Irrelevant Subject Line.

Jul 07, 2007 10:27

My fear of flying means that I have failed to consider the fact that the plane may not, in fact, burst into flames three seconds after taking off and I may actually have a fairly uneventful ten-hour flight to California. In this eventuality, which, I have been assured, is actually possible, I'll need some way of passing the time. Could you lovely people possibly give me fanfic prompts that I could write on the plane? (There is, of course, going to be a ten-hour flight back as well, so I'll probably need quite a few. I leave on Tuesday, so you've got until then to request.)

I will have a crack at Top Gear, Final Fantasies VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII, Silent Hill 2, Doctor Who (Nine and Ten-era only), House, Scrubs, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Life on Mars, the Jak and Daxter series, Pokémon, Torchwood, the Sherlock Holmes stories, possibly the judges of Britain's Got Talent and probably anything else you think I know. You may be as vague or specific as you like, but you're probably more likely to get something if you have at least some sort of prompt alongside the fandom. I don't write porn, but I am more than willing to try my hand at any crackfic or crossover idea/pairing you come up with, unless the crackfic idea has out-of-characterness as a requirement. (Crack is not compulsory.)

There is a fairly high chance that Piers Morgan will end up being a zombie if you request anything involving him. Just to warn you.

audience participation, fanfiction

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