It's the Year of the Seahorse!

Jan 05, 2012 11:01

I had an amusing 'argument' with my mother a few days ago.  We have a rabbit figurine that a friend sent us last year because it was the year of the Rabbit. I noticed it when my mother and I were tidying away Christmas decorations and the following conversation ensued ( Read more... )

daily life, japanese

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Comments 7

ex_ninchu January 5 2012, 11:41:54 UTC
Actually, they're both used in decorations and such, though of course it's the year of the dragon. It's the 竜の落とし子 ;)


rirakuma January 5 2012, 11:56:32 UTC
Or in this case 辰の落とし子 :)


ex_ninchu January 5 2012, 12:01:18 UTC
Yeah, in the year naming case. =)

(When I asked my husband about it, he started imitating the voice of Tattsu, the seahorse pokemon instead of answering...)


Japanese chromossomax February 7 2012, 12:09:56 UTC
Hi rirakuma ( ... )


Re: Japanese rirakuma February 7 2012, 21:15:50 UTC
I like helping out in the communities because there's no obligation to do anything. You help out if you feel like it or if something's interesting. I'm not really looking to commit to anything particularly, sorry!


Re: Japanese chromossomax February 8 2012, 00:25:24 UTC
Well, I understand. but lol, it was not a "commitment" at all...!!!

It's just that you helped me for the.. hmm, second time? and I'm grateful. ^_^

Right now I'm trying to identify some video game music tracks in Japanese, and also need some help with 3 or 4 things from a menu. Wanna help again? :')

The thing is, I already made a post yesterday in the community and I don't want to make another post within few days. Kinda feel like a "leecher" lol which I'm not.


lelys24 March 23 2012, 07:44:31 UTC
Haha they are a family, same thing)))))


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