Has anyone seen Pacific Rim?

Jul 18, 2013 16:46

I went to the cinema last weekend for the first time in months and saw Pacific Rim. I like action films so I was looking forward to some glorious CGI battles, explosions etc. I wasn't entirely sure of the film's plot beyond 'giant monsters attacking Earth', so I didn't have any huge expectations but I found some parts of the film left me feeling a bit awkward.

Mainly the sprinkling of Japanese throughout the film made me feel like I was watching a fantasy dreamt up by some fanboy somewhere. Monsters, robots and JAPANESE!!!! Mako's character in particular just seems wrong. From the flashbacks I guess she's meant to be in her early twenties but she looked about thirty, and having a thirty year old making these doe-eyes at the main character who she's only just met but has suddenly developed a teenage crush on seemed weird. If she was brought up by Pentecost who is clearly a military man and I would imagine she's spent some time around men so why does she act like she's been living in a convent? Or maybe the main character (Raleigh?) is incredibly good-looking but I just can't see it? It's the sort of thing I expect from a j-drama romance, not a big budget film...

Anyway, has anyone else seen it?

film, daily life, pacific rim

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