Randolph Readers' Choice Results!

Sep 21, 2014 16:30

I have no real excuses for how long it took for me to put this post together. Just...initially, I was hoping for a few more votes for some definitive results!

Favorite Heir

Gen 5's Heir, Deimos!

Was it because he was super angry for being a middle child of a huge family-sim generation? Was it because he then fathered a huge family-sim generation? Was it because he tricked his wife into marrying him? Or just because he was hot?

Who knows? But he was certainly memorable!

Favorite Spouse

Deimos's wife, steezie_k's Gigi Creelman!

...so maybe it was because Deimos married Gigi in a love-potion induced haze that he became favorite heir. Or maybe it was because she attracted the ghosts of Deimos's ancestors like flames attract moths to the point she died. Or perhaps, that her reaction to having her final children was to leave them on the front porch in the middle of winter.

Favorite Gen 2 Spare

Hera arguably had the worst luck of any ISBI offspring in my game for the single virtue of being the first ISBI offspring ever in my game. And then, there were triplet younger siblings. After her youngest brothers and sister were born, her life just went to shit. And the worst thing for Hera? She was a Knowledge sim that got bad grades and wasn't able to join her siblings in college. And, in this legacy, literally every other kid born got to at least begin college.

Poor Hera.

Favorite Gen 3 Spare

Okay, I'm pretty sure Ares nabs this title by virtue of his...fantastic looking face. Alas, that face didn't include the founder's eyeshape, and, even early on, the heir voters endeavored to keep the XD eyes alive in the family line...

Favorite Gen 4 Spare

While Artemis was quite gorgeous, I'm pretty sure the appeal here is how hilariously, devilishly evil she was. Just a bit.

Favorite Gen 5 Spare

Tyche was cute as a button, but various types of human interaction seemed to puzzle and confuse her. Here, she is angry with the guy she is dating for daring to french kiss her after all they'd ever done before was have sex.

Favorite Gen 6 Spare

On one hand, Athena managed to snag her own boyfriend in a generation where I had to marry off six kids to satisfy the previous heir's LTW. On the other hand, she was my first Randolph to get knocked up in Uni.

...which didn't really thrill her big sis, who also happened to tie for favorite spare...

Demeter was the eldest child of a...confusing partnership between Deimos and Gigi. She valued education quite a bit, and beat up her future brother-in-law after his impregnation of Athena caused her to drop out of college.

And, of course, both of our beloved spares were probably spares because of a disappointing lack of XD eyes.

Favorite Gen 7 Spare

Rhea did come second in the heir poll, after all. Maybe that's why she won the spare poll. Or maybe it's because watching a Grilled Cheese sim go crazy in an ISBI when their wants are easy to autonomously fulfill is just that funny.

Favorite Gen 8 Spare

Tethys was adorable, and a great older sister to boot! Her run for heir had one small problem--she was pretty much a female clone of her adorable father. Too much sameness can be a total drag when you want to carry on a legacy!

Favorite Gen 9 Spare

It takes a special sim to keep themselves happy by themselves. However, Selene showed us that it takes an even specialer sim to drive themselves crazy by fulfilling their own fears by themselves!

Favorite Gen 10 Spare

Asteria is the only spare of the legacy not delegated to being a spare based on the whims of an heir poll. While I loved her very, very much, she was delegated to being a spare because I liked another Randolph/Laurince couple a little better. But it was very, very close. And, if I'd made a category for "best faces," she definitely would have won it, I bet!

Hottest Male
Well, this one had an obvious winner...

So I had to give you another shot of Ares...

And another.

Honorable mention goes to...Hyperion, Deimos, Asklepios, and Hephaestus.

Hottest Female
Honestly, this was one of the ties I was hoping to break up by waiting for a few more votes. We had a tie between Ananke, Athena, Demeter, Asteria, and Hestia. PHEW!

Ugliest Male

Unfortunately for Cronus, this poll had a clear winner.

Ugliest Female
Fortunately, or unfortunately, this was also a broad tie: Harmonia, Phoebe, Iris, and Selene.

Favorite Side Character
Oddly enough, there were very few votes. Even sukkamielli's Monique Spicoli only got ONE vote. (HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Favorite Moment
As in the past, with no consensus, it's just one big trip down memory lane...

"The whole family misunderstanding with Nathaniel." --I'd actually half-forgotten about this until it was brought up. I thought the drama of this generation was going to be Demeter's hatred of her little sister's husband Trebuchet, but Deimos's marry off 6 kids LTW meant all of them were getting hitched. The real issue was when Asklepios married a Uni Drama professor, who decided to hit on Ananke's fiancé during her own wedding party...

Despite Nathaniel firmly rebuffing her, that didn't stop the entire extended family from hating him for years...especially his mother-in-law.

"Gigi's Drugged-Up and Questionable Wedding" -- Hey, Deimos chose Gigi. So it wasn't important whether or not she was actually in love with or attracted to him, right? He just love potioned his way through asking for a committed relationship, engagement, a wedding, and conceiving his first child in the same night!

"whenDeimos grew up to have the same LTW as his mom" -- Deimos was a very angry middle child of a huge family. He hated that he got so little attention from his mother, and that sometimes they even had to resort to eating jello for dinner. So what did he do when he got older? Have a bunch of kids, resorted to jello, etc, etc...

"Dave and khione started dating" -- WHO VOTED FOR THIS? XD Dave and Khione's relationship started out very cute and fun, but it kind of ground to a halt when, despite saying he wanted to marry her, Dave refused to be her boyfriend.

"Gigi's tumultuous pregnancies" -- Hey, if anyone ever thinks I start overreacting when an uncontrollable pregnant sim starts neglecting their own needs, maybe we should mention that Gigi Randolph nee Creelman managed to die during pregnancy--twice. ...and have one miscarriage, and almost have two others.

(By the way, the second death? Approximately two minutes before her due date.)

"Gen 10 in uni for sure!" -- Merges are always fun, aren't they? Well, this one was extra fun because of all the...

Random hookups...

...twin "mix-ups"...

...and just that right amount of sweetness.

Which brings us to our last question...Greatest Generation?

Why, that's Generation 6! If you haven't noticed from all the mentions of the Gen 5 heir, Deimos, his victim spouse, Gigi, and all the craziness that went on while they were pumping out Gen 6, or the various feuds that popped up between their children and each others' spouses...well, then this result must be quite the surprise to you.

I've already posted tons of pictures from that time, so let's just leave with a funny scene from a random Gen 6 update...

I love playing Red Hands with you, Dad! :D



Man, I wonder where Nyx gets that from?


Mom. Calm down.

And, that's all she wrote on the Randolphs--finally! Again, sorry for letting the poll results languish for so long. Up soon is the next combined Laurince/Randolph update as Raine and Triton continue to produce Laurince Gen 19/Randolph Gen 11. See you then!

randolph legacy, generation 10, reader's choice awards

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