The Motel

Jul 30, 2006 03:12

The van grinds to a halt in the motel’s car park, and Sands is out of it almost before it’s stopped moving, staggering as his feet hit the ground. The sandy, dusty, still considerably deserty ground.

His scowl deepens and, rubbing at his sore wrists, he heads towards the motel. Whether anyone follows him or not is of no concern.

santino, minivan, mal, oom, random

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Comments 205

oldromansaint July 30 2006, 02:22:08 UTC
Not waiting for another moment's notice, the travellers exited the vehicle, dragging their baggage with them, exhausted.

They moved into the motel as a raggard whole, individually purchasing rooms and dispersing into them.

Ramon and Random into theirs, Sands and Mal into theirs, and finally Santino into his.

Tonight was a night of much needed rest.


underwater_owl July 30 2006, 02:24:54 UTC
Tonight was a night for the reunited.

But Random, following a hunch, kisses Ramon before his lover goes into the shower, and slips out to knock on someone elses door.


oldromansaint July 30 2006, 02:27:41 UTC
"Come in." The masculine voice of Santino the Vampire. With a flick of the Mind Gift, the door swung open.

Santino was seated at a small desk, writing with inhuman speed across several sheets of paper.


underwater_owl July 30 2006, 02:28:46 UTC
"I'd rather go walking, if you don't mind."

There are some things that don't bear listening to.

And like we said. He's following a hunch.


oldromansaint July 30 2006, 02:29:44 UTC
"Me too." Santino replied, eventually, putting down the pen. The Vampire stood with a near-weary smile and walked to Random's side.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:28:31 UTC
Mal stops just inside the door, turning to face Sands.

"I found you."

Soft, and wondering.


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:35:23 UTC
He’d dropped down onto the bed immediately, not even bothering to kick off his shoes as his eyes shut.

But they open again at that, and he offers her a faint smile.

“Didn’t think you would?”

It’s almost not a question.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:36:48 UTC
"I guess - no."


"You okay?"


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:41:51 UTC
“I’m tired. I’m sore. I got dragged through worlds by a crazy old man, and then spent three days tied to a chair.”

He pauses, and then sits back up, peering around the room.

“Where’s the booze?”


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