Whoever invented the stupidity that is shaving legs with a razorblade should die a thousand deaths. A million deaths! A kajillion deaths!!!! By papercut, of course.
Me too. I wish I could be cool enough to just go hairy in summer too, but I can't. It's been so warm lately that I finally succumbed and shaved. And cut myself about fifty trillion times, because I apparently suck at shaving. *sigh*
it's all them bumpy bones that do it. I wonder what looks better: fur, or bloody cuts? besides, I often think that if someone can see the hair on my legs, they're standing far too close for me not to punch them in the face.
my legs are still hairy. its not warm enough for shorts yet so theres no reason to shave. even then i usually only shave if theres some special occasion or i'm going somewhere special. me and sharp objects dont get along well either.
Comments 8
(but then come summer, I wuss out and whip out the razor too.)
besides, I often think that if someone can see the hair on my legs, they're standing far too close for me not to punch them in the face.
*NOT my fur!
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