Fic: A Kiss is Still a Kiss

Mar 22, 2013 22:40

Title: A Kiss is Still a Kiss
Rating: PG-13, maybe a light R.
Word count: 4,800
Pairing: Leslie/Ben
Summary: Soulmates AU. Although, if you squint and tilt your head just so, you might be able to fit this into canon, I don’t know.
Timeline: 3x10, picks up mid-episode, sometime after the incident where Leslie kisses Tom.
A/N: This is for shornt, who sent ( Read more... )

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Comments 33

courtknees1 March 23 2013, 09:44:47 UTC
Well this was super great! Season 3 AUs with kissing are LITERALLY the greatest. I love everything about this, especially Ben sneakily setting it up so Leslie would know he'd asked Chris about dating, and Leslie's rationalisation that she should get to kiss someone that day if she was being reported for it. Oh, I also loved that you had Ben find out about Leslie's love for the wildflower mural via her dating profile - I like your version a lot better than the "he magically coincidentally loves that spot too" explanation. And admittedly it is super warm in my house right now, but you should still take the fact that I was fanning myself as I read as a compliment.


rikyl March 26 2013, 19:22:01 UTC
Thank you for such a lovely comment! I'm glad you liked it!


missnumbat March 23 2013, 12:10:48 UTC
I love Season 3 AU's and this one is great. And the light bulb reference was terrific.


rikyl March 26 2013, 19:22:52 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


edeainfj March 23 2013, 13:18:06 UTC
Ahhhhhhhh!! Love everything, how you fit in all the little details.


rikyl March 26 2013, 19:40:51 UTC
Thank you so much!


(The comment has been removed)

rikyl March 26 2013, 19:49:59 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad all of that worked for you so well.


c00kie March 23 2013, 15:42:20 UTC
This was cute. I could definitely see this happening in the realm of canon.


rikyl March 26 2013, 19:50:51 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it.


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