Laurince Legacy, Generation 12.1!

Dec 13, 2008 17:18

Brought to you by the letter "L" and the number 12!

Okay, so last time, generation 11 went to college. That was fun. Hmm...what was the best part? Hollie and Hester both "supposedly" having bolts for any and all male relatives? Poor Kashyyyk failing at romancing? Was it Kiki getting knocked up Freshman year or Kira getting knocked up Sophomore? Possibly it was Kurt getting some sort of sexually transmitted version of the flu from good ol' Jenna, ensuring the entire fraternity would be sick for the extent of their college careers! Karana was the only one who didn't frustrate me, and it occurs to me now that I probably should have rewarded her for that by making her heir. Or...possibly the fact that she's not having to move back into that house is its own reward.

Because she's moving into THIS house with the other spares of the generation.

Come on, couldn't you have done better than this? We're literally across the street!

Unless I want to load up downtown every time I move spares into lots, I'm going to have to start using all the vacant real estate around the main house. Sorry! If I had known this legacy was going to go on for this long...

I'd chastise Kurt for speaking inappropriately with his sister, but he's hopped up on cold medicine still, I'm sure.

That and the maternity wear made Kira go all Maxis-y, so he might have had trouble recognizing her anyway.

Why couldn't I have been the cool alien brother? Being a spare sucks!

Speak for yourself.

RALPH, baby! Come over quick and marry me so I can finally have this goddamn baby!

I'm going to regret delegating these two to sparedom, aren't I?

Well, that's good. 60,000 got them moved into the house with some basic furniture. This'll help with baby crap.


Meet Mr. and Mrs. Zarubin. It's good I didn't lose that awesome last name!

For god's sake, can I give birth already?

A boy, Lance, with blonde hair, green eyes (I think), and a skintone close to his mother's. We'll have to come back some other time to see if he got the ears of Elf Cop.

I think I might need to start smiting some of the old spares. Eve, this one's related to both you and your husband. Go figure that out.


So, Rosie, how is that chess game?

Statement: Somehow it feels like I have been calculating my next move for a period of time equal to four years. I think my harddrive may need to be defragmented.

So, I decided to go with the winners of the heir poll! Any option with Kashyyyk got waaaaay more votes than any other, and he was a shoo-in for me, anyway. I like the alien features with the Griff nose. The second was tied between Kira and Kiki for awhile until I begged for more votes on another legacy's update, but I finally got a resolution.

Besides, you have to pull for a woman who attempts to wear a corset while pregnant. You got to.

Can I finally have this--


MOOOOOM, I can't believe you went through this five times!

Honey, I had two sets of twins. I only did it twice.

It's a boy, Luthor. He's got his father Felix's eyes, light skin, and black hair.

Kashyyyk was underwhelmed. Obviously, I kept the anticipation building for far too long with this.

Since there really weren't any of Kashyyyk's couple of lovers that I was crazy about, and I'd have to move in someone for him, I went with the Magic Crystal Ball. And I found a skin deletion victim...but she was in the FIRST batch of downtownies I ever made. I've been wanting her in the family since generation 4.

So, I'm going to distract you with this while I work my SimPE magic~

Kiki invited over Felix.

Here we go. Her name is Johanneke and she has two bolts with Kashyyyk. Meet his babymomma.

Dad, get out of the way of the hot chick!

I, uh, like your crappy pixelated t-shirt. It makes you look hot.

Why thanks!

And the two of them got hitched. This sorta spoiled Kiki's ~dream~ of marrying a rich sim, but it's not like she needs money.

You know, I kinda wonder who he knew well enough that they'd leave money when he died. It has to be a spouse, like Dezso or Oly.

Julian and Macy celebrate grandparenthood in the best way.

Johanneke rolled up this fear on her first date. It looks like she knows which way the winds are blowing, since that's the only way for her to have kids with Kashyyyk's last name...

There was this prissy blonde bitch in my dorm at Uni...she didn't like me!

Gossiping seems so petty!

If it makes you feel better, Johanneke, Kashyyyk doesn't want to marry anybody at all, it's not just a fear of marrying you.

OOOOOOOOH I see that crush heart. You do like him!

Servos are great for portrait painting. They have so few needs and so many skill points.

Kiki, you gave birth like eight hours ago! Rest your netherparts a bit.

I just thought this looked really sweet.

Hey, I think they're trying for a baby! Why can't I?

Again. You. Birthed. This. Morning. Also. Fortune. Sim.

That was fun!

Uh...Kash, did I just hear a glockenspiel?

Maybe Luthor is a really smart baby and he found the toys!

...somehow I don't think that's it.

I think we should commit to each other!


...well, this sure sucks.

Yes, yes it does.

So, we can just forego the protection and...


I promise, Kiki is not a family sim in any shape or form. Luckily, no oopsing. Felix must care about his wife's health more than she does.

I gave Johanneke a makeover. Man, who made that shitty t-shirt she was wearing?

(I did, on my other computer with the sucky graphics card which never displayed textures clearly. XP)

Johanneke: Romance, LTW - Woohoo with 20 Sims
Felix: Fortune, LTW - Make 100,000

Guess which spouse's LTW is most likely to be met!

And while Kiki wanders around trying to impregnante herself way too soon, Macy is actually taking care of the baby that already exists.

My man is sexy. Just like his father.

Johanneke has bolts with every male in the house. This might be interesting.

Just so you guys know, my love of mohawks? Transcends gender.

I still don't know if Kiki inherited anything in her faceshape from her father.

Exclamation: Why aren't you a happy baby!
Statement: Sleep well, now, Luthor.

Rosie, that's not where the baby goes.

This is what I get for turning on "Robo-nanny" on the servo controller.

Oh god, and I had avoided the legacy family for so long...

It won't be so bad, look at how happy everyone else is about Kiki's baby.

Can I have another baby now?

...all right, bad example.

Pamela doesn't go for Kashyyyk's shenannigans. Come on, baby, Jo's at work!

Take your last look at hot Julian/Macy.

It'll be okay, though. Once hot, always hot!

I had to change the jacket since it left a little bit of a gap over all the pants in their wardrobe.

Macy seemed way too pale with silver hair, so I decided she'd be a hair-dying grandma.

They're still a cute couple~

And it's time for Luthor's first birthday!

Boy, sis, I'm glad it's you and not me.

Well, you won't be able to say that for too much longer.

Why do you say that?

I think she's got a good hunch.

You're certainly earning points for autonomously wearing a fauxhawk! Now get your feet off the counter.

Now he's a cutiepie and different looking from what we've had in the family lately, with Griff's dominant genes.

Oh, how nice, Rosie is getting Mom some cake.

Query: I have wondered what it is about human aging that requires there to be cake. If I consume cake, perhaps I will also age?

I have a Query. Where is that cake GOING?

And now that Luthor is a toddler, perhaps Kiki is ready to have another.

God, maybe if I was happy because I had another baby, I'd be able to work this thing!

...shut up.

So, Felix...

...oh no.

Baby 2 is on the way, and I had no hand in it!

I've never had a servo before Rosie, since I just installed OfB not too long ago. But she seems to be really trying to be human with the little things. I think it's because she's a Pleasure sim and has all these wants to do playful things that robots shouldn't care about.

It's really nice to have someone awake when the toddler is inevitably up at 3am.

Okay, I'm not sure why you're hanging out with your father-in-law in your underwear, Felix, but it's kinda creepy.

Yeah, they're only ~pretending~ to be happy here.

I don't know how easy it is to tell, but Felix has that freckled Lyran skintone that I love. I actually love all of my two or three freckled body skintones, but I obviously don't have exclusively pale sims, so you don't see them too often.

Felix isn't what I'd consider hot, he's more adorable. Kinda like the toddler.

Wow, I'm glad that my wife never danced outside in the snow in her underwear when she was pregnant!

Your constant swooning over Johanneke when you think I'm NOT looking would say otherwise, Geordi.

I don't care if you're saddled with obligations that you don't want, Jo, you're not going to ruin Kiki's delirious happiness!

Rosie secures her position as legacy portrait painter!

Interesting children this generation, y/y?

Ah, what a classic shot. Glitchy pop with a cowplant lurking in the background.

Heart-to-Heart: Oh, [insert term of endearment here], what do you want to do with your life in the distant future?

Wule the world!

Statement: It is comforting to know that there are humans with the same ruthlessness out there as those of us who operate solely on logic.

Opewate sowly on wogic!

Platitude: Stay in school, and you will have the ability to achieve any goal you may set now in your formative years.

Kiki may have really wanted this baby, but she still really wants to go to work. So have at it, girl!

Felix overheard me saying he wasn't really "hot" and is trying to prove me wrong.

It's only kind of working.

This looks almost as sweet as Julian and Macy earlier, right?

Well, I just married them because of the impending birth...and...

The red, it will be with Kash for a long, long time.

Jo's not far behind.

Okay, next time Rosie tries to bring you five bottles, what do you say?

Even if I is hungwy, I onwy want ONE baba!

Kashyyyk attempts to practice at the parenting thing. Luthor is ruthless.

Look, I know that we can adopt children. They must come from somewhere. Johanneke could be that somewhere!


Again, I don't care if you don't want to be married or tied down, no perving on the in-laws!

Look, all we have to do is take it step by step, and perhaps this whole gig won't be as bad as we thought. And then--



It's a girl, Leeloo, with dark skin, red hair, and similar eyes to Johanneke. When I went to fix Jo's skin, I saw she didn't have any eyes set in her DNA either, so I tried to find the right eye to fix it. These aren't quite the same eyes, but hopefully it's close enough.

No alien genetics, though! They'll have to try again.

Congrats, Jo!

She's beautiful!

They'll try again when the parents stop gibbering.

This was a close second for the teaser, but I was afraid you all wouldn't recognize anyone.

Oh come on, Kashyyyk, it's not like you ever got much ass before all of this, anyway.

This does NOT improve my chances!

Macy steps in again, it seems like she's stuck either way...whether there is no desire to be a parent or TOO much, she's still caretaker.

Rosie, can you even USE that?

Here's someone happy to be having a baby!

It's a wonderful sunny day...and it's the same day you had your beautiful baby! life is over.

They try to forget the only way they know how...which won't end well if they haven't perfected their method of birth control.

It's time for Luthor to have another birthday, and Kashyyyk has the best list of people to invite. Also, Kiki was at work.

So uncle gets to do the honors, though I'm sure half the reason he's so eager is the fact that this will reduce the chances Luthor will spit up on his face again.

He needs a little tweaking for extra cuteness, but I think he's growing up well!

Aw, now why were you so insistant that a SECOND kid would be wonderful, Kiki? Look at what you have!

Kash? Did I just hear what I thought I did?


...I...think I owe the future an apology. And probably Johanneke.

Good, clear shot of Luthor!

The birthday party went really well.

Here's a nice tip, son! You play so well.

Julian, that was like $500. That's not a tip, that's a donation!


Okay. You know what? Griff has introduced a crazy gene. It seems to only affect the men, and obviously, it activates at a random point in development.

Oh no! I forgot!

What did you forget?


It's another boy, Locke, with pale skin, Felix's eyes, and...well, I'm still not sure if Felix has brown or red hair. It's his father's hair color, for sure.

And how did we get that baby? With this!

That's really, really innappropriate.

Who's not hot now, huh? UNF.

...just when you think that legacies get monotonous after awhile, you get surprised...

Kiki and Felix are pretty big jerks in the family portrait, too.


Shove it, Kashyyyk.

Results post for the Laurinceys is here!

I don't know who I'll play next, it's the Hensons' turn, right?

I have some hair retextures I need to make fancy previews and download posts for, too, so watch for those.

veronaville, laurince legacy

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