Bad, Bad Budapest

Aug 26, 2012 12:19

art by azuremonkey

Title: Bad, Bad, Budapest
Fandom: Avengers - Marvel Movie 'verse
Characters/Pairing: Clint/Natasha/Phil
Rating: PG (for language)
Word Count: 7,882

Summary: Clint doesn’t like Budapest, even before the latest mission. Then the mission starts to go bad.

Notes: I need to thank my beta kyaraelf for jumping into this new fandom with me, we both got our feet wet, didn’t we?

Artist: azuremonkey
Art Preview: this artwork by azuremonkey">

Prompts: Done for Avengers Reverse Big Bang, to the image above.
Kink Bingo: Rough Body Play
Hurt Comfort Bingo: Bullet Wounds
Angst Bingo: Under Cover
Avengers Tables: Gun Shot

The fic is on AO3

Originally posted at

kb: card 1, hc: bullet wounds, at: gun shot, ab card 1, size: 5k to 9999, ab: undercover, rating: pg, pairing: clint/coulson/natasha, pairing: threesome, avengersrevbb, fandom: avengers, kb: rough body play

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