WHO: All of the captives that were taken during the bloodbath ball, and the guards who watch them.
WHAT: Adventures while... being stuck in a cave.
WHERE: That's a secret!
WHEN: Several hours after the ball, begins early morning.
Captured and most likely drugged for a good bit of the trip there, the captives that were dumped haphazardly in what appeared to be an extremely large, damp cave. When they awaken, they'd most likely feel very drained, tired. All of their powers are stripped, any weaponry or useful items besides their clothes and journals, gone.
All of them in the same space, their cavity was perhaps slightly cramped for the lot of them--about twenty-four foot wide on each side--and there was no apparent way to escape; the entire mouth of it was barred off with thick metal from the top to bottom of the floor, close together. The only light immediately near them was a twin set of torches that were placed against the wall on either side of their "cell," leaving the back corners of the area shrouded mostly in darkness (but not entirely black), while the front was somewhat well lit.
The main cavern that their holding area looked out from was much more spacious, with a dizzyingly high ceiling. At certain times of day when the sun was in the right spot, shafts of light could come down onto the ground of the cave from small holes up there, and if they were lucky perhaps a little into their cell for about an hour or two. From small holes in the wall, streams of water poured down into one of the few shallow medium-sized pools in the room, and in the middle on the opposite end from their cell there was a tiny waterfall which was what kept the cave from being deathly silent beyond small drips of water.
But certainly the most interesting thing abut the main cavern was the large crystal that was settled into the rock on the floor in the corner near one of the two passageways out of the area. It caused a dull red glow to be cast upon the entire room, shedding just a bit more light into the cell all of the captives were held it, keeping that area from being completely dark. It's light pulsed gently, even flickered sometimes, but otherwise did nothing of interest.
[If you are on
CAPTIVE LIST, this is the ONLY area you are allowed to log in until your character is freed. The logging system is done to the way in which the ball was.]