Has anyone seen Pacific Rim?

Jul 18, 2013 16:46

I went to the cinema last weekend for the first time in months and saw Pacific Rim. I like action films so I was looking forward to some glorious CGI battles, explosions etc. I wasn't entirely sure of the film's plot beyond 'giant monsters attacking Earth', so I didn't have any huge expectations but I found some parts of the film left me feeling a ( Read more... )

film, daily life, pacific rim

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Comments 2

asahifirsa July 21 2013, 15:22:39 UTC
I'm so surprised that everyone seems to love it because it fails for me on so many levels. I feel like they're taking themselves way too seriously for such a movie. And that explanation with the dinosaurs really made me cringe.

The characters aren't even 2-dimensional. And no one cares about them except for the Australian guy's father (I felt sorry for him at least). I mean, 4 guys and 1 woman die defending HK and everyone's like YEAH PARTY!!! WTF? That's not a victory if you just lost half of your battle force!

And what's with the "We have a sword/chainsaw/whatever, but let's grab this container instead, or a ship or just use our fists, because that's obvisouly working so well."

And the fights were boring :(

I didn't except anything grand, but I expected to be entertained and that really did not work out.

And that last scene with Ron Perlman (?) is straight out of Sharknado. At least he was the only actor who didn't act as if he took any of it seriously... bah...


rirakuma July 21 2013, 16:19:07 UTC
Yeah, I felt like I was watching a film made from a comic where the writers expected you to know all the background info and so for the film they just piled in as much CGI action as possible.

Four men and a woman just died but who cares! I don't even know their names!

I thought it looked visually good, so on that front I was satisfied at least :)


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