Bork Legacy, Generation 6.2!

Aug 29, 2014 23:14

Um, so...somehow I haven't updated this legacy in almost a fucking year. Sorry, guys. I think between the big merge of the Randolphs and the Laurinces, and me not playing for awhile, and this languishing for awhile in update ~limbo~, I lost more time than I thought I had! (Seriously, I processed these pics at the end of May?! I know I picked up guitar again, but that was still nearly a month before I bought Rocksmith 2014.)

Anyway, last time was HERE, if you need to read it rather than want to look at the summary. (I always look at old entries to write the summaries, even if it's been a week.)

Summary: Thor moved back home last update, and I gave the Bork abode a blue makeover. I rolled a random weekly challenge, and it was to go on a random number of blind dates. Thank goodness it was just two, since after giving Thor 20 lovers, I was really wanting him to get started on his family. Zisa got her final Artist promotion and became perma-plat, and Thor had a compatible blind date. His next blind date was with imaginepageant's Danica Dallas, and went surprisingly well for a $37 date match. (They were friendly, but not compatible.)

With only two people in the house, Zisa became so low socially, the Social Bunny showed up. The next day, Thor lost all the unlocked engagement wants he had, so he only wanted to marry Helle Almassy (raemia) that's what he did! Helle became pregnant almost straight away, and decided that she no longer wanted to eat voluntarily again. It was time for another weekly challenge, and we rolled up Fashion is Life--Thor has to have a new daily outfit for a week. Helle gave birth to a baby girl, named Syn. Helle became pregnant again nearly immediately, and returned to hovering near death.

So, Thor's up early so he can lure his wife to meals. While I appreciate Helle's desire to keep the house tidy, I'd prefer it if she'd desire to consume food.

Instead, this is what Helle thinks the refrigerator is for. A dispensary for items to juggle.

By the way, guys, Thor's fish isn't burnt. HELLE JUST HATES FOOD

I love you baby, but you've got to eat something.

...I don't wanna.

You know what, Zisa? You know that food is a requirement for living, so play all the Myshuno you want, girl.

Thor has work, I always forget what uncontrollables' hours are, and maybe the nanny will help keep Helle alive, too.

Oh, and Vör's here, chilling. Maybe he'll make some food and maybe Helle will eat it!

I can take care of my granddaughter myself!

...then why did your son hire--


Thank god for small miracles.

That ball doesn't dispense food, Helle.

Thanks, nanny. Thanks, Vör. FOR NOTHING.

Thanks, Furbolg Magicakes (brilliantcat)...oh, wait. That means Thor's home. Nevermind.

Of course, a crying, needy Syn takes priority. So Helle does what she does best.

And, hey, it's time for her to have a birthday! (Hopefully Helle likes chocolate cake.)

Too much hair!

However, toilet training is much better than changing another diaper, no matter how much the toddler may not want it!

Ah, here we go, Syn's makeover! First member of the purple generation, also displaying a good blend of her parents' features. go girl?

Dude, Helle, your child is craving attention...

At least Vör appears to be a decent uncle.

Since Grandma's a bit busy with her son's coworker over here...

Experience tells us that the further stages of pregnancy don't make Helle's will to live actually exist. Unfortunately.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

...well, no, this is just child #1 being ignored for attempting to murder child #2

Luckily for Syn, Thor was nearly awake, anyway. He's got to get up early to change into increasingly ridiculous outfits. All week.

...I think I was trying to keep up the normally dapper appearance of Thor, but this one just looks stupid.

Aw, toddler dancing is so cute--

...actual mother-daughter bonding time is super extra adorable, actually!

Thanks for ruining it, Helle.

Yay, a quick promotion--not that Thor's career is especially important, but higher levels mean easier hours.

Apparently, it also means he gets to bring home cutie Emily Creelman (steezie_k).

And Astrid's over to play on the swings. I hope she's gotten less aspiration failure-y, since Thor's certainly not going to cook up a neverending supply of Grilled Cheese for his loony aunt.

Are you sure? He's such a good nephew...

Looks like he's skilling for a promotion there, Astrid.

...b-but Grilled Cheese is so tasty and gooey.




I don't feel so good...

Oooh you suicidal little...

Thor's already got one toddler to focus on, Helle, he shouldn't have to babysit his wife, too.

On one hand, Helle has voluntarily grabbed leftovers from the fridge.

On the other hand, FUCKING HALF AN OMELETTE.


Oh, why didn't she have grilled cheese?

...I don't even like omelettes.

In hopes of getting both his wife to consume any food and his aunt to stop being fucking crazy, Thor has made some sandwiches.


I heard there were sandwiches here, Mom.

Yes, your brother made them for dinner. Isn't he the sweetest? nephew. ever.

I've got one question. One.


I don't care that you're a fucking Visionary, Zisa. Where is your goddamn daughter-in-law?

Yay, we've got leftovers!

Sure, smustle party. Whatever.

I'll give 'em one thing. Dat synchronization.

Um, I have a really, really good reason why I didn't have any grilled cheese.

Why, were you too tired to eat, too hungry to sleep, etc?


T_T One more this pregnancy. Why am I letting Thor have another LTW, anyway?

Our happy little family...

I...think they did this on their own. Zisa is obviously the reason why Helle isn't on that damn bike. order to not feel hungry, one must consume nourishment, Helle.

That's not it.

This new outfit's much better than the last one. Phew. I wasn't all looney toons when I did this play though.

Speaking of loony, Helle's off to the exercise bike while starving. Fantastic.

DUDE. You've got angry red thoughts, but aren't eating. This isn't my fault!

Fuck it, I'm putting the bike away.

Not that this will stop Helle from doing anything but eating.

He can't put the whole house into storage!

Bitch, I can lock you in a room with nothing but a bed and food. Try me.

Meanwhile, the one individual in the house that can't feed herself on her own, is still somehow able to take care of her issues with hunger.


Coming up right away, sweetheart.



Mama, baba, too!

Wait. Hold up. What?

Here you go, Syn.


I'm feeling relatively secure that Syn isn't trying to eat these blocks. If her mother were in here, though...

Helle is hungry. So, she goes inside, into the kitchen, and...

...reads the newspaper.

Girl, do you remember what this room is for?

Oh, right.




Look, Helle, doesn't your daughter deserve a mother who is, I don't know, alive?!

Helle, dear, it doesn't look like you've eaten much. You've gotten so big, and the baby's almost here.

I had half an omelette.

Half a fucking omelette?!

Well, at least her mother-in-law can goad her into something.

I know you feel awful sometimes when you're pregnant. I had to go through it four times, and it was always twins, except with Eostre--

Whoa, I don't care.

Listen, little girl. If you don't start feeding yourself properly, I'm going to shove every grilled cheese I can possibly fry up down your throat.

Hey honey, I thought we'd have salad for dinner--


Time to eat!

But I'm juggling!

...Mom mentioned you might rather have some grilled cheese?

...salad is perfect.

Don't worry, guys. I only pulled out the bike because Thor needed to skill body points. Oddly enough, half naked Thor on an exercise bike is enough to make Helle remember this bedroom is supposed to be hers.

Don't tell me you're too hungry to sleep now.


Please, yes, the fewer pregnancies she has, the better.

Yay, another baby.


It's so much easier to guess family reactions when they're all adults.

First, we've got a boy with brown hair, and his father's alien skin and eyes. Hermóðr.

Of course, Syn can't let the moment pass without getting some attention of her own.

Next up, another boy with brown hair, a lighter human skintone, and alien eyes. Höðr.

Finally, a girl that takes a lot after her mother, except for her bright alien eyes. Hretha. And all the names are a little more "difficult" because I'm running out of groups of Nordic deities that have names starting with the same letter. I'm soon gonna have to give that up for multiples.

Aaand the nursery is full up with the triplets.

I was going to curse that someone was on the bike, but a) it's not Helle and b) good on Zisa for maxing out body. I guess.

Maybe Helle is finally normal(ish) again, now that she isn't full of three part alien babies.

Look, she's even getting food for others!

Why you gotta ruin it, Valhalla?

Sorry for the temporary bed, Syn, but this'll be your big girl room soon, anyway! It's not Hretha's fault you're in's also Höðr and Hermóðr's!

What's with Thor's outfit?
I ran out of dapper, okay?

Wow, I'm amazed. It's like pregnant Helle is suicidal and non-pregnant Helle is perfectly functional.

We'll definitely have to have date nights at home, even though we're kind of stuck at home a lot until the kids are all older.

Nice thought, there, Thor. I'm pretty sure she might notice your ulterior motive of having even more children, though.

Good thing Zisa's around to help with Syn...

...cause Thor's got his hands full with the triplet infants.

Because Helle's only somewhat useful at the moment.

...yeah, I really don't think the babies are aware enough to be entertained by your juggling, Helle. Thanks, though.

Yay, Syn's growing older!

Unfortunately, she doesn't appear to have done it well. Sorry, honey, your mother required more attention than you did.

Zisa and Furbolg are continuing their liason, I see...

And here's Syn's makeover. She's qutie a cutie!

It's not your father's fault your mother is insane.'s partially his fault that he married her in the first place, but that's why you exist.

Speaking of someone's fault and offspring existing, looks like they're trying for more.


I...think the baby jingle went off right before the triplets unloaded into their diapers simultaneously.

...I don't know why she's still crying.

Probably because she is still wearing drawers full of her own feces, Helle.

Another morning, another breakfast, another adorable bow tie.

Ah, seems like Helle's pregnant enough to try avoiding food again.


It's a nice quiet day for our couple, as the babies sleep...and I think Syn's occupied...

...ah, this is still her favorite place. I think she's stopped chewing on the blocks.

Mama, it's okay to eat food. It takes lots and lots before you get really fat.

Syn has a point. The three of you are all quite svelte. And obviously, I'm Thor's not going to let you get out of your maternal obligations that easily.

Hretha just likes to scream randomly. Even when any other baby would be perfectly happy. She's well fed, dry, and has been snuggled quite a bit. TIME TO NAP, CHILD

I can't wait until all the babies are big enough to dance.

What, Helle, not juggling?

Oh, look, it's Vesna Magicakes-Bork! I bet she's just walking by because we're starting Gen Purple~

Look. I'm going to eat. Grilled Cheese. Voluntarily.

It's about time!

...I almost hate it when kids age up on the weekend. Syn could be doing so much learning right about now.

Oh, yay, the best time is coming. The time when there are multiple triplets.

Hretha goes first, we've got an adorable purple makeover for you...

Hermóðr is next, we'll just keep him in that hair, it's very age appropriate...

Looks like Hretha's following in the steps of her older sister.

Finally, Höðr...

OH MY GOD. That's Thor's hair.

It's extra ridiculous on a toddler, but I just can't help but keep it. Plus, it'll distract from the fact I've really only got one purple toddler outfit for boys.

The cycle continues...things are gonna go crazy if there's more than one baby again...

Sure, it might look like Helle wants to be close to her husband, but I suspect she's just lingering near where the exercise bike used to be...

Aw, this is kinda adorable. I forgot to pick up the floor blanket that Syn was using, and now Hretha's sharing a room with her big sister.

Wow. Even though poor Thor's stuck feeding all the toddlers, we should all be thankful that Helle's feeding herself.

While I do like my family shots, this one's mainly to show that Thor's got another outfit of the day. Shirtless jeans. Rrowr.

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 5
Perma-Plat Sims: 6
Shrink Visits: 6
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 1
Self-Wettings: 20
Pass-Outs: 27
Fights: 26
Deaths: 7
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 7
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 5

No change in the stats this time. Actually quite amazing, when you think about it--though Helle can't manage to feed herself, she always finds the toilet. Impressive.

If you can't tell already, I've finally got off my butt and posted this, because it's been forever since I've played, and I'd like to do so again. (But I must not have update backlogs, not ever!) So, hopefully, I'll have another update for you soon. It will probably be Laurinces, but I'm really, really going to try to do some a bit faster than these last ones have been.

rainbow, viking death squad, isbi, pixel_trade, bork legacy, willowmere

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