remember she asked you. remember to breathe.

Jun 23, 2009 01:53

All these bitches do is bring out the cursing sailor in me.

Damn damn damn, God damn, son of a bitch, damn.They just... They need to do more than this face touching shit. It's hot. Don't get me wrong. And the build up is still sizzling. I just don't know how much more I can take ( Read more... )


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Comments 35

onedimpledcheek June 23 2009, 06:59:47 UTC
God, I LOVE when that little chunk of hair falls between Jess' eyes.

And Crystal...yeah, I can't even think when she turns those eyes on even more.

How are they not all over each other ALL THE TIME? If either one of them was that close to my face, my clothes would be off in record time. Theirs too. Public places be damned.

P.S. The coloring in your caps is always crazy gorgeous. ♥


ripptyd June 24 2009, 15:00:10 UTC
God, I LOVE when that little chunk of hair falls between Jess' eyes.

God, I turn into goo. Over a chunk of damn hair. I mean, shit. LOL.

Dude, the looks they give each other constantly are total panty droppers.

ETA: P.S. The coloring in your caps is always crazy gorgeous. ♥

Thank you! I try and keep them lit as naturally as possible. Soaps seems to have a lot of yellow/brown saturation in them. IT MUST BE REMOVED. XD


tinyklutzygirl June 23 2009, 11:57:28 UTC
JESUS *CHRIST* these two. They HAVE to know what they do to us. I'm sure they sit around laughing at us like BAHAHAHA you THOUGHT we would kiss! NOPE! KEEP WAITINGGGGG.


ripptyd June 24 2009, 15:02:31 UTC
IKR? Well, we already know CC loves to tease the shit out of us, via the hand kissing comment she tweeted. The woman is like...begging me to write more RPF.


tinyklutzygirl June 24 2009, 21:07:30 UTC
She kind of is. It's her own fault. Seriously, the LOOKS they give each other. That is just SUPERB acting. ..Right?


ripptyd June 24 2009, 23:42:03 UTC
It's like... getting a message from GOD.

"HAY, write more slash fiction with me and a friend from work. PLZ?"


littleninja245 June 23 2009, 19:59:28 UTC
So freakin' pissed there wasn't a kiss in this scene. It was such a perfect moment for it. =/

Dammit, Crystal, do not make me make a picspam for you. I just don't have the time. But fuck she's been ridiculously gorgeous lately. Since the dark hair came back.

Okay, aside from the fact that I thought she was DAMN hot before the dark hair came back, I'm still with you. Her hottness level has positively soared recently. Jesus. And ummm, PICSPAM HER. YES. XD


ripptyd June 23 2009, 20:46:47 UTC
It's not like I thought she was UGLY before. I just felt the show was doing a poor job with her hair/makeup. It's night and day looking at December 2008 and now. I'm glad she's growing out the hair. It was so lovely when it was longer a couple years ago.

And srsly. I might. We'll see. I might feel like I'm betraying all the JL in this journal. LOL.


littleninja245 June 24 2009, 17:00:37 UTC
No, I know what you mean, she was attractive before, definitely. But now? Oy. She is just ridiculously stunning. It's the hair, for sure. *sigh* ;)

Haha!! It's nice to have a bit of variety sometimes. XD

I was looking at your icons btw, and I was surprised to see so many from British shows like Doctor Who and Robin Hood. BBC America obsession?? :P


ripptyd June 24 2009, 17:03:07 UTC
I only watch BBC World News. BBC America takes too long to port the shows over here. I "find" them very soon after they air over there. ;)

I haven't bothered past the first episode of season three of Robin Hood, though. What am I supposed to enjoy when they killed off my favorite damn character? Argh.


unicorn23 June 23 2009, 22:34:48 UTC
I really thought Olivia was going to lean in for a kiss on yesterday's show. Stop being such teases, ladies, and get it over with!

If you were a laser, you'd be set to stunning!

HAHAHAHA! Best thing I've read all day. Awesome! And I'll eagerly await your Crystal picspam. Think of it this way: you're not betraying Jessica, you're just giving Crystal her due. You are an equal opportunist, right?

Lastly, yeah, those eyes. Just F*CK....


ripptyd June 23 2009, 22:43:50 UTC
Swear to God. If they don't kiss soon, my monitor won't be able to handle the fallout.

It was a damn perfect moment. Even after Jellbean interrupted, like she always does. After she turned away, they still had a lull that was just... aching for someone to lean in.


I'll wait for more eps with Olivia and that damn hot hair before I spam. I don't want to back track to the previous hairstyle. It was

Thursday's Olivia hair nearly had my pants dropping of their own accord. It was all....tossed, and shit. A step away from bedhead. UNF.


unicorn23 June 24 2009, 00:25:09 UTC
F*ck, I cannot get over your icon. Crystal bowing her head does something to me. I don't know what it is but it's just so sensual/sexy.

What's going to happen when they kiss? Would your monitor survive that?

Olivia was totally leaning in for a kiss and was even looking at Natalia's lips!

I don't blame you for waiting until we get more scenes of brunette Crystal. Delicious all around.

LOL. In my world, bedhead = sex hair/just got f*cked hair.


ripptyd June 24 2009, 00:34:51 UTC
LOL, I love that you censor yourself. Hee!

What's going to happen when they kiss? Would your monitor survive that?

Umm. Probably not, tbqh. If I don't spray saliva all over it from my spluttering and squealing, it will surely fall apart from the massive humping it will get.

Olivia was totally leaning in for a kiss and was even looking at Natalia's lips!

Dude. She was wriggling closer, grinning, and just totally setting herself up for it. It fucking KILLED me. As flirty as she was and as much as Natalia was screaming "FUCK ME," when she was handing Olivia champagne, Olivia totally had her moment right there, leaning over that railing. CHRIST.

LOL. In my world, bedhead = sex hair/just got f*cked hair.

Well gosh, I was TRYING to reign in my potty mouth. But yes, that's what I was trying to allude to. XD


I feel ya stewartwade June 24 2009, 06:36:22 UTC
At least once a day I catch myself with my shoulders tensed, brow creased, deep in thought until someone or something snaps me out of it and I say to myself, "WTF are you doing? Spending your RL freaking the fuck out over a fucking SOAP OPERA?? But I am. I may not be proud of it, but RL is gonna be on the back burner until this shit is worked out! I seriously can NOT take it! Only one more week of Nat and we still have no effing idea what the fuck is gonna happen?? Dude, please make another vid to keep me distracted!


Re: I feel ya ripptyd June 24 2009, 15:07:05 UTC
I feel you, so much, it's ridiculous.

I never, NEVER thought that I would be thinking deeply about a soap. Though in all fairness, it's not the whole soap I'm watching. The rest of the storylines tend to bring the LULZ in typical soapy fashion.

But this? This is of a whole different caliber. This is the shit you WANT to see on primetime TV. This is the story you want to see gripping people and making them root for the happy ending.

I'm going to be the saddest of all the sad pandas when Natalia goes off wherever the fuck she's going, and for however long. D:



Re: I feel ya stewartwade June 25 2009, 07:10:27 UTC
I would love to see a vid with some of the older stuffs if you can find good clips. I miss the fights, the "you get my jokes", the Nat flying out of wherever she is when Olivia calls and says, "I need you." kind of stuff. Sigh I am gonna be a sad panda right there with you after next week...


Re: I feel ya ripptyd June 25 2009, 12:44:50 UTC
Once I get past Gus dying, I'll start amassing clips and see what I can do. :D


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