Lost and Found [Open, Incomplete]

Jul 22, 2008 00:19

WHO: Thumbelina & co.
WHAT: Finding a lost little girl
WHERE: Wherever Thumbelina might be
WHEN: Day 123, Night

It was a dangerous habit of Max's to protect weaker people. )

Ω thumbelina, Ω maximum ride, Ω kyle hyde, grell sutcliff, Ω shirosaki hichigo, Ω jojo

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Comments 34

justalittleyopp July 22 2008, 04:46:45 UTC
Jojo heard Max take off from the windowsil and was out in his glider only moments later, following the figure in the air in front of him. He wasn't about to let some crazed maniac take another innocent life - especially not when it was some almost-Jojo, as Max had put it. He made sure to keep his journal with him as he flew, just in case anyone on the ground got wind of where the tiny girl was.

He might have called to Max, but with the wind rushing past them and the distance between them - not to mention she'd probably had enough of his voice by now - he was fairly sure she wouldn't answer. So he would stick it out on his own, following the winged girl for only a short while before breaking away to search other parts of the town by air.


chainsaw_juliet July 22 2008, 05:00:15 UTC
Grell certainly did not mind being roped into situations like these. Chances to prove to Rivelata he was a good citizen, a shining example of neighborly behavior, were never to be wasted. Preening his attire, Grell carefully sheathed a sword into his Reaper cane. He hoped the White Soul Reaper would appreciate the joke.

His beloved chainsaw was nowhere to be seen- he would not risk anyone associating the weapon to his spotless public image.

Stepping out into the darkening streets of Rivelata, Grell tipped his hat to a passerby, before beginning his search for the Little Miss.


findmyrainbow July 22 2008, 05:02:47 UTC
Thumbelina had been in hiding at first, terrified of the thought of being so lost. She wasn't sure where she'd made the wrong turn, but it had set her completely off course. A routine errand run should not have turned into a rescue mission.

She felt so hopeless, and hated having to rely on the others to help her. It was help she appreciated, and certainly wasn't expecting, but it wasn't help she should have needed.

After quite a bit of effort, Thumbelina managed to climb up onto a wooden crate and began waving her arms around, hoping to catch the attention of someone-- anyone-- who was coming to look for her.

"HELLO!" she called out. "I'M DOWN HERE!" She squinted as she looked up toward the sky, and then to her surroundings, hoping to see someone. So far, no luck, and the sky was darkening with each passing moment. "It's getting much too dark...."


justalittleyopp July 22 2008, 05:11:08 UTC
Jojo had been flying low, knowing how little a little person's voice would be - and she didn't even have a megaphone! He only barely caught the call, veering in the air - and nearly crashing into someone's head as he did so - towards the tiny voice.

He had to squint to spot her, but there she was - a girl his size jumping and waving on top of a wooden crate. He landed the glider on the crate - near the edge, so he was sure not to hit her, and stepped away from it, approaching her tentatively.

"Uh... hi there," he said awkwardly. He'd spoken to her in journals, but it was always so much harder in person.


chainsaw_juliet July 22 2008, 05:20:08 UTC
He had barely missed being collided with by the little...creature in the glider. Knowing that the Little Miss would now have company, Grell decided to circle the surrounding area just in case the White Reaper would come.

Grell hoped he would. And soon.


nixe_eva July 22 2008, 05:32:14 UTC
Max made a rather awkward landing as she spotted a red-haired woman man person walking over to a crate. She ran and folded her wings, the blood having dried a little. Her eyes were on fire as her mind had kept count of time.

She really hoped Bleachboy wouldn't show. She really didn't need him while she was still recovering from Hiruma's claws. Not that she wouldn't fight him right now anyways.

"Heya." Max waved. "Glad to see you're safe."


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