Troublesome Love Puzzle (One shot)

Aug 16, 2011 21:18

Title: Troublesome Love Puzzle
Pairing: YamaChi,InooBu
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: comedy?? romance, a bit angst ...sorry I don't know xD
Summary: On one day Mrs. Yamada's friend visits her and she brings her son with her. Her son Chinen Yuri is same age as Mrs.Yamada's son Ryosuke. At first they didn't came along together too much. Both of them knew, they like each other but both hide it.
(So sorry if the summary is bad.... ^^' )

It was morning. Sunshine came trough the window right on a beatiful boys face. It made him squinted his eyes before opening them. He was all messed up. He had pants on him and uppon body was shirtless.
He walked downstairs and saw a little boy sitting on couch in livingroom. ''who's that?'' he though. After staring at that little boy he walked to the kitcken.
"Ka-Chan~ who's that guy sitting in our liv.." He saw a woman sittin at the table with his mom.
"Ryosuke! Put clothes on! we have a guests after all!" "Sorry you didn't told me anyting that someone will visit us!" Boy got a bit annoyed.
"I told you!" "When!?" "Yesterday when you were eating" "really?" "Yes!"
Yamada lift his head as he remembered what happened yesterday at that moment.
"Ryosuke tommorow will come my old friend to visit us with her son , so please can you be kind and behave well." "mmh" "Ryosuke! blahblahblah" What I will put on? What I will put on!?? wait! Did she said something? pfft whatever, I think it's nothing important...'''
"Maybe you're right..." "Put clothes on and prepare yourself!" "yeah yeah.."
Yamada answered lazily as he walked to a bathroom and prepare himself.He put nice clothes on and walked back to the kitchen
"Happy?" "Yes ! Now please make friends with that boy you saw earlier." "B-but mom! I have a plans!!!" "Ryosuke not buts!" "Fine fine.."

Yamada took his cellphone and called someone as he went to a livingroom.
"Moshi moshi? Hi ,It's me..sorry I can't come today ..Because I have to stay here with a random guy who's a son of my mothers friend!...I don't know! How old are you?" He asked boy. "seventeen" He answered shily. "Hai -17 ..Hey it's not my fault!! yah..see you..bye"
"uwaah~" He sat on the couch, next of where little guy was sitting.
"What's your name?" "Yuri , Chinen Yuri desu" "I see ,Chinen huh?"
"Anou?" "What!?" He answered in annoyed tune. "ettoo...What's your name?" The guy seemed to be really scary to Chinen.
"Yamada.." "Nice to.." Chinen realise Yamada watched at him angrily. He stood and went to kitchen.
"Mom, that guy is scary~!" Chinen whispered. "Don't be afraid.Our Ryoske is really friendly and nice boy! He's just kind a mad because I didn't let him go to movies. Ryosuke!!" She called him "Nanda yo?" He already was leaning on the wall.  "Don't be rude to him!" "Demo!" "Ryosuke! You can go any other day to movies! Just for today ,do something for me, okay?" "Okay..." "Fine! Go out and watch what's around here ne" "Okay..Come Chinen.."

They walked outside.
"So ..what you want to do?" Yamada broke silence. "um..I don't know.." ''oh man..'' Yamada rolled his eyes. "I didn't eat a breakfast because of you... so let's go and have a meal?" "ee"

They came to a MCdonalds.
"I'll take that , what you'll take?" Said Yamada as he pointed at his order.
"I-iya I don't have money." "I pay it" "No you don't need to!" "Choose already!" "um I'll take the same" "Two chicken meal with a Fanta drink and a...?" "Sprite" said Chinen.
Yamada paid for their order while Chinen chose their seats. When Yamada was done with his doings he accompanied Chinen and they waited for their meal together.
"Say , are you always so quiet?" Yamada asked curiously "Often..why?" "That's annoying" ''mou ,sorry that I'm not perfect!!''  "Are you then always so rude to a people you don't know properly!?" Chinen asked him with a trembling voice.
Yamada didn't answerd he just watched at a him with shocked expression. Chinen was kinda mad but when he realise Yamada staring at him he blushed and turn his look away.
"W-What are you watching at?".He asked
"You blushed" He said with pointing his finger at Chinen.
"auww don't watch at me!" Chinen tried to hide his face. Yamada burst into laugh.
"ahahaha I like you!" "What?" Chinen suprised.
Waitress bring their meal.
"Dozo" "arigatou gosaimashita" They thanked. "Itadakimasu~" Both said and started to eat their meal.

After their...Yamada's breakfast Yamada drag Chinen to the park. All benchs at there were full so there wasn't nothing left than sit on the grass. Opposite them was not large but really beautiful pond. If clearly watch, can see little dugs swimming behind plants.
Chinen was so amazed at the beauty he saw. ''How can so tiny place like this be so beautiful?'' This simple sentence filled his mind.
"Ne you know, I always come here when I don't feel good.This place is so calm.I can properly think about my problems and other stuffs here.." Yamada explained to Chinen as he smiled and watched at the park.
"Why are you telling me this?" Chinen turn his look at Yamada
"Actually, I don't know..I just feel like I can tell you these things" "That's stupid" "huh?" His expression changed fast as he watched Chinen. "Telling things like that to a random people..that's stupid" "You're annoying after all.."

Suddenly they felt little brops falling at them.
"I think we should go.." Said Yamada "yeah.." Chinen agreed.
A little rain changed into a big storm. Boys ran as fast as they could home.When they finally were there ,they realised that there wasn't no one inside the house. Yamada saw a paper on the table where was told that his mom and Mrs. Chinen went to her another friend.
Yamada turned back. When he did so he didn't saw Chinen anywhere. "Chinen? Doko wa?" He called Chinen and no answer from him.Yamada went to seach for him."Come on Chinen! where are you!?" He walked to a living room. He saw Chinen sitting in corner his hands around his legs.
"Eeh~!? Are you scared because of that little storm!?" "I'm not!" Chinen protested.
Suddenly lights turned off. Yamada sreamed.
"Eeh~ Are you afraid of darkness~?" Chinen wondered. "Damare!" Yamada shout to him.

Yamada stood with his palms on his ears when sudden he felt pair of hands hugging him.
"Wha! What the heck are you doing!!?" "I try to calm you" "Why would you!? Anyway Let go of me NOW!!" He pushed Chinen off as at the same time light turned back on.
"Mou we're guys after all!!" "I-I just wanted to.." Lightning struck made Chinen cut his words. He closed his ears and knelt. It looked like he was about to cry. ''You're kidding me!!?''
"Heeey stop crying. You're a man after all hey.." Yamada tried to calm him but it didn't helped. ''Don't tell me I have to do that!' He watched at Chinen and he felt so sorry.maah okay... ''No one will sees it so...'' Yamada hugged him. "It'll be over soon." He stroked Chinen's little head. ''His hair is so fluffy''

Storm didn't stopped.Both of them fell asleep as they hugged each other.
After while storm stopped. Both boys mothers returned.
"Ma~ ma~ ma~ what's going on here?" Mrs. Yamada wondered as she saw this coulpe.
"How sweet~" Mrs.Chinen said. She walked towards them and then stroked Chinen's head to wake him up. "Yuri ,we have to go now" She whispered. "I don't want to~" Said Yuri half asleepen. "Come Yuri" "Hai...are?" Yamada was hugging him too thighty that he couldn't move.

"Tadaimaa~!!" Someone came home. It was Ryosuke's older sister.
"Um I can't move~!"
She noticed Yamada holding Chinen so she went to help him. "Ryosukee~ wake up~" She said sweetly at first. When Yamada gave no reaction at this, her expression changed as she shout in his ear. "RYOSUKE!!!" Which made Yamada jump up.
"Ne-Chan~ why you did that!?" He shout at her.
"You almost killed that innocent little baby! You were hugging him too thight that he couldn't move!"  She shout back pointing at Chinen who was watching their fight.
"I didn't!" "Yes you DID!" Yamada blushed and turn his head on side. "I didn't.." He mumled

Chinen and his mom were putting their clothes on.
"Hey Chinen?" Yamada called him. "Yes?" "I can't find my phone, can I call with yours on it?" "Sure" Chinen gave yamada his phone. Yamada called. He heard his Kinki Kids's ringtone and walked towards sound."Nee-Chan! Why you took it!?" He grabbed his phone from her hand.
"What the!?? You gav..." His sister wondered as she was saying that Yamada gave it to her himself but Yamada luckily for his own sake cut her with stepping on her feet. Then he gave Chinen back his phone.
"Ne Chinen" "Yes?" "When lights turned off...You didn't heard anything!!! And just try to tell someone what happened! I swear I'll kill you if someone get to know about it!" "Don't worry" Chinen smiled and walked outside with his mom.
''Why he's so kind to me? Mou don't think about it Ryosuke!!''
Yamada walked upstairs to his room. ''Keekee~ Now I have his phone number~ hmmm eto 'seivu' (save).Ehee Now if I'll get his piture~ hmhmmm. Ah! got a message!" Yamada wondered as he checked his received text folder.

- Hi Yamada-Kun! About earlier, I know that you didn't lost your phone then. You could just ask for my number if you wanted.
   Anyway I sent you my picture (^_^) So you always can see me if I call you~
   P.S Sent me your picture,ne? ( ; -

Yamada turned SO red. ''EMBARASSIING~!!!!!!''. He sent Chinen his photo with a message
 - How did you know?
  Sorry about it... And yeah, here's my picture. -
- I saw how you gave it to your sister.^^ -
 It's okay, don't worry about it.^^ -
- Sou ka... Un. -
- What you're doing tomorrow? :) -
- Nothing..why?  -
- Because of me you didn't went to movies today, so I thouht do you want to go with me tommorow? -
- Ah okay, why not. Let's meet at the park we were today at the same time ,kay? -
- Okey~ ^^ -

On next morning.Yamada put his kinda thighty jeans and green shirt with long sleees on.
"Ohayo To-Chan~" Yamada greet his father as he walked past him.
"Ohayou.Why are you so happy? something happened?" "Nothing special.." Yamada put his shoes and went to the park. He sat on bentch while waiting for Chinen .His phone rang.
He dag it from his pocket. ''Ah! It's Chinen'''
"Moshi moshi? Chinen?" "Yamdaa~ save mee~!" "What happened!?" "I'm lost~" ''Oh man..'' Yamada thought as he shook his head.
"Where are you? What do you see around you?" "Eto..Here's a red postbox and a pet shop" "I know that place, wait me there" "okay" Both closed their phones.
mou what's wrong with him?


"Ohayou Kaa-San~!" "Ohayou Yuri! You're early today" "Hai! I'm going to movies with Yamada-Kun!" "Oh~ that's good.'' She said as she gave breakfast to Chinen.
Chinen ate it and went to choose clothes in his room for today.
''Hmm what should I put huh? ..maybe this one? no it's too short..what about this ?'' He threw the clothes from closet.
''Ah! This is good'' Chinen found a grey jersey. ''hmm..I think I'll put those jeans'' He put clothes on and watched at himself in a mirror
"It's good"
"I'll go now!" "Have a nice trip!"
Chinen was jumping to the park. ''What!? This is wrong place! Maybe I should go there?'' He changed his direction. ''This is not it either! I'm lost~~!! Yabai ne~ Maybe if I ask someone?''
"Anou sumimasen" He saw old lady. "Hai?" "um emm no it's nothing ,sorry" Chinen said waving his hands walking slowly away.
He sighed as he took his phone and started to type his number. ''answer!answer!answer!answer!answer! "moshi moshi ,Chinen?

Calm down Chinen~ He'll be here soon! This place is scary~!
"Hey you!" someone shout. "B-Boku?" Chinen said as he pointed at himself. "Yes you! What you're doing here alone ,huh?" Two guys came to Chinen.One of them put his hand around his shouder. "H-hanase!" "Or what you'll do?" 'Yamada tasuketee~!''
"I-I'll call the police!" "With this?" Other guy took his phone from his hand. "Give it back!" Chinen tried to take it but guy was too tall for him. "HEY!!" They heard someone shouting. They turned to watch who it was and...
"Yama-Chan!!" Chinen shout for him with full of happiness. Thank god he came right on that time.

"Who are you?" One of those guys asked. "It's none of your bussiness! Let go of him!" "And what you'll do if I won't"
Yamada took onto guys shirt and threatened him.
"Better to let him go or I'll kick your asses!" "wha wha, calm down. It was only a joke" "Give the phone back!!" He watched at other one.Guy did what Yamada told him.
"Now get Lost!!" Boys ran away in panic.Other people just watched at how stupid they looked.
"Yama-Chan! Arigato~u" Chinen rushed to hug him. "Haha douita~!" He stroked his head. Chinen release his hug and they walked to movies.

"We're not that close so don't call me 'Yama-Chan' " "Gomen.." Chinen walked behind Yamada. '
'close to hug but not to call him 'Yama-Chan' huh? He's weird...but for some reason ..I like him'''
"Am I weird?" Chinen asked all sudden. "Yes" What a question!??
Yamada saw he was sad. "But you know..weird is not bad" "huh?" "It means that you're different. And it's a good thing ,right?" ''Yama-Chan..'' Chinen was touched. "What's with that look!?"

-In movies-

"What movie we'll watch?" Yamada asked. "Hmmm etoo how about this one!?" "That's for childrens Chinen..." "So what?" "We're 17 years old guys are going to watch animated film for 'Childrens' " "I'll buy large popcorn" "Okay!"

-In hall-

''Here are only little kids...'' Yamada watched around the hall. Chinen was waiting exiting movie to start with a large eyes and eating popcorn. ''Yappari he's different'' Yamada smiled.
"Mite mite! It's Yamada-Kun!!" Yamada heard from the back.He turned he's head and saw two girls. They notice that he's watching at them so they tried to hide their faces.Movie started and Yamada turned his head back.''What follows after this...?'' He sighed.


"Tanoshikatta ne~" Chinen said as they walked outside the hall. "Ee" Yamada smiled at him.
"What's tomorrow?" Chinen asked. "I'm going to festival with my friends" "Can I come too?" "Emm..I don't think.." "Yuri!? Is it you!??" Someone cut him. "What!?" He turned around. "Man~ It is you~!!" "Yabu-Kun!!" Chinen jumped at him.
"Haha nice to see you~ By the way what are you doing here?" Chinen let go of him.
"I was watching movie with my friend. Yabu-Kun this is Yamada, Yamada Yabu-Kun." Chinen introduced them to each other
"Nice to meet you" Yabu streched his hand. "Yeah". Yamada shoke it.
"Tomorrow's festival, would you like to come with me, Yuri?" "Su.." He was saying sure but then Yamada suspend him. "He'll go with me" "Oh I see.." "Yabu-Chan ,are you coming?" Someone called him. "Yes ,wait a little bit more, okay Kei-Chan?" He replied to a guy who called him. "un" 
"Well..I have to go now.. Maybe we'll see at festival! Jya ne~"
"Hai! Jya ne!"

Chinen stared at Yamada with a wide smile. "Nani??" "So we're going to festival together ,ne" "mm ee.."
They went out and sat on the bench.
"Anou.." Yamada started converstation. "hai?" "Who was that guy..?" "He's my boyfriend" "Oh..." "Just kidding." Chinen said with pushing his tongue out. "He's my cousin."
"Let's buy an ice cream?" Chinen suggested "I don't have a money.." "I'll pay it~! You paid last time so today is my turn to pay back" "un"

Chinen took his walliet and watched inside it.
"Oh daamn!!" "What is it?" "Here will sufficient only for one ice cream" "buy to yourself" "No! what flavor you want?" "Ichigo" "One ichigo please".

Chinen paid for ice cream and gave it to Yamada.They went back to their seat.
Yamada was eating ice cream and Chinen watched at ice cream with a large puppy eyes and biting his bottom lip. Yamada couldn't watch anymore at Chinens suffering so he gave a bit to him too.
Chinen wasn't so careful, he dropped ice cream on himself. Yamada took a paper from his pocket and wiped it.
''He cares a lot of me.. such a good friend ne''
"Ne Yamada" "yes?" He answered as he tried to get ice cream off of Chinen's clothes.
"Can I call you 'Yama-Chan'?" "Um, well..okay" "Yattaa~" Chinen said as he lift his arms.
"You can call me 'Chii' " He blinked to him "I prefer 'Chinen' more"
"Do what you want..There's a one hour time. What would we do ,Yama-Cha~n?" "Don't repeat it always ,okay?" "Haha okay. What if we visit our house?" "okay"

They came to Chinen's home.Chinen said that he have to do something and that Yamada can go to his room.He walked in there and saw so many fluffy toys. ''NANI KORE WA!?? Did I went to a right room..?''
"I'm here~!" "Ch-Chinen..are those all...yours?" ''please don't tell me that they are'' "no" ''oh thank god!''
"Only this one is not mine ,it's my sisters" ''Are you kidding?'' 
"Why do you have so many?" "They all are so cute~ Do you want one!? I can give to you~ Please take this~" Chinen chose a raccoon toy and gave it to him. "It looks like you~" ".. arigatou..."
*pipipi* They heard sound coming from Chinen's pocket. He got a message.
He read it with a big smile."YATTAA~!!!!" "What?" "My mom got tickets on Arashi no konsaato!! yattaa!!" "You like Arashi" "Un! Daisuki! especially Ohno-kun!!! Suki! Suki!" Yamada had nothing to say so he just smiled at him.

*phone rings* This time it was Yamada's.
"Moshi moshi?'' He answered it. ''...why!?...okay... bye. I have to go now.. " "Okay...see you then on festival.."Un~!".

Yamada wear his shoes and walked to his house with big raccoon toy that Chine gave him. ''Uwaah this is embarassing~ what people will think? a guy walking with a fluffy toy..''
"Mite mite! How sweet~" ''huh?'' He saw some girls passing him."I want my boyfriend to give me cute toys too!! or if I had such a good big brother like him!! This is so unfair!!" ''Haha ! Maybe this is not that bad ne ~''

"Tadaima" Yamada greet as he closed outside door.
"Okaeli Lyosuke~!" His little sister greet him.
"Kyaa ! Kawaii! Is it fol me~? Nii-Chan ga daisukii" She noticed Yamada holding a toy and tried to take it from him.
"Hey Hey Hey! Slow down ! This is mine!" Yamada stopped her by holding her head.
"Mo~u Lyosuke!! " "Lyosuke ja nai yo!!" "Hmmpff!"
Yamada went to his room. ''I don't look like a raccoon! ..or do I..?'' He fell asleep hugging that toy.


-At Festiva on evening-

''There he is!''
"Yama-Chan~" Chinen waved to him. "Hi~'' Yamada waved back. ''These are my friends. Chinen this is Yuto,Daiki and Yuya"
"Yoroshiku" They said.
They all are so cool, just like Yama-Chan!'' 
"You're cute~" Daiki said. "Arigatou" Chinen can't helped, he just smiled at them.
"Wanna be my boyfriend~?" He moved closer to him. "Eeh!!?"  "Dai-Chan stop fooling around!" Yamada hit Daiki to head.
"What!!? I'm serious!" . . "Oh..I got it..You like him.." Daiki teased Yamada and at him with an evil smile.
"Wh-what are you saying!? I don't like annoying children!!" He shout at Daiki.
"That was bad said.." Said Yuto.

Chinen walked away without saying anything.
"Ch-Chinen!! I didn't meant that!!" Yamada said as he ran after him.
"Does 'annoying child' have another meaning!?" Chinen turned around "I'm really sorry!" "I thought you like me..looks like I was wrong.."
He continued his walking. Yamada watched at how Chinen walks away.He didn't know what to do.He wanted to run and hug him saying he's sorry so many times until he forgives him but he freezed at the place he was standind.


Yamada threw his boots and went to his room. His sister came in there because she was worried of her little brother.
"Ryosuke?" She said.
"Leave me alone!!" She walked out without bothering him.
''What's wrong with me!?'' Yamada took his phone and tossed it.Then it rang. -Chinen Yuri- He watched.Phone rang only for a moment then it stopped.


Chinen ran home. He went to his room and sat in a corner, legs bent with holding them.He took his phone and watched at it.
''Am I crazy?''
He called Yamada. ''He should to be that one who calls me but...wait! I don't even know what to say..'' He closed his phone.

Days passed. Yamada and Chinen didn't contacted.
After a month Chinen called him again.

"Hai?" "Tasuketeee!!!"  "W-what happened Chinen?" ''It's Yama-chan? uwaa I don't care if just someone save me~~!/''
"I don't know where I am!! I'm so scared! Here's so dark! I can't see anything! Please save me~!" He cried.
"W-wait there! Don't go anywhere!!" Yamada closed his phone and rushed to find Chinen.
''Where he might be!? Here is dark! Wait Chinen I'm coming! Just wait for me!''

Yamada didn't know where he was running .He just ran where his feet directed him. Somehow he felt that Chinen is there where he was running to.
"CHINEEN!!!??" He shout loud. "Yama-Chan~" He heard answer from him.
"Where are you~!?" "Behind you.." "Oh Chinen ,thank god you're alive!!!" He hugged him. "I wasn't about to die ..I've just lost..."
"Why your mood changed to that!?....Oh I got it...Chinen" He release his hug and took Chinen's hands into his. "I'm so sorry for what happened then..will you forgive me?"
"No..." "W-why?" "You don't like such a child like me.." "Why then you called me if you know that I don't like you!?" "I just called someone to save me..First time I called my grandma but she lives in Holland so..."
"Anyway..Why would I came here if I wouldn't like you!?" "I don't know..." "I wouldn't find you if I wouldn't like you!" Chinen gave no answer. "Fine! You don't seem to need my help ,I'm going back home!" Yamada turned and walked away.
"You can't leave me here alone like that!!!" Chinen shout to him but Yamada kept walking.

"I hate you" Those words made him stop. ''I hate you'' That sentence replied in his mind again and again. He couldn't move. The sentence he was so afraid to hear. He felt the same way when Chinen walked away from him back then but this time this hurted him much more.
He leaned his head down.Tear dropped from his eyes.'
'What I'll do? Here's no continue after this..'' On his mind he was in a panic.
Chinen just stood and stared at him. ''Is he...crying?'' He leaned his head on the side so maybe he could see better.

"Baka!" Yamada finally said. '
'What?'' Chinen thought.
Yamada turned and walked back to Chinen.
"I came here because you were in trouble! I came here although I'm afraid of dark! I came here because of you! You're right I don't like you!! I love you!"
"If you love me then why ...why you didn't called me?...went a month and you DIDN'T CALLED ME!!! why!? " He started crying.
"I was afraid that you reject me.."
Both of them were quiet.

"You don't hate me ,don't you? You said it just because to stop me , right?" Yamada asked him, hoping he was right.
"Baka! Of course I don't!! I could never hate did you know that?" "You called me 'Yama-Chan' "
"ehehee~" Chinen showed his tongue. "I'm really Really sorry Chinen. Will you forgive me?" "I will"  Chinen hugged him.
"I love you too Yama-Chan." Yamada lift his chin.He started to move himself down to kiss Chinen "I love you more than anything" he kissed him.
After sweet kiss they hugged each other tighty. Yamada took Chinen's hand and they walked to teir own houses.


This would be my 1st fan fiction ever. :D
Please, comment what you liked about it ,ne? :)
I'm sorry if this is not good enough... m(_ _)m
And sorry if you don't understand my english and for little mistakes! :''D

pg-13, humor, yamachii, romance, angst

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