Random fandom

Nov 11, 2010 16:44

*How cool is this? All the fandoms I nominated for Yuletide made the cut!

Well, I figured Agent Pendergast was a sure thing, but confirmation is good. The rest of them had struck me as longshots, though. Who knew anybody else out there has had a hankering for Lost Horizon fic ( Read more... )

fic: ncis, fic: h50, fic: pendergast, television: all my children, fandom, yuletide treasures, fandom: oz

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Comments 10

slip_f18 November 12 2010, 01:10:29 UTC
Really enjoyed your musings on OTPs and otherwise. It's fascinating how you saw Chris and Toby as akin to a soap supercouple. That's a great way of looking at it, especially when thinking about the structure of the show and how different segments focused on different characters and story lines. That type of setup would seem to beg for viewers to pick favorite and say the heck with the rest!

And speaking of soap characters. Not Zach! No! I'm vicariously sad for you. And him, of course. I hope his "death" is a short one.

As for H50, the slash potential seems off the charts there! Alas, I haven't gotten into the show, let alone the fandom. I discovered "Castle," a rare show where I actually (a) like the female lead and (b) am not 'shipping anyone at all! (Maybe I'm coming down with something...)

Or the one where the NCIS team are back in the 1940s, dealing with some kind of post-WWII intrigue.

Oooooh. Cooooool. *waits*

Actually, that kind of feels like a Sapphire & Steel scenario!


rileyc November 12 2010, 18:04:00 UTC
Didn't Meloni once liken them to Luke and Laura? The structure of their storyline was very similar. Get them together, break them up, get them back together, complete with scheming villains and rival love interests!

Hmmm, must look up soap opera tropes. There could be a wealth of plotbunny inspiration there. *hee*

Zach! I hope his "death" is a short one.

You, me, and many others. A lot depends on Thorsten, though. When AMC left New York to go film in L.A., he said he didn't want to make that commute and be away from his family for long periods. One can but hope. *sigh*

The only thing I don't like about H50 is that it's making me miss Castle, but I live in hopes of getting caught up with repeats. So glad you're enjoying that one, it really is a lot of fun.

Don't get me started on writing Sapphire & Steel. I would love to try it, but it's an intimidating prospect because there's such an elusive quality to the characters ( ... )


birggitt November 12 2010, 17:53:41 UTC
*pets your bunnies* *offers them safe cut carrots *

OTP... now, that is such a weird thing. Some pairing, they are really OTP, nothing, nobody can come between them.

In some other fandoms, for quite logical reason, I'm a lot more flexible. Highlander, vampire fandoms, all of them have long spans of live, and therefore, lots of space for other romances aside the one I'm cheering for.

And finally, there are those where I have a favorite pairing (usually, an original OTP) but I can read one of them with almost everybody (Daniel Jackson in SG-1 and Rodney McKay in SGA are the ones I can think now, but there are more.

And finally... Buffyverse. I can read (and I think I did) whatever someone write about any of them. I have favorite pairings, but not real OTP. Joss messed my ships completely *sigh*


rileyc November 12 2010, 18:20:37 UTC
With B/K, a lot of it probably comes down to the very first impression they made on me, in the laundry room scene. Knowing nothing at all about them, I immediately got this vibe that they were an established couple, and had scenes together like that all the time. Hah, little did I know! LOL

So right off the bat, they were a couple for me, and nothing that followed could ever change that first, wonderful impression.

My favorite Buffy pairing is Buffy/Spike, but I can see a lot of other combinations working too. I always liked the idea of Buffy/Giles, and even Spike/Giles, although I've never looked for that last one.


birggitt November 12 2010, 21:39:42 UTC
Oh, yes! In Oz, it has always been Beecher/Keller to me. I'm not even interested in secondary pairings.
I came late into the fandom, and that scene, the one in the laundry was the one used to lure me into in, so, yeah! I understand :D

I love Buffy/Spike, too. And for a while, it was the only thing I read. But, God, I see so many others! Interesting, intriguing, what if? others...
Buffy/Faith; Xander/Spike; Angel/Spike, Giles/Ethan, Giles/Spike... The only one pairing I really don't have any interest in, is Buffy/Angel. I guess it's because I don't like when they try to force me to like a pairing, hehehehe


rileyc November 12 2010, 23:39:31 UTC
I never got Buffy/Angel either. Even when he was Angelus, he still wasn't as much fun as Spike.

With Oz, it was always so hard for me to get through most of the rest of the storylines. It still floors me that so much time was devoted to tiresome characters like Omar or Idzik, while Chris and Toby barely scraped out a few minutes here and there.


aletter2elise November 12 2010, 18:35:33 UTC
Oz fandom pairing has always been Beecher/Keller. There my one and only OTP.

Beecher is my favorite oz charactor so i also love AU stories that he's paired with Ryan O'Reily (another fav) and Elliot Stabler from Law and Order SVU. And who can't resist crazy Beecher in any story written hehe.

Im so far behind on soaps it's not even funny and i'm just now trying to get caught up on watching more of NCIS. My mom is a huge fan so it gives me an excuse to watch more. :)


rileyc November 12 2010, 23:45:48 UTC
Okay, now Toby/Elliot I'm fine with. I've written a few of those after all. Elliot/Eddie Drake also works. So, as long as the other guy with Beecher is some incarnation of Chris Meloni, I'm good.

Well, my favorite of the two is Chris Keller, so that makes me highly biased toward never letting Toby stray. *g* To be fair, though, I don't like Chris messing around with anyone else either.

I go through phases of not watching soaps for a long time, only to get sucked back in again. And NCIS, that obsession is thanks to USA reruns, as up to then I'd thought the show didn't look like anything I would like. Silly me. :)


aletter2elise November 13 2010, 03:36:26 UTC
I have to say i agree that i much prefer Lee charactors together only with Chris charactors, but once in a very great while i like to see one of them paired with someone else just for fun. Not too often, Chris and Lee are inseparable.

My thanks also goes to USA network for keeping me up to date with NCIS and even Law and Order SVU. :)


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