remember she asked you. remember to breathe.

Jun 23, 2009 01:53

All these bitches do is bring out the cursing sailor in me.

Damn damn damn, God damn, son of a bitch, damn.They just... They need to do more than this face touching shit. It's hot. Don't get me wrong. And the build up is still sizzling. I just don't know how much more I can take ( Read more... )


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unicorn23 June 23 2009, 22:34:48 UTC
I really thought Olivia was going to lean in for a kiss on yesterday's show. Stop being such teases, ladies, and get it over with!

If you were a laser, you'd be set to stunning!

HAHAHAHA! Best thing I've read all day. Awesome! And I'll eagerly await your Crystal picspam. Think of it this way: you're not betraying Jessica, you're just giving Crystal her due. You are an equal opportunist, right?

Lastly, yeah, those eyes. Just F*CK....


ripptyd June 23 2009, 22:43:50 UTC
Swear to God. If they don't kiss soon, my monitor won't be able to handle the fallout.

It was a damn perfect moment. Even after Jellbean interrupted, like she always does. After she turned away, they still had a lull that was just... aching for someone to lean in.


I'll wait for more eps with Olivia and that damn hot hair before I spam. I don't want to back track to the previous hairstyle. It was

Thursday's Olivia hair nearly had my pants dropping of their own accord. It was all....tossed, and shit. A step away from bedhead. UNF.


unicorn23 June 24 2009, 00:25:09 UTC
F*ck, I cannot get over your icon. Crystal bowing her head does something to me. I don't know what it is but it's just so sensual/sexy.

What's going to happen when they kiss? Would your monitor survive that?

Olivia was totally leaning in for a kiss and was even looking at Natalia's lips!

I don't blame you for waiting until we get more scenes of brunette Crystal. Delicious all around.

LOL. In my world, bedhead = sex hair/just got f*cked hair.


ripptyd June 24 2009, 00:34:51 UTC
LOL, I love that you censor yourself. Hee!

What's going to happen when they kiss? Would your monitor survive that?

Umm. Probably not, tbqh. If I don't spray saliva all over it from my spluttering and squealing, it will surely fall apart from the massive humping it will get.

Olivia was totally leaning in for a kiss and was even looking at Natalia's lips!

Dude. She was wriggling closer, grinning, and just totally setting herself up for it. It fucking KILLED me. As flirty as she was and as much as Natalia was screaming "FUCK ME," when she was handing Olivia champagne, Olivia totally had her moment right there, leaning over that railing. CHRIST.

LOL. In my world, bedhead = sex hair/just got f*cked hair.

Well gosh, I was TRYING to reign in my potty mouth. But yes, that's what I was trying to allude to. XD


unicorn23 June 24 2009, 01:58:07 UTC
LOL, I love that you censor yourself. Hee!

Yeah, I'm a dork that way. I've always written curse words like that and it became a habit and now I just do it all the time. It's totally different when you're around me though. I actually cursed on the phone by accident at work today because I thought I was still on hold, lmao! Even funnier was that I was reading an LJ e-mail notification comment when I swore! Totally an 'oh sh*t' moment. I'm just glad I probably won't have to talk to that woman again. I hope...

What IS it with you and the humping? Lol. Between that and your potty mouth, I don't know which one I find more hilarious.

I think that was just Crystal and Jessica frakking with the fans at that point. They were SO teasing us during that scene and I wanted to (lovingly) poke both of them for torturing us with that sh*t.

Oh, hun, no need to reign in your potty mouth. You know how much I love it. ;)


ripptyd June 24 2009, 04:10:31 UTC
What IS it with you and the humping?

Tsk. You make it seem like it's a bad thing. XD

Glad SOMEONE likes it. I always worry about it, because in the wrong hands a potty mouth can make one look extremely unintelligent. And of course, that's the last thing that I want for myself, lol.


unicorn23 June 25 2009, 00:48:46 UTC
Tsk. You make it seem like it's a bad thing. XD

Thumping is never a bad thing in my book. (I have to keep up appearances and try to act like the responsible adult I wish I was. Don't tell anyone I said that.)

Sweetie, that's the last thing on my mind. A smart girl who curses a lot? Yeah, I want to go to there.

As for the Matt Nathanson extravaganza, I'm still in the process of downloading. You did recommend quite a few things and my connection is a piece of crap so it's taking forever to download. It would be ideal if the concerts were torrents.

Btw, I think I might have confused Matt with Mat Kearney. I think the latter used to be a Christian artist...


ripptyd June 25 2009, 02:17:25 UTC
Boooooo, you can totally be an adult with morals and values and shit and STILL enjoy humping scenarios, lol.

Yeah, sorry about the size of them. It may have been better if I downloaded them, converted to mp3, and uploaded for you. But people just don't torrent his live shows sadly. It doesn't help that his concerts are like 20 songs long. XD

It will be WORTH IT, I promise! :D

Oh, Mat Kearney. Yeah, once you hear Matt Nathanson's concert banter, you'll understand why I found that such an odd thing to hear as a possibility. LOL.


unicorn23 June 25 2009, 02:38:42 UTC
In other words, perving is for everyone. Got it. I won't feel guilty about doing it from now on. Thanks for the vote of confidence. ;)

You mean you don't have that concert in your computer? I'll get around to downloading everything eventually but it's just going to take a bit of time, is all.

It better be! I'm going to go Natalia batsh*t-crazy on you (think bathroom-locking) if I end up not liking his music. Kidding!


ripptyd June 25 2009, 02:57:47 UTC
I used to have every concert of his that I was present to, except for the two that weren't recorded. But months ago, I kind of lost half of my music library. And I've been extremely lazy about getting it back. *sigh*



unicorn23 June 25 2009, 22:58:10 UTC
Aww, sorry to hear that. Losing anything is never fun. :\

Yes, dear. ;) Just wish the download would be faster. I could leave the computer on the whole day and then access it remotely while at work. That could speed up the process.


ripptyd June 25 2009, 23:53:47 UTC
Yeah, it really only bugs me when I go to access music that I realize I still haven't re-downloaded, lol.


ripptyd June 24 2009, 04:11:07 UTC
Oh! How's the Matt Nathanson music acquisition? :D


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