Holding It In

Aug 25, 2012 17:44

Title: Holding It In
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Miko, Rodney
Rating: R
Orientation: Het
Word Count: 706

Prompt: Cotton Candy Bingo: Masturbation
Ten Tropes Fill: “A Date with Rosie Palms”

Miko sat at her station, her chin propped on her hand as she watched Doctor McKay putter back and forth from his computer to the white board. He was so confident and intelligent! She wished he would look twice in her direction, but she knew he didn’t even remember her name most of the time.

When he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair, she sighed too. She wriggled in her chair and then crossed her legs. She checked the time on the corner of her laptop. It was almost time for the duty shift to end. Not that HE would leave. He was too dedicated to the city to jump up and go like the others did when the day was officially over.

Her tummy rumbled and she felt a dull ache in her middle that almost distracted her from her work and her constant observation of Doctor McKay. She needed to go to the restroom, but she had decided to hold it. She would go later. After. It was better when she didn’t go, she liked to wait.

Doctor Zelenka came over to hand her a datapad on his way out for the day and she smiled at him and hoped he did not notice that she was fidgeting in her seat. She usually tried to stay as long as Doctor McKay, out of respect for her superior, but she had a need today. He had been particularly witty and exciting as he worked in the lab. Her private spot throbbed as she watched him write on the board as he spoke to himself. She admired his genius. She knew this was a professional crush, and a bit schoolgirlish, but Miko couldn’t help it.

She squeezed her thighs together to get through another twenty minutes of work as she transposed data from the pad Doctor Zelenka had given her into her database for her study. She almost whimpered as the pressure built in her middle. She slid a hand down to clutch at herself, she just needed to last a few more minutes and then she could go home. She could feel the heat from her sex coming through her trousers.

When the last number was entered, she saved her work and shut down her station. She leapt from her seat and hurried past Doctor McKay, keeping her eyes averted and her head down as she passed him. “Good night, Doctor McKay.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, g’nite Miriko.”

He was getting closer to pronouncing her name properly, the day he did, she might just let out a delighted squeal and wet her panties on the spot.

Rushing to her quarters, she stripped off her clothes and rolled out onto her bed. She pressed her fingers to her sex and began to work at the throbbing nub there. The pressure from her full bladder added an extra tension, an extra layer of pleasure as she rubbed herself. She thought about how Doctor McKay had looked today. She imagined him coming to her side, leaning over her shoulder, his breath warm on her ear as her recited mathematical equations and discussed her study with her at great length, praising her insights.

She let out a gasp as she hit her first peak. The thought of him possibly touching her arm tipped her over. She imagined him turning to her and declaring his everlasting admiration. He had to have her. It would be his fingers touching her.

She needed to empty her bladder, but it felt so good, she held off as long as she could, peaking again as she thought about Doctor McKay, imagined his voice in her ear, encouraging her, pushing her. Asking her for things that would only happen in her fantasies.

Eventually, she couldn’t wait, she rolled off the bed and dashed to the bathroom. The release made her sigh with relief. It was so pleasurable she could not help but reach down and finger herself as she emptied her bladder, working herself up once again. It had been an accident, finding that waiting to release could bring her such strong waves of pleasure. A happy accident that she had come to repeat again and again since meeting Doctor McKay.

The EndOriginally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

kb: watersports, rating: r, orientation: het, cc: masturbation, size: 500 to 999, kb: card 7, sga: miko, tt: date w/ rosie palms

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