And the dinner bell rings [Open*]

May 10, 2008 21:01

WHO: Kagari and any Zikhadhara-loyals / Cultists wishing to have dinner with her
WHERE: Outside of the Temple of Zikhadhara, the jungle
WHEN: Day 47 (the same day as [her journal entry])

Blinking in the darkness, she awoke from her nap... )

Ω leaks/riikusu, Ω kagari, place - jungle, Ω harley quinn, ! main plot, Ω duchess, kurama/minamino shuuichi, Ω firi, Ω bardo, Ω veralidaine "daine" sarrasri

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Comments 16

fox_shuuichi May 11 2008, 01:21:01 UTC
Kurama had been awake since Kagari first shifted - he wasn't one to be taken unawares, even in sleep. He pulled her tighter to his body as she stretched, enjoying the movement against him, and then released her as she moved to roll away.

He rolled over, fully intending to go straight back to his nap, but the mention of food - not to mention company - made him perk his ears interestedly.

Reluctantly, he rose to his feet, unfolding in a slow process to his full height and stalking to the front of the temple. He stepped into the sunlight, wrapping his arms loosely about Kagari, nuzzling her neck and purring fondly.

It felt so good to be back in...if not his usual youko form, something remarkably similar. Something that let the power creep slowly back into his body, something that let him feel the energy in his blood again.

He took a deep breath, inhaling Kagari's scent and the myriad scents wafting from the jungle - plants, soil, blood...and other cats.

It would be quite the feast, indeed.

[[OOC: LOL, also on hiatus, but when Jen's ( ... )


imurvixen May 11 2008, 01:56:28 UTC
[[OOC: And here we are again, tempting our muses...]]

"I hope they show up soon," Kagari murmured, her vocal chords vibrating against Kurama's mouth. "Or I fear I'll get restless again..." Her tail flicked against his legs while her arms moved up to cross her body, resting below his.

Any form with proper ears and a tail and a scent was fine by her - but the scent was most important these days. It told them who was on the Master's side and who could be torn apart without second thoughts.

"Do you think they'll want to go out hunting for the beasts? Or eat the jerky? Oh!" She chuckled a little, "Some said they didn't want the meat... can you imagine such a thing?" It was practically an insult to the Master - he gave them power and yet they didn't want to exercise then devour the fruits of their labor.

Perhaps she and Kurama could convince the dear kittens otherwise.


fox_shuuichi May 11 2008, 02:05:18 UTC
Kurama purred again, deep in his chest, curling his new tail around to return the flick across her legs, before curling it about hers, rubbing gently.

"Mmm... I'm already restless," he murmured softly, standing - but keeping her against his body - to take another deep breath, sampling the air before he scoffed, glancing down.

"Didn't want it?" he asked, with no small measure of disbelief, one eyebrow arched. "Why wouldn't they want it? It's a gift from the Master - as our new forms. Are we sure we can trust them?"

Kurama would have no qualms killing any of the newcomers who seemed untrustworthy. There were others to be called, others to claim, and those they had were more powerful than those left behind - because of the Master's gift.

They could stand to spare a few.

Unconsciously, he flexed his claws against Kagari's body, rasping over fabric.


eroneko May 12 2008, 02:10:46 UTC
Plans for a pub were forgotten, and the jungle was Bardo's new home. Ever since the death of that man in the park, he had fled for the trees, vines, ferns - a wilderness promising freedom, food, and life. He had found refuge in Zikhadhara's temple, in the other Ribika he had met there. Kagari was amongst them. A fine, strong woman amongst men. There were others, of course. Admirable and loyal to their God King. As well as others still in Rivelata, trapped and yearning to escape ( ... )


certifiednutso May 13 2008, 00:26:16 UTC
Back, forth, back, forth, swish swish swish. Harley giggled with delight as she shook her hips, making her fancy new appendage follow around behind her. No wonder cats are always chasing their own tails! Black, short fur, with a bright orange calico print... clashed a little bit with her outfit, but she was too enthralled with it to care.

The ears weren't so bad, either.

She had found a small clearing in the jungle and was quite content to skip around, occasionally ripping her claws into the tree bark or twitching her nose at the faint smells on the air. One, however, was growing stronger... the scent of blood... of meat.

Harley's stomach growled.

"Mmmmm," she purred, stretching her clawed hands to the sky, "I'm famished... wonder what's for dinner ( ... )


lizardjester May 13 2008, 04:29:16 UTC
Firi smirked as he slunk through the trees, easily maneuvering across the forest floor, even in his heels. He still wasn't that thrilled about Ribika in general, and the idea of the Big Cat still scared him a little, but this was what Leaks wanted, so who was Firi to refuse?

Before, while Leaks had never exactly been nice to Firi, he at least allowed the little lizard a certain amount of his attention. It almost wasn't like that now, Leaks was different because of the curse and busy with other things. Firi was going to do all he could to keep Leaks happy, so he went along with it.

He had to admit that it was great fun: the teasing, the camaraderie, all the chaosExtending his tail for balance, he quickly dashed up the stairs of the temple, where he'd wait. The Ribika-girl had extended them an invitation, after all, it would rude to refuse and maybe Leaks would show up sooner or later. "Hello, hello," he said in passing ( ... )


riikusu May 13 2008, 17:13:08 UTC
Something smelled delicious, and it wasn't just the blood. Besides, where his loyal comrades went, Leaks went. Dinner? It sounded exquisite. Loyalty, loathing, bloodlust--equally so. Avoiding the over-population of humans, like an infestation, all self-righteous and self-important and self-satisfied, was even better, and if Kagari was making dinner, that dear beautiful beast, then he was going to be there.

They were not friends; oh, no. The bond ran deeper than any of that, much deeper, to the tangled place in his heart that ran like bramble and weed, thick as loss.

Long ago, Leaks had forgotten who he was. And now, in the presence of their new master, he had surrendered himself completely to a higher power. The truth was, he liked it. Perhaps he had always been looking for someone, something, this powerful, to serve.

In his own way, he was almost...nicer. To Firi, at least. Patted him upon the head--offered a good boy, distractedly, now and then, running long fingers with even longer nails through the silky white hair, or ( ... )


certifiednutso May 13 2008, 22:25:39 UTC
"I remember you," Harley said, smiling as she curled up on the stone beside him, wrapping her tail around her legs, "you talked to me in the journal thing-a-ma-bob!"

She took a liking to him immediately. He had defended her when stupid Clark 'ooh look at me I'm so righteous and snotty and a big old JERK' Kent was insulting her... and insulting Mr. J... she cracked her neck on one side, looking back into the lush jungle. She wondered what he would do if he were here.

But no. He wasn't here. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the blood around her and the security she felt. After all, she knew enough to go where the power was, and here, at the temple, she could feel it flowing through her veins like a drug.

Grinning again at Firi, she began to play with the ruffles on his outfit. "So pretty..." And then she noticed his tail. "Hey... you aren't... what are you, exactly?"


wildmagicmaglet May 13 2008, 23:50:30 UTC
Daine's eyes glittered in the light. The brunette's moved through the jungle with the agility of one who knew how a cat moved. It wasn't just the Gift, it was something deeper, something more instinctual inside her, controlling the new Gift to her best advantage. She walked with deadly grace.

Admittedly, her best ability wasn't so good here, but the Gift countered that. Made her more useful to her master.

The girl somewhat resembled a mountain lion, a testament to her heritage of the mountains and back-country. She knew her father would be proud of her. She was a huntress, and he the God of the Hunt.

She licked some blood off the meat she'd taken a slice of, the blood ran over her fingers. Somehow this felt more right to the half-goddess than the city had ever felt. More her.


imurvixen May 14 2008, 10:32:05 UTC
"Welcome, kittens~" Kagari laughed as she moved out of Kurama's embrace and past each of those assembled in turn. "Let's see~" She grinned; some of these she recognized, others she didn't.

"I know Bardo..." she purred as she flicked a claw up his spine, as she'd done upon their first meeting with the Milk-Hider.

Then she moved to the red-and-black grrl, obviously changed by the Master's powers but cheerful by her own right. "Nice to meet you, kitten~" she smiled, showing her fangs as she sniffed at the grrl.

"And you should all know Leaks, wonderful spell-slinger that he is." Kagari brushed his cheek with one of her ears, glad he was out and about again.

Next she moved to his little lizard. "You're... Firi, yes, boi?" She cocked her head and inspected him from toe to tail to head. "Welcome ( ... )


fox_shuuichi May 14 2008, 17:15:28 UTC
He was jealous, that much was perfectly clear as Kagari pulled away from him and moved to the center of those who had assembled thus far. His ears flicked impatiently, and he flexed his claws at his sides.

She was his, after all. She had called him, he had come, and she had woken his true power once more. They belonged to each other.

And yet he realized that she was meant to care for the Master's..."children", as it were. So he watched her, growling softly, amber eyes hard as he looked over the others.

She would come back to him. He knew it.


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