Questions and Answers [In Progress, Closed]

May 09, 2008 12:49

WHO: Daisya Barry (sh_hereisgone) and Greg House (causticguy)
WHAT: Daisya has questions, House has answers. Hopefully.
WHERE: House's place
WHEN: After this conversation with Kanda - towards nighttime.

What hurts the most is being so close - )

Ω daisya barry, Ω gregory house

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Comments 17

sh_hereisgone May 11 2008, 16:11:31 UTC
Daisya shifted uncomfortably, then froze. His blood ran hot and cold at once, and he felt himself pale and then flush angrily.

"Kanda did what?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous. "He came here an' apologized to you for my feelings?"

The anger steadily built inside of him. What right did Kanda have to speak for him?! And on top of that, what the fuck had he said?!

Daisya grit his teeth and looked away. There wasn't much he could say now; Kanda had likely ruined everything with his scheming. He didn't even know what else to call it. It pissed him off more than he could say, though.

"He didn't tell me to come here," he finally said, his voice holding a bit of a bite. "I came on my own, an' fuck whatever he said or did."

He may not have liked getting angry, but Daisya couldn't deny the fact that he was justified. He felt sick to his stomach and clenched his fists to keep his hands from trembling.

Kanda had no right.


causticguy May 11 2008, 16:47:18 UTC
House was, in a sense, in the business of making people mad. In fact there were probably more than a few of his former patients who suspected that he only practiced medicine because it offered a really primo route for saying things to people that were sure to piss them off and managing to get away without being punched in the face for doing it. (They would have been wrong: medicine was only a convenient backdrop for the entertaining pastime of pissing people off, and in most cases it was the cane that kept him from getting punched in the face since there weren't a lot of people in the world who wanted to think of themselves as the type to beat up on cripples.)

The fact of the matter was, though, that House had been trying to find a way to piss Daisya off practically since the day they met. Not that House wanted Daisya to be angry at him per se, but just that he wanted to see him angry because it wasn't natural for anyone to be that unwaveringly serene and unshakably halcyon ( ... )


sh_hereisgone May 11 2008, 19:52:51 UTC
"Did he," Daisya replied, ears pinned back and his voice a dark snarl. "It's good to know he thinks that way."

Good, mostly, because at that moment Daisya was truly angry enough at Kanda to turn his back on him. This was what he'd feared. Kanda would likely say "Oh, I did it for your own good" and sneer and scoff at him being too stupid to figure it out, but Daisya didn't care. He was beyond angry. He was furious.

Moreover, Kanda could have done lasting damage to his friendship with House. What must House have thought of him? And Daisya had never known Kanda had - or even would - done or do something like that.

It hurt, but in an oddly good way. It was like a cleansing fire.

"How kind of him," Daisya continued, his voice still low and harsh. "I'll hafta thank him next time I run into him. It's so damn good that he knows me well enough to choose my thoughts an' words for me."


causticguy May 11 2008, 21:09:45 UTC
It felt cleansing for House too, in a way. It was vindicating, knowing that his anger was shared. It meant that he was right, but also that he wasn't alone in knowing it, which meant that his being right actually meant something. That was one of the fundamental necessities in House's life. It was like his sustenance: being right and having that rightness make some practical difference in the world.

Not that he'd set out to orchestrate a fight between Daisya and Kanda; he wasn't that petty (all right, he was sometimes that petty, but he hadn't been this time). Rather it was that the anger felt like something pure, and House needed that after all the smokescreening and the stratagems which still, even now, remained too damn indispensable. He needed the anger because it was right, because how could anyone feel anything but outraged when they were standing in the middle of a giant atrocity like the one that had been happening in this city since the day that they'd all arrived here ( ... )


sh_hereisgone May 11 2008, 22:20:11 UTC
Daisya's anger faded at the question. It had to; otherwise he couldn't think clearly enough to answer... and answers were what he originally came here for.

"I don't know," he said softly, looking up at House again and slowly swishing his tail back and forth. "I really don't. I... was hopin' you could give me some answers so I don't hafta base my opinion on smoke an' mirrors."

He glanced away again. Some things, like finding out the truth... were more important than making knee-jerk reactions and judgments.


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