happy with their little adventure. "Ladies first."


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 19:54:22 UTC
"Hm, maybe it will." She responded, a smile reappearing on her face. Tira then started off in the direction of the docks, right arm outstretched and twirling the ring blade in circles by her wrist, much like what she had been doing earlier with her foot. She liked to play with that strange weapon of hers.

"Have you ever been on a pirate ship, Youji?" She asked suddenly as they made their way closer to the docks.


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 20:06:49 UTC
"Pirate ship?" He kept his eyes on that twirling blade, making sure it didn't 'accidentally' fly off of her hand and hurt someone.

Youji shook his head. "We don't really have pirates anymore these days. I mean, I went on a fake one at a theme park when I was a kid..." Were there really pirates in Rivelata, despite how 'peaceful' that Queen claimed things were?


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 20:27:05 UTC
Tira had incredible control over the weapon, especially for something so easy to hurt oneself on. But, depending on the situation, accidents could happen. And so far, tonight wasn't looking accident-prone.

"Really? There's a good few of pirates back home." She replied, still twirling the blade idly. "I've been on a few pirate ships before. But one of the captains was mean to me so I killed him and his crew~" She giggles at the memory. "But... what exactly is a theme park?"


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 20:42:56 UTC
Well, Tira had said that she was from a similar time as this place they were currently in, so pirates would probably make sense. Youji laughed, walking a little faster to keep up with the girl.

"I can't imagine what sorry excuse for a man would be mean to you," he said. "Theme park? Well, let's see... I guess you could say it's a place where people go to have fun. There's usually food, skill games, rides, that sort of thing. Very nice for dates."


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 21:15:31 UTC
"Pirates tend to be foul creatures, and they always seem to look at me wrong." She said, offering no real explanation of what 'look at me wrong' exactly meant. The description of the theme park made sounded nice, but she had come to realize long ago that fun for normal people did not necessarily mean fun for her.

"I wonder if there would be something I'd like there." She mused, curious. "I don't think this little Rivelata place has such a thing... aww, maybe I'll never know."


smokeandwires March 18 2008, 21:22:14 UTC
'Look at her wrong? Ah, sexual harrassment, maybe.' Youji stopped as they reached the docks and looked around at the boats tied up there. He didn't know if the locals gave these things away for free like the food and clothing, or if they were going to have to resort to stealing one ( ... )


seeyouinpieces March 18 2008, 21:41:54 UTC
Had it been Tira to get the boat, it would have been very likely through either just taking one, or killing whoever stood in her way and then taking it. Since there was someone around and Youji had asked already, things would be a lot less messier. She'd save her bloodlust for any sea monsters they found.

"Well it could be called fishing." Tira offered with a little grin. "But I don't think we'll find such fish in the market~"

And with that Tira had jumped down into the fishing boat, standing on the seat in the middle with fabulous balance. She held her weapon in one hand at her side and smiled up at Youji still on the wharf. "Come on, Youji! Fishing won't be as fun without you!"


smokeandwires March 19 2008, 03:33:54 UTC
Youji blinked and saw that Tira was already on board. He looked back at the owner of the boat, who was just staring ahead blankly with a smile on his face. Youji waved awkwardly and boarded after Tira.

He made his way over to the controls and scanned them briefly. "Uh..." Youji flashed Tira a somewhat helpless smile. "You know how to steer this thing?"


seeyouinpieces March 19 2008, 04:56:59 UTC
"Not exactly." She answered truthfully.

Tira took a glance at the rope that tied the boat to the wharf and didn't even consider untying it, she just sliced it with her weapon. She pressed a foot to the wharf and pushed them away from it, still keeping her balance.

"I think I know the basics, though!" She exclaimed, sitting down and slinging the ring blade over her shoulder like a sash. Hands found the handles on the two paddles and she experimented a bit with it to try and figure out what did what until she could make the boat move in the direction she wanted. "Have you been near the ocean before, Youji?" She asked curiously.


smokeandwires March 19 2008, 05:45:05 UTC
Well, they were afloat, whether Youji was ready or not. Tira was already steering and he moved to help. Couldn't let a lady do all the work.

"Near the ocean?" He couldn't help laughing at that one. "The country where I live is an island. I don't think I could avoid the ocean if I wanted to!"


seeyouinpieces March 19 2008, 05:57:48 UTC
"It's not too hard." She said before she let him take over.

"Hm, sounds a little depressing." Tira mused, pouting a little. "Aren't islands kind of constrictive?" While her homeland was close to the ocean, it really wasn't an island. The few times she was on an island, she felt a little limited, just like here in Rivelata. "I think I'd get bored with it."


smokeandwires March 19 2008, 17:35:18 UTC
"It's a big island chain," he explained. "Somehow, we find lots to do."

He definitely wasn't used to the upper body workout. His arms were already starting to ache several minutes into rowing. He stopped for a moment to rest, looking out at the calm teal-colored water. "Hmm. Doesn't look like there's anything out here, does it?"

Had he looked to the left, he would have seen the water bubbling near the edge of the boat.


seeyouinpieces March 21 2008, 16:51:32 UTC
Tira wasn't sure she understood, and was just about to answer his question when she noticed movement by the edge of the boat. Laughing excitedly, she jumped to her feet, keeping her balance perfectly and making the boat rock only a little.

"What are you, my little ocean-dwelling friend?" She called, trying to pick out it's shape from under the dark water. Seeing as sea monsters were generally vicious beings, Tira used her weapon to prick her finger. The second the droplet of blood hit the water, a creature not unlike those they found on the beach roared and sprung from the water, thrashing wildly and probably ready to attack at any second.

Tira grinned. "Exciting."


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