Like a Wet Bird

Apr 12, 2008 01:43

[ooc: page spotted with water randomly]

Talking Projector-Inside-A-Book: I've got a question for you (yes, I know, I'm talking to a book) but, what would you do in the following situation?

My wings finally dried off. It took an annoyingly long amount of time.

I decided, hey, I can fly, I'm gonna fly! So, I went outside, and opened my wings, and took off. It was great, I went up ten feet... twenty feet... thirty feet. Everything was normal. Then, it was the fortieth foot that was the annoying twelve inches. About four stories up, like just above the three-and-half story building, I suddenly got really, really tired. I nearly fell out of the sky. THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED! Ever. Being the rational, self-supporting person I am, I decided below forty feet - around 39 feet - would suit my needs best. High, but (apparently) not draining. I ventured over some houses*.

That was when Phase II of Max's Encounter In the Sky started:

As I flew in the sky, of course, something other than being limited to forty feet (this coming from a girl used to flying thousands of feet in the air!) had to occur. Because how fun would just one limitation be? Air Rivelata is getting annoying. What I have dubbed Sky Snakes (I know, how original!) attacked me. I won't say the flying reptiles were easy to fight. I injured one and, as I dodged them, I was forced lower and lower, until I lost the lift under my wings and crashed.

You can't guess where? Yes. Into the ocean. I was wet again for the third time in three days. So I got the immense joy of swimming back to the beach.

With Love and Salty Ocean Droplets,

P.S. I think I saw something way out in the ocean (no, not a ship), unfortunately, I was a little busy with Sky Snakes to worry about it at the time.

[*ooc: houses: "empty houses and stuff"/Residential District]

! main plot, Ω maximum ride

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