Fic: A Kiss is Still a Kiss

Mar 22, 2013 22:40

Title: A Kiss is Still a Kiss
Rating: PG-13, maybe a light R.
Word count: 4,800
Pairing: Leslie/Ben
Summary: Soulmates AU. Although, if you squint and tilt your head just so, you might be able to fit this into canon, I don’t know.
Timeline: 3x10, picks up mid-episode, sometime after the incident where Leslie kisses Tom.
A/N: This is for shornt, who sent ( Read more... )

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Comments 33

shornt March 23 2013, 04:12:33 UTC

TENSION! MAKE OUTS! ALL GOOD THINGS!!! Christmas can be any time you want if the fic is this great :) :) Thanks so much!!


rikyl March 25 2013, 21:23:16 UTC
You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it. I love writing episode AUs, so your prompt delighted me.


throwingpens March 23 2013, 04:14:53 UTC
You are evil and wonderful at the same time.

I really like the way you worked in Ben seeing that she liked the wildflower mural on her profile but also that he remembered seeing her there.

Please allow me to sigh a little bit more, because I loved this.


rikyl March 25 2013, 21:24:32 UTC
I did feel a little evil writing this, but I had to change something in order to justify having them make out a few episodes early. I'm glad you think it worked!


princess_george March 23 2013, 04:35:19 UTC
OK so the lightbulb and Maintenance, for one thing. For another, the official government document noting that they made out.

Just saying, I see what you did there. It's very AU for me, because I always loved the idea that Ben suggested the wildflower mural just because (and what happened to your theory that it was their third date, not their first?) really hard, but it's a fantastic AU. And I liked so much how it was still an inter-piece, they were still betwixt and between, even with kissing.

So great to see you writing again! Yay!


saucydiva March 23 2013, 14:15:22 UTC
The lightbulb thing just killed me.


rikyl March 25 2013, 21:27:57 UTC
My actual head canon is that he has positive Leslie associations for the bench because he's seen her there a lot, but I know that moment is sacred to a lot of people, so I appreciate you humoring me on the liberties I took.

It's only their third "date" from Leslie's POV. Ben has no idea!


sullen_aquarian March 23 2013, 04:43:50 UTC
I don't think I've read a fic before where Ben sees Leslie's dating profile, that was a treat to read. And the flickering lightbulb does give that extra nuance of Leslie's complaint in Jerry's Painting, doesn't it?


rikyl March 26 2013, 19:19:07 UTC
Yeah, I can't believe that hasn't been done before. I'm glad you liked it!


stillscape March 23 2013, 07:04:02 UTC
Oh my god, the light bulb. I think you've always been one of the masters of S3 tension--all of this is perfect and I am going to start yelling caring at you loudly to finish more fics.


rikyl March 25 2013, 22:12:42 UTC
I may regret reminding you of this, but the thing you should really be pestering me to finish is the Jerry's Painting AU.


stillscape March 26 2013, 17:18:59 UTC
YES. Finish that. Please, Ron. Please. Please finish the fic, Ron. Please please please.


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