Away From You PicSpam

Aug 26, 2012 01:53

Title: Away From You PicSpam
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Technically - Lorne and Stackhouse
Medium: Marker on Writer - 21 image picspam
Rating: Gen

Prompt: Writing on the Body

Notes: Writing on skin is HARD!!!  No wonder Lorne ran out of room so fast, he was writing with a stupid rock, not a sharpie!  I pulled a few phrases from the stories as well as a few others that went along with the theme.  Thanks go out to Leia and Maddie and Alainia for getting into the spirit of the thing too! 
And, Leia dared me when I said I was tempted to go ask my brother if I could write on his back with a sharpie.  He consented when I used a Crayola marker instead - he stood still for one phrase - the "you are my safe refuge"

I usually post my image stuff on rinkapic, but this goes with the fics Away from You and the sequel written by fawkesielady_ed Got You Stuck on My Body Like a Tattoo

And... I ran out of ink in my marker and my skin was turning really red, so some friends pitched in and added a few more:

fandom: stargate atlantis, picspam, kb: writing on the body, rating: gen, kb: card 8

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