(Don't forget, the Laurinces just merged with the Randolph Legacy, so this is technically Randolph Legacy Generation 11 as well!)
Last time, Raine got her LTW job almost immediately, but went on maternity leave before she could actually go to it. The adults' pottery obsession continued, and then Ron had a birthday! Then Saul died so close to Ron's aging up, a fading Saul still received his aspiration points for Ron growing up well. Quistis was utterly depressed, and then she became an elder. Raine gave birth to twins, Saul II and Sadie. Triton nearly immediately impregnated Raine again for me. Triton and Raine got promoted at work, then Saul and Sadie became toddlers. Quistis brought home a promotion and the plague. (She got better.) Raine had another baby, a second son named Silenus.
Sadie and Saul became children, and finally had something in common with great uncle/whatever degree cousin Ron: sports! Raine was pregnant again, and this time nearly floored by morning sickness. I learned Evangelina and Raine had both become perma-plat before hitting their LTWs: Evang through copious sex with Quimby, and Raine through having a perfect life. There was a giant party/family reunion to celebrate Silenus's first birthday and Ron becoming a teen--which led to Richter and Quý getting it on in the backyard hottub because Richter's turn-ons are blondes and Laurincest. Ron rolled Knowledge/Popularity, topping his father's career in Science as a LTW, and bisexuality.
So, Raine and Triton's eldest are pretty big nerds. Most mornings, they roll wants to learn more skill points.
While their parents wake up and just do this.
Quimby's wants are generally hobby related. This was the result of a hike he took. Hopefully the family isn't still spying on Ms Capp.
While Quimby has several son-in-laws, Triton is one after his own heart, and therefore beloved.
Quimby does continue to have difficulties teaching his grandchildren to talk, it seems. Too bad Saul I isn't still around...
Jesus, Ron, I get it that your family situation is a little strange, but wouldn't you like to have some teen shenanigans before I ship you off to Sim State?!
So, I decide that Ron's shenanigans need to commence. Here's his crystal ball selection. Supposedly, this Adriana is his highest chemistry match in the hood, among teens/YAs.
...Silenus has decided his hobby based on some building blocks. Fantastic.
...welp, Adriana is wearing the creepy baby dress. And some stupid makeover-ing on my part managed to crash my game. So I had to replay this day.
Main difference: Quimby now doesn't know Juliette Capp. Perfect.
And this was added to Raine's afternoon activities.
Now, she looks ever so much more adorable this way. I hope you two kids have fun!
Raine's quite focused on motherhood for a non-family sim. Must be her father and/or husband's influence at play.
Yay, school is so fun! Don't you think so, Saul?
...but what about all the homework they gave us?
Saul drags Quimby out of the best nook in the house to help him with his homework.
Raine won't let something trivial like being heavy with child keep her from teaching Sadie how to study and becoming BFs at the same time!
Oh, right. I forgot. Friendship is the best base for GC indoctrination.
Meanwhile, Evangelina's making something besides sandwiches, dammit. I think the last time someone made a new meal, Raine became pretty obsessed with it.
Another day, another Triton promotion.
Meanwhile, Quis gets closer to her LTW and brings home Gen 11 spouse, Felix.
All Raine Laurince spawn. Must. Dance.
The main branch of the family is having some nice post-dinner socialization, meanwhile...
...Ron's date continues to go horribly in the whole "Romance" category.
And Silenus is torturing a muppet. Good show, everybody.
Aw, Quimby, be nice to your...cousin...stepmother...urgh.
I think Silenus is going to take after Raine quite a bit.
Baby 4(+?) is arriving soon!
I think we should have a few more after this one, don't you?
Triton, my mother had triplets, quads, and twins. In that order. I'd like to see how many babies are in me right now, before we plan any future ones!
Don't be silly, Raine. When it comes to children, Triton probably wants all of them.
I don't know, I just don't feel like school is that much of a challenge, Ruth.
Ah, is it because they're not teaching you ways to improve your grilled cheese making?
I bet Ron sometimes wonders if his nieces and nephews act strangely on purpose. To make fun of him. When, really, they're just strange.
Anyhoo, I figured Ron could try paying for a date, to see if the results were a little better. And to eliminate another snore-fest with Adriana, I had him ask for a boy.
Hopefully you're not asexual, dude!
Hey, Uncle Ron!
Uh oh, is Roxy crashing the date?
Can you believe this weird old lady is actually my niece?!
That's not nice, Ron. Aunt Roxy's gonna play basketball with us!
Don't look so excited at hitting that LTW, Quis.
Oh, perhaps it's just a delayed reaction to pose ~awesomely~ in tandem with Quimby and Triton. As Triton tops his career, too.
I think they're just great at basketball, Triton. And so cute. They take after their father...
STEP OFF, ROXY. You've got Aeolus now. Don't go pulling a Ruth.
Ah, yes. The reason why Evangelina managed to hit perma-plat. Nonstop sex.
Y'know, I'd be a bit worried that Triton and all three Laurince ladies he hooked up were under the same roof again, except Raine's currently gestating. Which is obviously the best thing for Triton at the moment.
Aw, Ron finally got some loving! If only the other guy didn't look like such a dweeb.
You and your family are a little odd, Ron...
While that may be perfectly valid, you've got no room to talk, Mr. Socks-with-Sandals...
And they're such good athletes, Raine...
...but what about their dance skills. I worry sometimes...
Raine, if people would pay you to teach them this, I wouldn't worry about your kids' form.
I'm sure they all smustle just fine.
Of course, Roxy. Just like you did.
Imagine coming to dance class and seeing that.
Raine might just have resorted to the smustle (again), because Ruth stole the barre.
Well, Quimby and Triton should be ecstatic for the day, now...
...but how many are in there?
Just one! A girl, with brown hair, probably as dark a skintone as you'll ever find from her parents' gene pool, and Raine's brown eyes.
Her name? September. :3
I'm so happy, Raine! Another baby!
Pamela's starting to display some pent-up lust for her employer...and some jealousy of his wife.
It won't be long now, and we'll be teaching September the same songs we've been teaching Silenus...
Raine, your husband has some weird tastes in foreplay.
Which wasn't good enough, apparently, because I had to wait for Round 2 for her to actually get knocked up again.
Ah yes, the carefree life of a small child that will never have to do petty chores--the Laurinces have hired help for that.
Round 3? Just some autonomous celebration on our heirs' parts.
While I doubt getting an Intelligence job will win you many BFFs, your becoming an overachiever will make your mother happy.
Remember when I'd complain about Evangelina's career outfits in this occupation? Ron's got it worse. His hair disappeared.
Today's walkby? Quistis's sister, Queenie.
And Quis promptly invites her in.
Only to be interrupted by THE GODDAMN HELICOPTER. I forgot Icons get picked up in that thing. I'll have to assign the car to Quistis.
Hey, I'll distract everyone from that terribly annoying noise!
Oh, this is so exciting.
Only for you, Saul, only for you.
Yep, Raine's been wanting to make whatever meat this is + potato salad ever since Evangelina served it. She gets the weirdest first trimester cravings.
Jesus, you two like sports too damn much!
4th gen spare Elim walked by without any hair, so I just slapped one on him. So he looks like this, now.
What is it, Triton?
Her jump shot is terrible.
They can't all be terrifyingly obsessed with sports like your children are.
Quimby's glad to see his cousin.
Is it just me, or is it weirder that I let the spares never age when I've got two from the same generation under one roof, marching steadily towards their inevitable deaths?
...really, Raine? REALLY?
Oh, he looks so good holding our son like that...
You two'll have to put down the children before you go at it, again.
Queenie agrees with me on this being a great family shot, though she's got a different angle on it.
Oh, this is so exciting, isn't it?
Definitely! I love birthdays...
Yay, cake!
...don't worry, Triton. You're going to.
Here's child Silenus. He's got Triton's lips, but I'm guessing everything else came from Raine.
Male, blonde Raine. *headdesk*
Wait, Ron, you got through two lifestages without touching the activity table?
Huh. Is Evangelina getting a bit conservative in her old age? Not enjoying her child's PDA in the living room?
Of course not! She's just peeved Raine's too busy to hear her awesome dirty joke!
Saul and Sadie are often so tied up in each other, I imagine they have their own twin language.
Quistis was the only one available for diaper changing for September, but as soon as Triton was free, you know she was like, "Here, you wanted all these children, go feed it."
Then she pondered some of the other women in her family that created bizarre family structures. Hey, Eliza and Hannah haven't been the only ones doing that--they were just the pioneers!
Get this. I have three elders, two adults, and one teen on the lot, and there still came a day when they all had to work at the same time, leaving the three kids + baby home alone for a time.
Sure, someone could've taken a vacation day, but by the time I figured it out, Quistis was all, "NOT IT."
...well, the traffic management on the lot is starting to go to shit.
Yay, the helicopter's back!
Well, enjoy it now, Sadie, because it's the last fucking time.
Then Sadie and the nanny get in a fight. I think Sadie's saying she never watches Quistis on tv. That's because Sadie doesn't ever seem to watch tv.
Quimby came home about an hour later. Just in time to welcome Reeve in for an afternoon + evening of family bonding.
Silenus? Too busy painting to bond with his uncle.
I don't care if you think he's hot, nanny, the chances of you coming back to this lot again in his lifetime? Pretty slim.
Another promotion for Raine!
It's a good thing she gets promoted every time she goes to work, because poor girl doesn't get to go very often.
Aaaand Ron's gotten promoted after day two at work. Hopefully the next career level will restore his hair...
I imagine the reason he didn't seem very excited is because there were four people + the driver all shoved into that shitty car.
September's having her first birthday, and Silenus seems upset that Raine's missing the festivities for some reason. You know, she might just be tuckered out from going to work halfway into her second trimester, buddy.
While September's hair is age appropriate, her forehead's clipping into it. At least Evangelina's excited to see Reeve home for a visit.
Oh. Silenus wanted help on his first homework assignment from Mommy.
...y'know, most kids would've been happy to eat some cake first.
Immediate toilet depositing!
And here's a good first shot of September. She's pretty adorable like this...
...but the true joy is her UI portrait. She looked like this both pre and post-makeover.
Otherwise, it's a typical family evening. Bonding with extended relatives...
...being indoctrinated into dance obsession...
...grandparents banging...
...and Quimby teaching toddler skills! I think he's finally admitted defeat on the "teaching talking" front.
Though September's a fucking prodigy or something. I've never seen a toddler that didn't fall down ONCE while being taught to walk before.
Her reward? Raiding the toybox, no forced skilling.
Until her bladder was full the next morning. But that's just convenient for her, too.
Based on the look on Triton's face, I think he might've actually missed having fresh Grilled Cheese.
...he's been assimilated.
Say "baba!"
I don't know if this is a continuation of September's promise, or a display of Triton's skills.
Totally assimilated.
Talking? Pff...we've already moved on to teaching September how to rhyme.
Pamela. Stop invading the update.
I'm just saying good morning to the lovely expectant mother.
...oh no, the more personality they get, the more likely the NPCs are to invade the legacy proper.
Yay, no homework today!
...lucky you?
Poor Saul has homework every. fucking. day. And Silenus and Sadie? Have had homework once. Each.
Though Sadie doesn't immediately run around having fun every afternoon. If the maid hasn't gotten to it yet, the first thing she does after school is to throw away old newspapers.
...I'm thinking her father is trying to instill some responsibility in his children after growing up in the chaos that is an ISBI house not allowed maids.
Is it wrong to want something like that for myself someday?
It only took you about ten generations of witnessing it, give or take.
After taking out some trash, making some beds, Sadie decides to hang out with her baby sister.
...cleans up after her...
...and plays blocks together. Not only is it super adorable, it's almost age appropriate. Because Sadie and Saul are basically pre-teens at this point.
Silenus? Videogames with granddad.
Saul is doing homework, and not pictured. Poor guy.
Sadie left a napping September to go have some mother-daughter bonding. Even the GC kinda seems adorable.
I don't know if I should be impressed or disturbed at how well Raine's learned to move while heavily pregnant.
Yo, Ron, Triton's busy calling up his family and friends. Doesn't care about your diary.
(Also doesn't care about anyone off the lot besides Asteria, apparently, because that's the only person he called.)
Don't let this grinning picture of Raine head-on fool you...
...she's still dancing while stupidly large.
Sadie? Is continuing to become ridiculously autonomous. Too bad this isn't under the heading of Randolph Gen 11. She'd win.
Twin BFFs!
Wait. Which one of YOU TWO would initiate in undies instead of naked? *scratches head*
The best family sim autonomous sexytimes are the ones that can't get anyone MORE pregnant!
...I think I know why some of Quimby and Evangelina's kids thought it was perfectly fine to swim and water balloon fight in the middle of winter.
You, repairman, are a fucking LIAR. (So, we just wastefully replaced the laptop that we'd originally called him up to repair.)
It's not fair, seeing them flaunt their happy lives in my face while I clean up after their mess.
To be quite fair, Pamela, if we didn't need anyone to clean up messes, you'd never have been generated or exist.
Sadie is SO. EXCITED. to see snow, guys.
Her brothers? More after my own heart. Cold afternoon? Must be a day to play videogames.
I was hoping an adult would come outside to tell Sadie about appropriate outerwear, but instead we get Quimby. Still in a speedo.
You know, now that Frosty is done, I'm going to go in. I'm a bit chilly.
Meanwhile, Grandpa decides to carry out an extended phone conversation. In the snow. Mostly naked.
It's time!
Come on twins~~~
Because when I truly want multiples? I can't have em.
We have one child, a girl, with brown hair, a light freckled skin, those gray eyes from Triton's grandfather Marty. Her name is Styx.
See how I have been slipping in the occasional Greek mythology name here and there? ;)
Random pretty townie? Better invite her in. We're gonna have a couple birthdays today...
Oh for fuck's sake, Triton. Look at your age bar. Look at how you and your wife keep having single births since the twins.
Even if I wanted to give you ten kids, I don't think I could.
I can't believe my babies are almost grown up!
You have an infant and a toddler in the nursery, Raine. You're not near an empty nest yet.
Saul is Family/Grilled Cheese. Eh, it's like a Saul I/Parvati mash-up!
That's one of the better Family LTWs that pops up. If you're a legacy heir in my game, I think I've only had one gen that didn't fulfill this. (And it's because Naomi and Ratna Deline were too high to care that they only had two kids.)
Sadie, on the other had, took after another branch of the family tree and rolled double Romance.
...with the appropriate LTW in hand. It's not that difficult. She could, in theory, finish it off in college. Of course, the last Laurince lady to do this LTW was Orchid, and she was pregnant before she graduated high school.
Looks like only Saul will potentially be interested in our random walk-by townie. (Spoiler: he's not.)
Saul, especially once I gave him a nosemask, is totally adorable. I do think he's mostly got Triton's features, though.
The older these two get, the less they look alike.
Sadie's seeming to be a bit better of a blend of her folks, but when I look closer, everything except her eyeshape seems to be Raine.
:D Saul is more interested in videogames than that townie lady. Hopefully it won't be true of every lady, or he'll never be able to even start on those three college grads...
Keep this up, Sadie, and I'll make you be a teen dance instructor, too!
Finally, a good in-game September grin!
Wasn't trying to spam Sadie any more, but I thought her randomly assigned pajamas hilariously appropriate, given her LTW.
I was so happy about the portrait for a second..."everyone's managed to fit in it!"...until I realized, no, Silenus isn't there. ...despite all the toddler spam of him I had (I even cut some of it out), I'm already accidentally forgetting his existence all the time. Hopefully he'll get more interesting as he ages...because, if not, he's really going to be lost in the shuffle as a legacy middle child.
Finally got an update out in a timely fashion! Hopefully will not wait, like, an entire year between updates again. :( Y'all know how I can get with hobbies, though. I've easily clocked over a hundred hours in Rocksmith 2014 in the last couple of months, and I recently started playing Kerbal Space Program...though it might become something I more watch LPs of like BoI or Minecraft, because I'm baaaaad at it. I aborted my last mission because I ran out of fuel trying to make orbit and I didn't want to abandon my Kerbal out by the Mün. :(
Anyway, if you didn't catch it earlier in the month, I updated
the Borks. So they're next on the docket, if you're missing out on your pixel_trade/ISBI action as a former Randolph reader. I also finally compiled the results of the Randolph Reader's Choice Awards today, so
that's here if you're interested in favorite characters, events, etc.
Finally, I've been debating adding Pets to my game. This is probably because my RL household is kitty-less as of a couple of months ago. I'd like to give one of my sim families a version of my very stupid black kitty that passed away a couple of years ago. Can you make a cat so stupid that it will jump off decks and hide under downspouts pouring out water because they are afraid of rain? If so, then you might see a sims version of Midnight someday...