he talks like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were young

Jun 24, 2009 16:19

Good God.

I've been watching older GL clips to get a bit more well-versed in the epic history of Olivia and Natalia. So of course, I started with Olivia finding out about her heart condition. And right before she decides to help Alan break up Gus and Natalia, in return for his promise that Phillip never gets his hands on Emma ( Read more... )

d&b, people: crystal chappell, tv: gl

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Comments 44

skeeterbop June 24 2009, 20:29:40 UTC
Yes, Alan had a "thing" for Natalia...which means he so wanted to take her to "bed". He wanted Olivia to break up Gus and Natalia so he could have Natalia for himself.


ripptyd June 24 2009, 20:32:22 UTC
How... awkward. O_o

She just doesn't strike me as the Alan type. As in the type he'd want for himself. Such a damn whack-a-doo.


skeeterbop June 24 2009, 20:38:12 UTC
However, he so appreciates a beautiful woman...just as we do....

Olivia really did not want to break up Gus and Natalia..have you seen those eps. yet?


ripptyd June 24 2009, 20:46:03 UTC
God, so true.

I can imagine Alan thinking he's pulling off his own version of "Dirty Dancing," and slumming it with the poor girl with emotional baggage. LOL.

I saw some clips in a non-linear fashion, and part of the ones I saw were Alan first asking Olivia, and she tells him no. I didn't delve much deeper. I figured this was a good starting point (heart condition). Should I go a bit further back?


littleninja245 June 24 2009, 20:34:42 UTC
I think I'll do my Crystal picspam for sure, now. Could she fucking floor me even more?

YAY! Fuck, she is so amazing. Did you only just notice how fucking heartbreakingly incredible she is?! Were you not watching those graveyard scenes?! LOL!! I joke. :P

And I love that you felt the need to add Natalia pictures at the end of this to balance it out, lmao. XD


ripptyd June 24 2009, 20:50:07 UTC
Girl, don't make me e-slap you. XD

Ofc, I knew she was a glorious actress. I just didn't delve deeply into the past history, because there's SO FUCKING MUCH. It was epic enough in written word summary form, so I took it as it was. I saw a clip here and there. But not whole long episodes.

I already work ALL the time, and sleep when I'm not working. I'd only get through a clip or two a day. By the time I finish the past episodes, we'll be at the END of GL as a whole. XD

And dude, I really did need to add her. I almost did a picture of Crystal instead, and it felt WRONG. I needed to get back to my ZEN Natalia center. ;)


littleninja245 June 25 2009, 19:17:39 UTC

Oh true, it took my MANY all-nighters to watch all the youtube clips. I can't imagine how long it'd take to watch whole episodes.

Haha, you're funny. In a good adorable way, not a weird way. (Although maybe that too, really... :P)


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ripptyd June 24 2009, 20:57:53 UTC

Remember how I watched a shit-ton of that soap with Anna Friel, to see TEH GHEY?

You should sit down and watch a shit-ton of this couple.

It's killing me that it's written SO WELL and it's a SOAP. I'd kill to have this on primetime. It kind of stomps the hell out the The L Word and it's lol-tastic writing.

I mean the rest of the show is lulzy and I don't bother. But this couple is TOTALLY a SUPERCOUPLE.


Oh golly, there's a link to the storyline, if one were to peruse it. ;)


Oh, look! Hey, there's a link to the entire love storyline. ;)


ripptyd June 24 2009, 21:01:35 UTC
Also, you'd get the biggest laughs watching how fucking HUGE Jessica Leccia gets from getting preggers. And the way they don't bother hiding it for like...6 months. And then suddenly they kick it into high gear and make her stand behind SO MUCH RANDOM SHIT. XD


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unicorn23 June 24 2009, 23:52:16 UTC
Awesome. You've finally planted your lovely beat on the Crystal Chappell love train. You shouldn't feel guilty about loving Crystal too though; I'm sure you have enough love to go around these two amazing ladies. :p

I was all confused about Alan having the hots for Natalia in the beginning as well. I thought the reason he asked Olivia to go after Gus was because he didn't find Natalia suitable for his son. When I realized he liked her that way, I was all WTF?

I cannot wait for the Crystal picspam. It's going to be as epic as your previous picspams, if not even better!


ripptyd June 25 2009, 00:05:46 UTC
It's not like I DIDN'T like her before. Or appreciate her acting. I just tend to get blinders on, lol. And watching older videos where Olivia and not Olivia/Natalia is the focus lets me swivel my head a bit. XD

The Alan wanting Natalia thing STILL makes no sense to me. But it's Alan. I just don't even bother anymore. He's a loon. An evil loon, but a loon regardless. XD

The picspam will probably happen next week sometime. I'm working the next four days or so, and some oddball hours. It will definitely be... something else. LOL.


unicorn23 June 25 2009, 01:43:16 UTC
Yeah, yeah, you're just utterly biased when it comes to Jessica/Natalia. ;) I understand because I'm the same way with Crystal. It all balances out.

Seriously, your work schedule suuuucks. Just saying. No wonder you're banning yourself from Twitter for a few days (although you just missed Crystal tweeting) otherwise you won't get anything done, let alone the Crystal picspam!


ripptyd June 25 2009, 02:09:18 UTC
LOL, I am pretty Jessica/Natalia biased. As if that was news or something. She's just so achingly pretty, it doesn't seem REAL. Good god. And the awesome personality just makes her a bajillion times better. I'd legit want to go out drinking with her. And if she ended up drunk... so be it. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. XD

Yes, yes it does. *sigh*

Well the self-inflicted Twitter banning is because I get overwhelmed with it sometimes. I'm more of a one-on-one person (thus, I'm better at LJ communication), and Twitter just feels like too many people, too many conversations, and just... too much in general. I actually need to go through and cut a bunch of people that I'm following. It may help.


onedimpledcheek June 25 2009, 01:17:47 UTC
I was reading, and then I got SO DISTRACTED by those Nat pics at the bottom. I'm really only typing this comment so I can stare at them a little longer.

How can she be SO PRETTY?

P.S. Looking forward to that hot-ass picspam.


ripptyd June 25 2009, 02:13:05 UTC
I don't blame you. I often peruse my own LJ and go "HAAAYYYY," when I pass by pictures of her hotness.


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